The Pirate Family

451 Chapter 445: Lieutenant General of the Giant Race

"His Lord Qiwuhai, hello." The giant female named Jasmine stepped down from the floating object, stood in front of Ron, and offered a military salute.

"May I ask what I can help you." Jasmine tilted her head and asked with some doubts.After the Stone Kingdom incident, the navy was hit hard and had to disperse most of its forces to the four seas in order to suppress the chaotic four seas.Jasmine originally thought that she had come out to deal with a vicious pirate, or annihilate some sea king, but she didn\'t expect to come to see this famous king, Qiwuhai.

Didn\'t Warring States tell her in detail?

Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly, and it was impossible for Warring States to make such a careless mistake.He didn\'t tell Jasmine his purpose, there must be some reason.

"Oh, that\'s it." Lorne didn\'t change his face, but smiled.

"I have long admired Albuff\'s sturdy people, strong national strength, and aspirations but have nowhere to go, so I want you to lead me."

Because of the mutual trade, his relationship with the Navy is not too bad, and Lorne promised not to wreak havoc in Elbaff.This Jasmine should agree.

"Want to go to Elbuff?" Jasmine\'s tone gradually became cold, and the Tao Tu Zhuanyuan next to her quietly gave way to a space, and looked at Ron gloatingly.

"It won\'t work!" Jasmine drew the giant sword from her waist and slashed it towards Luo En. With Luo En\'s notoriety, she couldn\'t bring him back to her home.Besides, the only thing that the giantess brought home!

Giants are not the same as humans. Their weapons never value whether they are made by famous people, whether they are light, or whether they can be sharpened.They only care about one thing,

Is this weapon heavy enough and strong enough!

As a lieutenant admiral, Jasmine\'s weapons were naturally made by the Navy with a lot of money, and the huge sword weighing several tons was handy for her.Slash with a sword, like the sky and the earth split!

"Giant Swordsmanship·Shaking the Country!"

Ron\'s face changed drastically. He had thought that Jasmine would reject him, but he had never thought that the other party would directly and outrageously after hearing his request.Lorne turned around, taking Garrett to avoid this slash with a risk.

Boom boom boom!

The huge sword smashed into the ground, and a huge crack appeared in the ground, which continued to spread and blasted directly to a tall building in the distance.

Then, this tall building was divided into two!

Looking down from the sky, it was as if Sdio\'s North Harbor had been torn open.

The power of the giants is terrifying!

Amidst the smoke and dust, Lorne slowly appeared, his face became extremely ugly, he raised his head and looked at Jasmine coldly.

"I don\'t know where I touched your Ni Lin, but now that you have decided to take action against me, are you ready to die?"

"Always be prepared!"

Seeing that Ron was not injured, Jasmine became strangely excited. She raised her giant sword and aimed at Ron, and said excitedly.

At this time, she didn\'t look like a lady before.

"That\'s good." Lorne closed his eyes, and after a while, when he opened his eyes, his eyes became extremely cold.

Lorne leaped high, using the "moon step" technique in the air, paused for a moment in the air, and then rushed towards Jasmine\'s head.He actually entered the "death" state directly!When dealing with an enemy like Jasmine who is known for his strength, only defeating her from the front is the biggest blow to her.

"Good coming!" Jasmine yelled, lifting the knife and reclaiming it. The giant sword went from the bottom up and aimed at Ron.

But Ron, who had entered the "Reaper" state, focused unprecedentedly. Facing the coming slash, his mind hadn\'t reacted yet, and his body had already moved naturally. Ron\'s body flying in the air suddenly once again Speed ​​up, causing Jasmine\'s attack to rush into the air.

Lorne will hit his left cheek with a punch next time.

Jasmine\'s domineering appearance foreseeing Ron\'s movements in advance, her head slightly tilted, and the dark, armed color domineering covering her forehead, and then slamming towards Ron.

Jasmine is quite confident in her armed look and domineering. The giants\' physical strength is inherently strong, and she has a unique advantage in cultivation domineering, and she is the leader of the giants, and she is not afraid to face Lorne hard.

In addition, seeing that there were no traces of armed domineering coverage on Ron\'s arm, Jasmine was even more disdainful.

"I have the winning ticket!"


As her forehead collided with the iron fist, Jasmine felt that the surface of Ron\'s fist seemed to be wrapped in a drill, and easily tore off her own domineering armed look.


The iron fist hit Jasmine\'s forehead directly, and Jasmine felt her dizziness, her body seemed to have lost control and was leaning forward.

Lorne grabbed his hair, trying to press his head on the ground.The sharp pain from the hair being caught relieved her dizziness a lot. As soon as she gritted her teeth and held her huge sword in the other hand, she chopped off the curl of hair that was caught by Lorne in front.

But the warrior\'s instinct made her never know what giving up was.As a giant, Jasmine is cruel to the enemy and even more cruel to herself.Say no to this beautiful blond hair!

But she still underestimated Lorne\'s power. Before her sword could be cut, her nose could smell the breath of the earth.She had actually fallen to the ground, and the giant sword spun out, spinning continuously in the air.

The outcome has been divided.

Jasmine sighed while lying on the ground, but the pride of the giants made her reluctant to beg for mercy, just as Ron said, since she decided to take action, she must have a death consciousness.

She closed her eyes and was ready to kill her neck.

"I still don\'t understand the customs of your giants." Lorne let go of his tightly held hand, the indifference in his eyes faded away.

"But I can probably guess one or two."

Lorne\'s first words made Jasmine a little surprised. This man called a demon didn\'t blame herself?

"It\'s nothing more than something unspeakable. But I have a reason to go to Elbuff." Lorne said seriously, he desperately wanted to know what his father was hiding.

"If you take me there, if someone dares to embarrass you, tell him to come at me!"

"Don\'t you blame me?" Jasmine asked tentatively, the character displayed by Lorne was very different from the legendary demon that Javier would repay.Which one is his true face?

Maybe he didn\'t think so badly, Jasmine was shaken.

But at this moment, Zhuan Yuan, who had been watching the battle just now, suddenly shouted.

"Be careful!" The giant sword that Jasmine had just thrown high, fell from the sky after spinning, and thrust it straight into her head.

Zhuan Yuan wanted to draw his sword, but it was too late.