The Pirate Family

404 Chapter 398: I hope that day will never come

"Watch out Eim?"

Betty chewed the words, she frowned and said.

"Who is Eim?"

"I don\'t know, but Mr. Caesar has never been aimless. This Eim is an important goal for our next stage, and its importance is tied with Bergapunk."

Long shook his head. At his level, he still didn\'t know who this so-called Yim was. He could only vaguely guess that it might be related to the world government.

"Perhaps he has been found, and all these mysteries can be solved."

What exactly is Roger\'s ONE-PIECE? A hundred years of blankness, a history covered in dust, something that the world government conceals.And the thing that made Long fully realize and break away from the world government.

All of this converged at the point of "Im".

Long hopes he can get this answer and put everything in his own hands.

"Forget it, let\'s not talk about these complicated things." Betty shook her head. The things just discussed, even if you think about it, are a little headache.But in fact, there is a small detail that she didn\'t notice. When Cailong mentioned Ralph Drew, he used words like "doorway" and "weird".

She changed the subject.

"Where do you think Dr. Begapunk is now."

"The whole sea knows the importance of Dr. Vegapunk, and all the forces are greedy for the technology he has." Long said affirmatively.

"He must be alive now."

"Maybe it has already reached cooperation with the new pirate alliance that attacked Punk Hassad.

Long took out a map and pointed to a small dot on it.


"Our next goal is this country!"


"The new world was not called the new world at first."

On the streets of Chambord Islands, two young men, a man and a woman, walk side by side.The man was dressed in a black cloak with a white shirt inside, giving him a grandeur.

Women also wore a red close-fitting dress and a black fox fur.Like a noble girl walking out of an ancient castle, with bright eyes and white teeth, the country is full of beauty.

Pedestrians on the road saw the two of them and gave way to them.

Because the Chambordian Islands is also known as Pirate Island, because it is the last stop of the paradise, a large number of pirates gather here all year round.The residents of Chambord Island have long developed a pair of eyes. Such high-profile and outstanding men and women are generally pirates.

And it is a very powerful pirate.

At this time, Garrett was explaining his views on the new world to Lorne.

"This world is equally divided into four parts by the Red Earth Continent and the Great Sea Route, which are the East, the West, the South and the North."

"Although the four seas are very close, due to the unattainable red earth continent, if you want to reach other sea areas, you have to cross the great sea route."

"It was a bloody time. There were a large number of sea kings living in the windless zones on both sides of the great sea route. They were so huge that even the giants of Elbaff were nothing but small compared to them. It\'s impossible to cross the great route hurt."

"Challenging the great route is regarded as a game for the brave."

"There are some very different islands here that were once a paradise for adventurers. Later, in order to satisfy their own desires, these adventurers began to plunder passing ships. Gradually they became pirates."

"The world government has established a navy to fight against the pirates. The pirates can no longer survive in the four seas, swarming into the great route, avoiding the navy."

"As more and more navies enter the great sea route, the navy does not fail to devote all its energy to the great sea route. The navy and the pirates are fighting against each other and their strength is constantly improving. This has created the great sea route. The strength of pirates is far stronger than the phenomenon of the four seas."

"But you still didn\'t say why the new world is called the new world."

Lorne listened to Garrett\'s explanation with interest. As a traverser, he didn\'t know the history of this sea.These things Garrett said sounded like stories.

"Listen to me!" Garrett glared at Lorne and pretended to be angry.

"In fact, the navy and the pirates are not always evenly matched."

"About a hundred years ago, they even suppressed the pirates and managed the entire great sea route in only one way, as peaceful as the four seas."

"But people\'s ambitions and dreams will never stop." Lorne said, the so-called rigid can not be long, soft can not be maintained.The navy\'s iron and blood methods will inevitably arouse a deeper resistance from the pirates.

"The so-called freedom is not what we have been pursuing?"

"Yes," Garrett glanced at Lorne.

"This situation lasted for several decades. It was not until the rise of the man that the pirates\' anger that had been accumulated for a long time was detonated." Garrett glanced at Lorne, and then gently revealed a person\'s name.


"This is a legendary person. He is like a torch, held high in the hearts of all the pirates. This time the anger of the pirates is unprecedented, and even the world government can\'t bear it."

"Legendary wars broke out. The navy was defeated and lost control of the great route, driving them out of the second half of the great route."

"From that day on, the second half of the great route was called the new world, the new world of the pirates. The meaning is that no matter how big a crime you commit, as long as you come to the new world, Lockes will pardon you. The navy has nothing to do with this!"

"The strong under Lockes is like a cloud, even my mother and the one from the country of Wonzo have been on his boat."

"All the pirates thought that the era of the pirates was coming, but we were all wrong!"

There was a bit of bitterness on Garrett\'s face.

"No one thought that the man named Karp would be born, defeating Lockes with the momentum of thunder."

"The pirates lost their leader and became a bird and beast, which also gave the navy a chance to breathe."

"But even today, the navy\'s sphere of influence can only radiate to the front, middle and end of the new world. They can\'t interfere at all!"

At this time, Garrett looked at Lorne\'s eyes, and then said softly against his ear.

"Although I know you may not like to listen, I still have to say. If one day, we fail. I will definitely take you to the second half of the new world, where my mother and the old white beard\'s sphere of influence meet. . There is an island there."

"When I got there, under the protection of my mother and the power of the white beard, the pirates did not dare to make the idea there. The navy\'s hands are not that long. There, we are absolutely safe."

"This is the dowry my mother gave me. I will definitely protect you!"

Lorne gave Garrett a surprised look.The two were silent, and after a while, Ron touched Garrett\'s head and said confidently.

"That day will never come!"


At this time, a person\'s applause sounded around, and a man with blond hair and an unusually handsome appearance stood behind them, clapping his hands gently.