The Pirate Family

433 Chapter 427 Crazy!

The three sides of the battlefield became entangled, and Shanks, who was in the territory of the Overlord, was extremely vigorous, completely suppressing Moria in the "Thousand Shadows" state.

As long as Moria and Jinpei had a slight slack in one of them, he would be able to defeat them both.

"There are too many people." Next to him, Jesus frowned and said after he shot a zombie on the head.

He who uses guns like this is most afraid of this kind of human tactics, because there is always a limit on the ammunition that a person can carry. At this time, the ammunition stored on his body is not much.

"That black sword man can\'t last long like this." Laki Lu\'s body was covered with black armed domineering, and he lifted the two zombies, and then slammed them into the group of corpses.

He saw that Mihawk was completely at a disadvantage, and it seemed that a duel with the boss would consume a lot of his energy.

But just when he wanted to rush over to help Mihawk, the huge Shadow Mage roared and rushed over.Stepped on him with one foot.


Laki Lu couldn\'t dodge and was stepped directly on the ground.

On the other battlefield, Huo Kankan escaped a fatal slash from Mihawk. His physical skills were not strong. If he fights alone, it can be said that many people on the scene can crush him.

Even if Mihawk is already in a state of extreme weakness, he can barely contain it.

Squinting, Shanks has completely suppressed Jinping and Moria, and may free up his hands to deal with this side at any time.

Can\'t drag on any longer!Huo thought, he took out a remote control from his clothes and pressed one of the buttons.

On the one hand, Shanks repelled Zhiping with a sword. When he was about to chase him, he saw the domineering madness and suddenly warned him. Without even thinking about it, he subconsciously stepped away from the spot.


A huge explosion sounded, and a deep pit about ten meters in diameter appeared where Shanks stood before.

After the attack on Punk Hassad, he looted the famous Dr. Bega Punk.He needs the body of a strong man, and he needs strength. The two hit it off and decided to cooperate.

This is a special enhanced volcanic rock explosive made by Begapunk, and it is buried all over the island.

If they explode all at once, this terrifying destructive power is enough to destroy the entire Slanka ten times. This is Huo\'s plan when the mission fails.

But at this time, he also had to use it.Because the strength of Shanks and Mihawk completely exceeded his expectations, Moria, who had devoured the shadows of thousands of people, could not suppress them.

And their will is extremely firm, their own "fruits of evil thoughts" can\'t infect them for a while, evoking evil thoughts in their hearts.

By now, I couldn\'t take care of that much, and I decided to start detonating the pre-buried explosives.

It is best to blow them half-dead, so that you can harvest the spoils through "Shadow Fruit" and "Evil Thought Fruit".

It doesn\'t matter if it blows up all at once. Bergapunk\'s experiment requires the remains of a large number of powerful people. Is there anyone who is more suitable for experiment material than these people?

If desperate, Huo intends to detonate the entire Slanka.

Huo Bu believes that someone can retreat from this destructive power.

Compared to the terrifying power that he was about to gain, it was completely acceptable to lose a small Sri Lanka.

"What a lunatic." The silver-haired Beckman raised his spear and pointed it at Huo.

In an instant, he understood Huo\'s thoughts, this person actually wanted to destroy the entire Slanka, and the fish died.

But a bullet fell from the sky and shot towards Beckman, Beckman frowned, raised his hand, the bullet shot out of the barrel, and the two bullets collided in midair.

The gunman\'s duel could not tolerate the slightest distraction. It seemed that the guy in the sky was provoking him.

His meaning is very clear, if you want to deal with other people, get rid of me first.

"You are looking for a dead end!"

Beckman said coldly that he only needs three bullets for such a newcomer who lives and lives.

"Isn\'t it hurt?" Huo frowned, just about to continue pressing the remote control in his hand, but found that Mihawk suddenly showed a weird smile.

He said lightly.

"You came so late, are you ready to watch me make a fool of yourself?"

There are reinforcements!

Huo felt cold and subconsciously wanted to press the remote control in his hand, but found that he couldn\'t do it manually.

Looking carefully, there are a few thin lines that are invisible to the naked eye entangled in his right hand, preventing him from moving.


A creepy laughter rang in the battlefield.

A man wearing a pink flamingo cloak, a teenager wearing a black cloak, and a woman wearing a burgundy skirt and curly hair with a burgundy shawl are walking slowly.

The leading man showed a strange posture with his right hand, and the thin line was launched from his hand.

"Tianyasha, Don Quixote Doflamingo! Demon Lorne!"

Huo Leng coldly roared the name of the person.

The moment the two appeared, the scale of war had been broken.

He admitted it.

But it is not that simple to want him to admit defeat.Huo

He took out a sharp sword in his left hand and cut all the thin lines directly.

He still has a way out!He can go, and these people can only be buried with Slanka!

"You don\'t think you can go." But at this time, Lorne suddenly said.

"Burying the bomb in the land of Slanka will produce enough destructive power to destroy this place several times, but you have no fear at all."

"In other words, you have a countermeasure. Either it is a protective devil fruit that can protect yourself from harm,"

"Either it is a way to quickly escape from this island."

Lorne snapped his fingers, and a pirate next to Huo was suddenly stunned.

The pirate spoke slowly and said a person\'s name.

"Sanchuan Road."

"Sure enough," Lorne smiled softly. After the time of Dresrosa, he knew that the new Pirate League was in collusion with Kaido, but Kaido was willing to lend Sanchuan Road to Huo. Do you value him?

"If you pin your hopes on him, I advise you to give up." Lorne said lightly.

"Because you didn\'t have a chance to walk through that door."

He has fought against Sanchuan Road so many times, and knows his abilities well.Although his portal can connect two places, it has many drawbacks.

First, in a short period of time, no one can carry out two long-distance transmissions.

Second, the location of long-distance transmission must have the coordinates of Sanchuan Road.

Third, Sanchuan Road can only open the door, but it is impossible to set who can enter and who can not enter. Before on Cake Island, his portal wanted to invite Kaido out, but his father, Kaisardo, occupied the magpie\'s nest. .

The above three shortcomings allowed Luo En to conclude that even if Sanchuan Road opened the door to Huo, Huo did not have a chance to enter.