The Pirate Family

435 Chapter 429 Blood Singer


Moria\'s body was the first to bear the brunt. After a roar, he rushed over, holding a huge pair of scissors in his hand, vowing to defeat the man who had brought him shame.

At the beginning, he was still a famous big pirate. During the mission, he encountered Lorne, who was not well-known. He was defeated by one of the divine punishments that fell from the sky before starting a series of defeats.

New hatred and old hatred, now count together!

The scissors were aimed at Ron\'s waist, and Ron\'s hands flashed with a transparent sheen, and Liu Ying\'s domineering instantly covered it.He directly squeezed the blade of the huge scissors, and threw it out with the momentum of Moria\'s rushing.


Moria fell into a house, and several people screamed from the house.

Several residents of Slanka rushed out of the house before it collapsed.

After the war began, they hid there. They thought they could escape, but they did not escape.

"Senior Lorne! Where are you looking!"

Just as Moria retired, Yaze rushed over again.His hands turned into hideous ghost hands and grabbed Lorne\'s head.

"I thought you were the one who was vying for the last throne with me."

A strange light flashed in Lorne\'s eyes, and in his perspective, the surrounding environment became stagnant.

"Time Lag!"

Aze\'s original swift attack appeared to Lorne as slow as a snail.

He walked up to Yaze with ease, and after avoiding his attack, he straightened his right hand and placed it on his chest.

"But I didn\'t expect that you are as proud as you, but you are a dog for others, a weak person as a dog."

Lorne said with regret.Huo, who was bound by Doflamingo with a thin thread, flushed, but could not move because of his body.There is no way.

A strange color flashed in Yaze\'s eyes, and Lorne\'s words made him slightly shaken.

But in an instant, he was controlled by evil thoughts that filled his heart.

Seeing this scene, Lorne shook his head.

Under Liu Ying\'s domineering blessing, Lorne\'s right hand is comparable to a blade.Yaze evaded, his chest was penetrated.


Blood spouted from Yaze\'s chest, and Ron\'s arm was dyed red with Yaze\'s blood.

Biaze himself is more in line with the term "ghost".

"As expected to be Senior Lorne!" Yaze wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his chest was penetrated, making him a little weak to speak.

"But since you shot me, the result of this battle has already come out."

"You lose, be swallowed by the ghost in your heart!"

Ya Ze said feverishly, because of the fruit\'s ability, he was not afraid of death at all, and even wanted to die.

The more you die, the more weakened your opponent is.As long as he has enough "ghosts" in his hands, he can drag his opponents to death.

Tiger and Mihawk are examples!

"People who rely too much on their own fruit abilities don\'t go too far."

Lorne said lightly.At this time, Ya Ze felt something wrong, because the wound on his chest was still bleeding, and the black airflow he controlled did not fly over for a long time.

"A person like you who relies too much on the characteristics of your own fruit to fight will become a weak and useless person once others have figured out your ability."

Lorne raised his hand, and thick blood dripped to the ground.He said calmly.

"Why do you think that I will kill you with my own hands?"

Yaze lowered his head and looked at the huge hollow in his chest. The moment Ron touched him, he avoided his heart.

As long as you don\'t kill yourself, you can\'t trigger your own abilities.

Has it been touched by him?Yaze\'s heart sank.

Because of excessive blood loss, Yaze felt his body began to weaken.

Must commit suicide quickly and recover from the injury with the help of the black air current.Yaze took out a dagger, preparing to commit suicide.

But at this time, he found that his body could no longer move. The blood spewing from his body seemed to have life, entwining himself, the surface of the blood was so hard that he couldn\'t break free for a while.

He turned his head and saw the beautiful woman with long burgundy hair standing beside Lorne, raising her hand as if directing the blood.

"Blood chanter, Veenhill Garrett!" Yaze recognized the woman\'s name at the end.

The blood completely covered him, and his world turned red.

From a distance, it looks like a red statue.

Is it so simple?

Lorne secretly said that even though Yaze\'s strength was sparse and ordinary in his own view, as long as he cracked the secret of his ability, he could be easily solved.

And the secret of his ability, in Dresrosa, he probably guessed it after he met that Thaddeus again.

But after all, Yaze is still a real king, Qiwuhai, even if he does not use the fruit ability, his two-color domineering and physical skills are also very strong.

If at the beginning, Yaze chose to fight against him instead of relying on ability, he would still have to waste some effort if he wanted to solve him.

However, Xiao Jia could directly choose to solve him by sealing when Ya Ze was weakest.This requires a keen combat intuition.

It seems that Xiaojia is working hard to cultivate in secret in order not to hold her back.

The 360,000, 000 (three hundred and sixty million) bounty in the Dark World seems reasonable.

Garrett\'s reputation is not obvious, except for the 30,000,000 (30 million) bounty brought by the children of the Charlotte family, there is no blessing of other events.

If it weren\'t for the world-renowned engagement ceremony between Lorne and her, many people on this sea would not have known that there was Garrett.

After joining the Wien Hill family, Garrett\'s identity was also exposed, and this sea was amazed by her powerful abilities and strength.

However, due to the status of King Lorne’s Qiwuhai, the bounty of his staff will never increase, so in order to weigh Garrett’s strength, the Dark World formulated the reward of 360,000,000 (three hundred and sixty million) .

Unlike the navy\'s rewards, which weigh the damage caused by criminals and their influence on the world, the rewards of the dark world only depend on the difficulty and urgency of killing the target.

From a certain perspective, the reward of the dark world is more in line with a person\'s strength than the reward of the navy.

It is worth mentioning that Lorne\'s value in the dark world is 1,800,000,000 (1.8 billion) Bailey.

The person who offered this price was one of the four emperors, Kaido the beast!

The remaining blood flowed back to Garrett\'s hands, circling in her hands continuously.

She looked at the blue-skinned murloc in front of her coldly, and said lightly.

"Only you are left."