The Pirate Family

454 Chapter 448 "Destiny"

A sneeze.

Lorne sat in the family residence on Sdeou Island and suddenly sneezed.Garrett next to him immediately asked worriedly if he had a cold.

"Someone should be cursing me secretly." Lorne said nonchalantly.

"We continue."

"Oh." Garrett took out a deck of playing cards, randomly drew one out and placed it on the table.

"Keep guessing and try."

These cards are specially made by the family, and the weight and size of each card are exactly the same, it is impossible to tell from the outside.

"Three of spades." Lorne said his own judgment after a period of thought.His fruit ability is to strengthen his five senses and the ability to steal targets. Therefore, when facing dead objects such as poker and dice, he does not exude a breath. If he can\'t judge by the sound of landing, he Just borrow Garrett\'s eyes to "see" what this card is.

But now even Garrett doesn\'t know it, and Lorne can\'t use trickery.

Garrett turned over the card. Although there was a three on it, it was a club three.

"It\'s a little too close." Lorne touched his head, a little embarrassed. According to probability theory, the probability of guessing the hole card from the same 51 playing cards is quite small. In fact, this is already Lorne\'s fifteenth loss to Garrett.

Although it was very different from the beginning, it has been a considerable improvement now that you can guess the suit or number, but if you lose, you lose, and Lorne doesn\'t want to deny it.

"This is already the fifteenth promise you lost to me, and you won\'t be allowed to stay up all night!" Garrett said proudly, "I think about it, what the next promise is."

Because he was going to sea to Elbaff, Lorne during this period of time was busy and spent a rare time with Garrett.

When proposing this game of who lost and who made promises, Garrett actually had her own thoughts. She knew what Caesar had left him, and vaguely guessed what Caesar was doing dangerously, and did not want Lorne to participate in it. .

But with Lorne\'s character, how could he stand by when his family was in trouble.So Garrett wanted to win Lorne a promise to let him listen to Caesar at a critical time.

The preparations are almost complete, let him make that promise next time you win against him.

Garrett thought about it, then drew a poker from the deck and placed it in front of Lorne.

"Continue to guess?"

"By the way, how long is there to prepare for Albuff\'s sailing?" Lorne did not directly guess the card, but asked first.

"Sister Lola said that to build a boat that can take Sister Jasmine, the workload is too great. Even if the factory in the house runs at full capacity, it will take a while." Garrett said slowly. En has been asking this question, we can see how urgent he wants to go to Elbaff.

It was definitely impossible to pass through the Neptune lair in the windless zone with a raft alone, and Ron didn\'t want to go out of the way this time.

"However, it must be completed by the end of next week. Sister Lola told me this." Garrett said slowly. She understood Lorne\'s feelings, but it was because of her understanding that she was worried.

"Will it be the weekend next week." Lorne secretly guessed that by then Gage\'s clone was almost completed.The time is just right.He didn\'t think much, and began to perceive the cards Garrett placed on the table.

"Square..." When Lorne wanted to talk about Cube A, there was a feeling in it, he blurted out without even thinking about it.

"Box K."

Garrett\'s face changed slightly, but when she lifted the card away, the smile on her face completely solidified.

Because the one placed on the table is a square K.

"Finally won." Lorne took a long breath, touched Garrett\'s head, and said with a smile.

"Then Xiaojia promised me that it would be fine to hide behind me in danger in the future, don\'t try to be aggressive."

"A real man never exposes his own woman to any danger."

"Oh." Garrett replied in despair, is this the fate in the dark?She has seen in a certain classic that the four kings of playing cards represent the four emperors in ancient times.

And this square K represents the one in the legend.

Emperor Caesar!

Lorne didn\'t think much, and played a few more games with Garrett. He didn\'t know if it was because of the circumstance that he could see his hole cards. They all won.She also made a few small promises.


Great route, new world, bubble island.

A small boat arrived at the port of this prosperous island.A man in a cloak got off the boat.

The cloak covered his whole body, leaving only his short blond hair and a pair of unusually long earlobes.

"Is Bubble Island changed so much?" The man murmured to himself. When he left this place, Bubble Island was just beginning to take shape, but he did not expect that it has now become the premier island in the New World.Vaguely becoming the economic center of the first half of the New World.

The man smiled, without thinking, walked to the newsstand on the street and took a newspaper and read it.

Although the newspaper industry in this world is monopolized by "Big News" Morgans\' "World Economic News", the number of news birds is limited after all. It is impossible to distribute newspapers to everyone\'s hands, so many small ones have been born. Newspaper company.

The main business of these small companies is to copy and sort out the news of the "World Jing".

"So after I left, did so many big things happen?" The man read the newspaper as he walked toward the center of the city, and smiled after seeing some news. "That guy Lorne almost died in Asia. Ze\'s hand?"

The newspaper read "shocking conspiracy! Conjecture about the Slanka explosion."

It was written in a proverbial tone above that it was not the duel between the two top swordsmen that destroyed Slanka, but someone led them there in an attempt to annihilate those famous strong men in one fell swoop.

The object of the guess was the Yaze who was offered a reward by Lorne.

As a senior cadre of the Wienhill family, he directly saw the essence of the "Slanka Big Bang" news.Lorne should have been waved by Yaze Yin, otherwise he would not be so angry to issue a reward of one billion Baileys.

At this time, a handsome man with long blonde hair and a woman with red hair and earphones passed by the man. A group of slaves with a distressed look followed them behind them, and they saw that they had gained something in the slave market.

Like a big gain.

The two men looked at each other, and then left each.