The Pirate Family

456 Chapter 450-Lorne's Crazy Idea

Ainilu took off his robe, revealing his sturdy upper body. There was a huge wound on his chest, which was cut all the way from his left shoulder to his right abdomen, which was extremely crippled.

"Huh, I can finally take this thing off." Ainilu wears two silver-white metal bracelets on his hands. This is a bracelet made by the family using high-purity sea iron in order to limit the ability of those with abilities. , No matter how strong the ability is, after wearing this bracelet, it is no different from ordinary people.

"It seems that you have encountered a lot of things when you went out this time." Moorman turned around and glanced at the horrible wound on Ainilu\'s body for a moment.

"I met a very powerful swordsman named Oo, the swordsman of death. It seems that he was released from the city by Lorne."

Ainilu found a comfortable posture, sat on the chair, and said lazily.

"But I killed him."

"But it doesn\'t matter." Ainilu raised his brow.

"I heard that Lorne almost died during the period I left?"

"Yeah." Moorman nodded. He didn\'t intend to hide from the members of the family.

"Young Master was pitted by Huo and Yaze\'s gang to an island full of explosives. Although Huo was killed, Yaze was still allowed to run away."

"Tsk tusk tusk, he can still run away, it shows that Ya Ze has a good skill."

"During the execution of the war, he really hid his hand."

"His ability is a bit weird, it is not easy to catch him under normal circumstances."

Morman stood up and loosened his somewhat numb legs.

"So Young Master has set a trap, and I need Lord Ainilu\'s help."


In the laboratory of sky, a group of scientists in white coats are staring nervously at the electronic screen in front of them and recording data.

In front of them was a naked test subject. Although they had done this kind of cloning experiment countless times, the countless times added up were not as important as this one.

Because the body of this clone is their big gold master, the young master of the Vennhill family,

"10% arousal..."

The mechanical female voice said coldly, and immediately several experimenters began to operate the keyboard in front of them.

"everything is normal."

"The awakening level is 30%..."

The emerald green liquid in the culture dish of the clone slowly drained out, revealing the pale skin of the clone.

"The awakening level is 50%..."

The clone\'s index finger moved slightly.

"70% arousal..."

"Vital signs are normal, without any accidents, and the expected Dao Power Index is 5-10." An experimenter reported to Jiazhi.

Dao power is an index adopted by the Navy to measure a person\'s physical fitness. The power index of an ordinary adult is 10 points.

In other words, the clone lying in the petri dish at this time is not as good as an ordinary person.

"90% arousal"

The person in the petri dish suddenly opened his eyes and began to look at the surrounding environment blankly.

"Is the training successful?"

A lazy male voice rang behind Kaji, and Lorne walked to the petri dish and began to look at the clone that looked exactly like himself.

"Yes, you can start the second phase of the experiment at any time!" Kaji replied respectfully, but his tone couldn\'t stop excited.

He had only learned about Lorne\'s crazy idea before. If he succeeded, he would leave an indelible monument in the history of science. Even Begapunk could not be compared with himself.

"Then as soon as possible."

Lorne lay down in a petri dish next to him, letting the experimenter fill the thin tube all over his body.Then he connected the other end of the thin tube to the ignorant clone.

"God creation plan begins!" Jia Zhi couldn\'t contain his excitement, he wanted to start this miracle with his own hands.


The clone uttered a scream, but since the vocal cords had not been used at all, the scream was more like the whisper of a beast.

"The erasure of the will begins," Kage touched a red button in front of him, and countless tiny currents passed through the thin tube to the clone\'s body.

The clone began to struggle fiercely, but his weak body couldn\'t get rid of the restraints at all.

Slowly, his body struggled more and more wretched, and finally lay motionless in the petri dish. If it weren\'t for his chest to fluctuate, others might think that he was dead.

"Start the assimilation of consciousness!" Gaj shouted!

Lorne next to him snorted coldly, and his perception spread out like never before, like a god looking down on the earth, taking in the entire sky city.

Then it seemed to fall again. Lorne felt that his body was out of control, and the whole person could not stop falling.

Keep falling and falling, as if going to fall into hell.

I don\'t know how long it took before Lorne opened his eyes suddenly, but what appeared before his eyes was not a familiar scene, but like a photo taken from two different places, and then overlapped.

This dizziness made Ron\'s head a little bit painful, and he sat up directly, holding his forehead.


"How are you." Gage walked over and asked with concern. It wasn\'t that he was loyal to Lorne, it was because once something happened to Lorne, the Vennhill group of guys would definitely tear themselves apart. of.

"Has the experiment been successful?"

Lorne still remembered his purpose, but he felt his voice a little hoarse, and his throat hurt when he spoke.

"It seems, succeeded."

An experimenter stared at Lorne blankly, pointed his finger at Lorne\'s body and said.

At this time, Lorne noticed that he was lying naked in the petri dish. Next to him, there was a person who looked exactly like him.

The two of them looked at each other through the petri dish.


"Are all indicators normal."

Lorne sat in the conference room and looked at the report in Gage\'s hands. This was the experimental data he had just tested.

Next to him, another Lorne was wearing a thin white shirt and was peeling an apple with a knife.

It\'s just that he doesn\'t seem to be very used to it, and the apple peel has been cut off a lot.

"How do you feel now?" Gage looked at the two Lorns and asked excitedly.

This is the highest masterpiece of his life.

"How do you feel?" Lorne, who was peeling the apple, stopped the movement in his hand, and looked around as if.

"It\'s like a person, controlling two computers at the same time, and the computer screens are overlapped."

"However," said Lorne, who was wearing a black cloak.

"My idea has been reached initially, now it\'s time to try that one thing."

Lorne clapped his hands, and his men immediately brought a plate with a fruit on the plate.

A fruit with weird lines and a heart-like appearance.