The Pirate Family

427 Chapter 421 Four hundred and twenty-four

"Old man?"

Shanks picked a beautiful sword flower, and the domineering color spread out.Then showed a knowing smile.

"It really is an old friend."

"Want to gather all the opponents together and rob them of their abilities through Moriah\'s shadow ability?"

Lorne stepped on the land of Silanka and spread out through the perceptual ability blessed by seeing and hearing color domineering, and the situation of the entire island was instantly understood.

"Really an ambitious pirate." Outside the door of a coffee shop next to him, a man wearing a red flamingo cloak turned his back to Ron and said calmly.

Two pirates stood beside him, and the pirate put his blade on each other\'s neck, shivering, afraid to move.

The man put down the cup full of coffee, then picked up the glasses belt placed on the table, and slowly stood up.

"You are too slow, Lorne." With a slight movement of the index finger of the man\'s right hand, the pirate was controlled to swing a long knife.


Two horrified heads rolled to the ground.The blood stained the road red.

"Because the big guys are always the last to play, don\'t they?" Lorne turned a blind eye to the scene in front of him.

Because this is not an age of peace, heroes will uphold justice, and the weak must have the consciousness of being killed.

"Even Mihawk was attracted to him," the man in the pink flamingo cloak slightly raised his mouth.

"Does this Huo want to eat it in one bite?"

"Unreasonable lunatic," Lorne said calmly."Go ahead, joker, use the same move you used in Dresrosa."

"Don\'t let anyone go, just turn this Slanka into a ruin."

"Really," Doflamingo helped his glasses, and a delicate small cage appeared in his hand.


This small cage grew larger and larger, and in turn enveloped the entire Slanka.

At this time, the entire Slanka was completely isolated by this birdcage.

"Run!" A pirate captain ran out from the center of the city in a panic, his clothes were in tatters, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

He saw in a tavern, the little brothers who were still drinking shouted.

"What happened?" his little brothers asked in confusion as they ran.

"It\'s crazy, it\'s all crazy! Slanka\'s Cult and Huo have fought each other, and Central City has become a dead zone."

"We must leave this island quickly!"

"But, boss, the fur slaves we just sold to Kurt haven\'t received the money yet. Isn\'t it a pity to leave like this?"

A little brother said unwillingly.The fur tribe slaves they sell are not the same as the fur tribes in the world. When they were sailing in the new world, they came across a big incredible elephant. There is a kingdom on the elephant’s back. This group of fur tribes Live in that kingdom.

However, there were two powerful monster-like rulers in that kingdom. They also worked so hard, only to catch a few fur tribes and were forced to flee.

"Idiot, life is almost gone! Thinking of money!"

The captain of the pirate knocked his little brother on the head and said in horror.

"Do you know who is fighting on the island now?"

"Only under King Qiwuhai there are three! Moonlight Moria, Ghost Hand Aze, Hawkeye Mihawk."

"Not to mention the red-haired Shanks and the strong like fisher Tiger."

"This small island is not something you and I can survive on!"

The pirate captain shouted, as long as he arrives at the port, he can leave such a nightmare place.

After crossing the slum, the port is ahead, but this time.A little pirate was stunned.

Right in front of them, a man wearing a black cloak and a man wearing a pink flamingo cloak were walking towards them slowly.He pointed forward blankly and shouted in despair.

"Demon Lorne, Doflamingo, Tianyasha."

"The five kings are now under the Seven Martial Seas! Is the navy going to clear Slanka?"

"Fire guns!" The captain of the pirate made a decisive decision and took out a long-barreled musket at the two kings Qiwuhai.

At any rate, he is also a great pirate with a bounty of more than 200 million. It is absolutely impossible for him to wait and die!

The gun fired three rounds of shells the size of a baby\'s head in a row.This is his specially developed weapon, every shell.Can destroy a navy warship!

He didn\'t expect these shells to hurt the two kings Qiwuhai, but as long as they could stop them for a while.Buy a little time, and he can escape!

Boom boom boom!

The three of Lorne walked towards the pirate without expression.The cannonball exploded in front of them!

It turned out to be so big, using my body to resist my special bomb.The Captain Pirate was overjoyed.He began to wonder if he could kill the two kings under Qiwuhai, if he could defeat them, his name would resound throughout the sea!

"Just take advantage of it now! Come on!" the Pirate Captain shouted.But his men looked at themselves blankly.

"What\'s wrong with you? Why..." The captain of the pirate felt something was wrong. He lowered his head along the eyes of the younger brothers, and found a hair-thin thread shot from the opposite side and penetrated his heart.

The blood slowly flowed out of the wound, dropped to the ground, gathered into a stream, and flowed to the opposite side.

The thick smoke of the explosion dissipated, and a shield made of blood stood in front of the three of them.The shield dissipated, turning into a stream of water and falling to the ground.

Tick ​​to tick.

The three of them walked past the captain of the pirate, and never looked at him directly from beginning to end.

thump.The pirate captain fell, and before his consciousness disappeared, he heard a ticking sound.

That was the sound of his painstaking effort.He didn\'t understand until he died, why there was such a big gap between himself and their strength.


Bang bang bang!

Outside the central city, two figures flickered, one black and one red, and the harsh sword aura had completely turned the surrounding area into a barren land.

Except for Shanks\'s men, the other pirates did not dare to stop here.

Because just the sword energy scattered by the two of them was enough to hurt them seriously.

"It deserves to be a man called the world\'s number one swordsman." Beckman took a deep sip of his cigar.

The other weaker people probably don\'t even know how they were beheaded.

Is this the strength of the top swordsman?

"You said, who will win between the two of them?" A man in green short sleeves that can\'t hide his fat belly asked doubtfully while eating chicken legs.

"I don\'t know." Beckman shook his head. He is not a swordsman, so it is not clear which of these two men has the upper hand.

"But one thing is certain." Beckman said solemnly.

"They will be the winner soon."