The Pirate Family

412 Chapter 406

The entire conference room was silent, and even Lorne was frightened by Link\'s words.

How dare you say this to form an ocean-going navy and eradicate the Four Emperors.

Lorne looked at Link with a playful smile. He wanted to know exactly what Link had relied on to give him the confidence to attack the Four Emperors.

"I calculated," Link knocked his face on the table and said seriously.

This is the habit of the World Conference, knocking on the table to indicate that you are going to talk, and the others are quiet.

"Even among the Four Emperors, the most powerful Whitebeard Pirate Group has only 1,600 people. Even if you count all the Pirates under his command, it is only tens of thousands."

"Compared with the hundreds of thousands of navy, this strength is nothing to mention."

"But why have we been unable to suppress these pirates?" Link said seriously.He scanned the meeting room with muddy pupils.

"Because the navy is too scattered."

"So I plan to build an army, expedition to the new world, and defeat these so-called Four Emperors in one fell swoop."

The kings present seemed to be moved by Link\'s grand dreams and applauded. Even Doflamingo followed everyone\'s applause.

It took a while before someone asked.

"The plan is a good plan, but I have a question. I hope His Majesty Link will solve my doubts for me."

"Where did the funds for building this army come from." This question was asked in the hearts of everyone present. All the kings stared at Link, hoping to get his answer.

"The question of funding," Link slowed down and continued."I hope to use the way of donation, each of our countries will donate a little money."

"But our country does not have money, so we can help you cheer."

"We don\'t have money either, so I\'ll leave it to you."

"We too..."

Before Link finished speaking, he was violently interrupted by a king. Everyone was like this. It was okay to help and shout for fun, but once he had to pay for something, it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Besides, can a mere ocean-going army really fight those fierce pirates?

Link was silent. He had prepared this plan for decades. He waited until he presided over the world conference and said it. In order to get rid of the pirates, he did not hesitate to do anything.

But looking at the other kings like this, Link knew that there was nothing left to say.He sighed, as if he was tens of years old.

After seeing this scene, Lorne finally understood why Doflamingo didn\'t care about Link\'s plan at all, because with this mass of loose sand, there was no way to threaten the sea at all.

Link\'s theory is not wrong. The reason the Navy has been unable to suppress the pirates is because they are too scattered.

If all the navies are brought together, no power in this sea will be their opponent.

However, guarding is more difficult than destroying. The most essential duty of the navy is to guard the safety of ordinary people. They have to be scattered in various places and it is difficult to adjust.

In addition, since Roger, there has been a flood of pirates, and the Navy’s ability to maintain the status quo is already the limit.

To build an ocean-going army, where does the army come from?If money can solve the pirates.So Tezolo had already used Bailey to kill the Four Emperors, so how could he get Link\'s whimsical turn?

One proposal was rejected, and Lorne squinted, feeling sleepy.He then regretted coming to this world conference.

This is obviously a waste of time.Lorne yawned, but found that Xia Lan, who was sitting next to him, was asleep.

Just when he was about to shield everyone\'s perception of him, and take a good sleep.A strong voice awakened him.

"I have a proposal." A man with a very strong body and a colorful pattern on his face knocked on the table and said slowly.

"I feel that the so-called Qi Wuhai under the king is of no use at all other than taking advantage of the power of the world government."

"There are even constant news of the so-called King Qiwuhai losing to newcomers. These vain pirates have wiped out the authority of the world government."

"So I propose to abolish the Qiwuhai system under the king!"

Lorne opened his eyes and looked at the king who proposed the proposal. Among the kings present, he was quickly recognized by someone.

The king of the new world, the kingdom of magnetism.

The Magneto is a medium-sized country, similar to the Wuzhiguo, with strong folk customs and good military skills.However, due to the weak strength of the country, it has been attacked by pirates all year round.

Lorne raised his eyebrows. The Qiwuhai system under the king shouldn\'t affect the interests of Magneto. Why did this king do such a thankless thing.

You know, among the kings present here, there are three kings under Qiwuhai.Offending them is not a sensible decision.

Even Doflamingo, who has been closing his eyes and rested, also opened his eyes, with a playful smile on his face.

"I approve of the decision of King Magneto!"

At this time, another thin king stood up and said firmly.

"These so-called kings, Qiwuhai, relying on their own amnesty order, do nothing! They are even more abominable than ordinary pirates!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several kings knocked on the table in front of them.



Suddenly, more than a dozen kings agreed with the proposal of the Magneto King.The entire conference room was extremely solemn. Although the other kings did not express their views, they all focused their attention on the three kings present, King Qiwuhai.

For a while, the atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

Arelli, who was sitting across from Lorne, gave Lorne a suspicious look. Just about to speak, she saw Lorne shook her head without a trace.So he swallowed the words in his throat.

Seeing so many people supporting him, King Magneto was not pleased with his face, he glanced around, and then asked Lorne.

"The young king over there who has not spoken, what do you think about this proposal, do you agree or disagree?"

Is he crazy?

This is the opinion of many kings present. Who doesn’t know that the black-haired face is a King Qiwuhai. The King of Magnetic not only proposed the abolition of King Qiwuhai in front of others, but also asked others’ opinions. .

Isn\'t this a naked provocation?

At this time, even many people who were in favor of the King of Magnetic retreat. You must know that the temper of this king, Qiwuhai, is not very good.

"My opinion?" Lorne knocked on the table in front of him, then said with a smile.

"I totally agree."

"But I have a question. If the King Qiwuhai loses this status, does it mean that they and the franchise countries of the world government are no longer allies and can take action at will." Lorne asked indifferently.

At this time, Doflamingo, who had been closing his eyes, also showed a cruel smile on his mouth.He knocked on the table in front of him and said with a smile.

"I second."