The Pirate Family

459 Chapter 453: Legend

Zhuan Yuan\'s first reaction was whether he and Jasmine were sold by Ron. He wanted to take the heads of the two lieutenants as his "voting certificate."

Zhuan Yuan almost resisted his urge to curse, but instead grasped the hilt of his famous sword "Jin Piro", ready to shoot at any time.

"Don\'t be afraid, I will not betray you" Lorne said with a smile as if he didn\'t feel Zhuan Yuan\'s killing intent.

"After all, the title of Qiwuhai under the king is still useful to me. It is not good for me to betray you at funerals."

"Your Excellency Lorne is right," the giant female lieutenant Jasmine also put down the book in her hand and said slowly.

"If you want to betray the two lieutenants and want to board the white beard boat, it would be too whimsical."

"After all, the traitor is what that man hates most."

Sure enough, she is a woman who likes to read, and she is different from someone who has no brains like Zhuan Yuan.

Lorne nodded, expressing his approval of Jasmine\'s words.

"I just want to pay homage to that living legend."

He has seen the famous Four Emperors, Shiji, Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido. Only the most powerful and lowest-profile white beard is left, and he has not had a chance to fight.

Unlike the other emperors, White Beard was suffering from injuries, and his physical condition was getting worse every day. Ron didn\'t want to wait for himself to reach that level, but he appeared in front of him as a late old man.

Now that he has the opportunity, of course he wants to see it.

Zhuan Yuan\'s expression slowed down, and she silently closed the knife. She was just dazzled by the momentary excitement.At this time, when Jasmine said it, she wanted to understand.

Lorne may be a pathological lunatic, a dizzy profit-seeker who was deceived by Roger\'s words, but he is definitely not a fool.

At least not now.

"Tell me about this living legend," Lorne sat on the edge of the upper deck of the giant ship, just enough to meet Jasmine who was sitting on the lower deck.

"I am very curious about him."

"Whitebeard, formerly named Edward Newgate," Jasmine said slowly. The man, even the navy, who was his opponent, felt sincerely admired.

"He can be said to be one of the oldest pirates in this sea."

"He first followed the sleepless hunter Haidonger. You may not know this person. He was a large pirate long ago. After the disintegration of the giant pirate group, he briefly notified the great route for a period of time, and was later defeated by the overlord Locks. ."

"Later Locks came to this sea, and the captains under his command were monsters among monsters."

"Two more famous people, one named Kaido and the other named Charlotte Lingling."

"White Beard complied with Haidonger\'s last wish and did not choose to avenge him. During the time Locks ruled this sea, he has been wandering around the world without causing any major incidents."

"Later Locks died in the hands of Mr. Karp and caused a major earthquake on this sea. During this earthquake, a group of forces rose from the city to the city." Jasmine took a sigh of relief, her expression somewhat complicated. Glancing at Lorne.

"He is your father, Wienhill Caesar and Red Earl Redfield."

"They are superstars in troubled times, and the other heroes are eclipsed in front of them." Jasmine said slowly. At that time, she was still a little girl, but even in the remote Elbuff, she could listen to it. To the legend of the two of them.

"They rose up like a comet, and died like a comet. About twenty years ago, after that happened, the two of them suddenly disappeared."

"After the only person who can crush them disappears, the heroes of this sea are ready to move. They are fighting for the new world and impressing each other in war. The entire great sea route is shrouded in smoke."

"Kaido and Charlotte Lingling rose up in these troubled times. Except for a few veteran forces, and the infamous Golden Lion Shiji at the time, almost no one could compete with them."

"These two people have almost carved up the entire new world with their monster-like strength. Everyone thinks that the post-Locks era is coming."

"Even they themselves think so. They set their decisive battle on a small island in the second half of the new world. Whoever wins will become the new king."

"But neither of them won, right." Lorne probably guessed the plot.

"Yes, because the island they fought against had no name. They couldn\'t pay the initial fee to join the world government and became an illegal land. So we also call it an illegal island."

"And this illegal island is the hometown of Baibeard, when his pirate group was resting on this island."

"The battle between Kaido and Charlotte Lingling almost destroyed this island. At this moment, White Beard took action."

"No one knows what the outcome of that battle was. After the battle, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling retired directly and never mentioned it."

"The island of lawlessness is also safe and sound."

"However," there was a trace of fear in Jasmine\'s eyes.

"Kaido has cultivated for a year before appearing in front of the world again,"

"A huge wound appeared in his abdomen. That is to say, Kaido\'s vitality is strong. If it is an ordinary person, this wound can almost kill him."

"So far, this sea has heard of the name White Beard for the first time."

"Stepping on the upper ranks of the two emperors is worthy of a living legend." Lorne smiled slightly, and he could almost imagine how magnificent the scene where White Beard was one enemy two at that time.

The old white beard is so domineering, how terrible he should be when he was young.

As expected, he was the man who made Kaido feel resentful, but didn\'t dare to act in person.

"Fortunately, White Beard has no intention of power. If he and Kaido and the others are pursuing the position of One Piece, our navy might be unemployed."

Zhuan Yuan said quietly, although it was a joke, it also reflected the navy\'s view of Baibeard.

"But his character is very clear, as long as he doesn\'t sin against him, he won\'t bother you at all."

"It\'s almost an iron law in this sea that you can\'t kill the white beard crew."

"Do you mean the white beard crew member?"

Lorne suddenly raised his eyebrows and pointed to the distant sea. A small boat with a white beard skull pirate flag was floating on the sea.

A man full of bullet holes was struggling in the bow of the boat, and the blood was flowing.

And behind him, a huge ship like a fortress on the sea is chasing him, just like,

The cat plays with the mouse.