The Pirate Family

409 403 Long Time No See

The ones that should come will come, Lorne is after the alliance with Tezolo.I was ready to be questioned by Doflamingo.

However, although Doflamingo and Tezolo are in the same situation, they are not irreconcilable.

"Ask him what\'s the matter." Lorne decided to turn away from the guest and asked calmly, which stopped Doflamingo from asking.

Yes, I asked him why he abandoned his alliance with Tezolo, not to mention whether Lorne knew about his grudges with Tezolo.Who said that Lorne and himself are just partners in the business field, not a group tied together.

Your enemy is not necessarily his enemy.What is the tone of the self-proclaimed teacher asking sin?

When Lorne saw Doflamingo for a moment, he knew that he had recovered his calm. There was no irreconcilable contradiction in this world. Lorne decided to be the mediator of both sides for a while.

"I know the grudge between you and Tezolo, but now he has risen. The power he holds is staggering." Lorne smiled slightly.

"Many people call him the Golden Emperor. If you can get rid of him, you won\'t come to me."

Doflamingo snorted coldly, and didn\'t refute Lorne\'s words. In fact, he and Tezolo played against each other in secret several times, and they had no choice but to live each other.

"The children\'s world is divided between right and wrong, and the adult world only talks about benefits." Lorne smiled slightly.He took out a cigar from Sigma and handed it to Doflamingo.

This was a gift from Miss Klockdale, and Lorne had been reluctant to draw it.

"So, Tezolo decided to pay what price in exchange for my forgiveness." Doflamingo took Lorne\'s cigar and lit it grandiosely in this solemn and sacred Pangel Castle.

The smoke was full, but no one dared to come over and stop him.

"It\'s not about paying any price, but getting something." Lorne tapped the table slightly and said the name of a place gently.



The negotiation between Lorne and Doflamingo did not last long, and both sides left with satisfaction.During this period, long overdue kings walked into Pongel Castle.

The ball continued, but Lorne was lacking in interest, and he dragged Garrett to wander around Pangel Castle.He wanted to find the person who was spying on himself, and he wanted to know what he wanted to do and why he was waiting for him.

There is a spiral staircase made of mahogany on the right side of the castle hall. The handrail of the staircase is lit with a candle every half a meter.Very quiet.

As soon as Lorne stepped on the stairs, a door on the second floor slowly opened, and a queen in red sent a girl out.

"Thank you for your baptism," the red queen bowed slightly to the girl.

"I now feel that the divine Holy Truth is watching me. As a thank you, after returning to the country of Takeshi, I will personally donate 1 billion Baileys to Balan as the cost of this baptism."

Wuzhiguo is a powerful country located in the New World. The people here are all admiring military. It is one of the few countries that can resist the pirates of the New World.

The people of Wuzhiguo are sturdy, and their king may not be the smartest and wisest, but it must be the best in their country.

The girl wore a platinum gown and covered her face with a white veil, which made her look blind.

But just the pair of autumn eyes that she showed, and her holy and inviolable temperament, made people not think of profanity at all.

"I understand your Majesty Xia Lan\'s intentions, but I don\'t need it anymore, because it is only my duty to wait for the servants to solve the doubts of the Lord\'s people."

After speaking, she slowly turned around and just saw Lorne walking upstairs.The whole person was stunned.

"I didn\'t expect even him to attend this world conference." Xia Lan clearly recognized Lorne, squinted slightly, and said coldly.However, she noticed something wrong with the girl Pope, remembered that there seemed to be some "great grievances" between her and Lorne, and asked with concern.

"Need me to deal with this person for you? Your Majesty Benedict."

Xia Lan doesn\'t like thinking. Don\'t use your head if you can solve things with your fists.

"No, no need." The girl called Benedict quickly eased her mind and restored her pleasant and elegant temperament.

"Magnificence is also one of the Lord\'s virtues." After speaking, she gently walked downstairs and walked towards Lorne.

The two of them just staggered as if they didn\'t know each other.

When Lorne walked upstairs, he found a tall and fit queen dressed in red, looking at herself with hostile eyes, and she could only shrug her shoulders helplessly.

There are too many people in the world who can\'t understand themselves. If everything is to be taken care of, then Ron shouldn\'t be bored?

Besides, Ron walked to the corner of the second floor and couldn\'t help but glanced back, but he never found the figure in the platinum gown again.There was some guilt in my heart.

"I really owe you so much, Arelli."

Lorne and Garrett walked around Pongel Castle quite well, but in the end they didn\'t find the tall and thin figure in the black robe that had been peeping at him.

At this moment, they walked into a hall, the whole hall was extremely empty, with a pyramid-shaped building in the middle, and a throne was placed on the pyramid.And a little bit below the throne, there is a platform, dozens of long swords are inserted on the platform in a staggered way, as if guarding the top throne.

"What is this?" Garrett\'s gaze was instantly attracted by this uniquely shaped throne.As a pirate, it was the first time for her to come to this sacred place of Heavenly Dragon, Mary Joa, and everything here made her feel very surprised.

"This should be the legendary Void Throne, right?" Lorne said lightly.

"The sword below is the weapon of the twenty kings who first established the world government. It is placed here to symbolize that no one can be superior to others."

"Is that so?" Jia Lei nodded, she turned her head and glanced at the so-called Void Throne, then sneered.

"It\'s ironic."

The founders of world government do not want to be superior, but their descendants call themselves "gods."

Lorne nodded and said nothing.Because he noticed that this so-called Void Throne had obviously been seated not long ago!

Is it the one waiting for himself?But why didn\'t he see me?A cloud of suspicion appeared in Lorne\'s heart.

The two of them didn\'t stay in this room for long, and then walked towards other places. Pangel Castle is huge. Except for the place where the Tianlong people live and some areas, other places are allowed to be explored by the kings who participate in the meeting.

Lorne and the two walked toward the balcony, and there was a little noise outside.

A bloated man in a white spacesuit was surrounded by a slave, surrounded by two young men, a man and a woman, aggressively.

The moment Lorne saw this man, his original relaxed mood was instantly dignified, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, he took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"Long time no see, Saint Nedikt."