The Pirate Family

402 Chapter 396 Surgery Fruit Realization!

Shanks, a super pirate who has recently emerged, is unfathomable.Does he also use swords?

The corner of Mihawk\'s mouth evokes a slight curve. Although this challenge book may not come from the man\'s handwriting, he still has a keen interest.

"I\'ll be there."

Mihawk nodded and said slowly.

Since he became famous, it has been a long time since he met a swordsman worthy of drawing his sword. Sakuramiya Rashi, who had made a lot of noise a while ago, was barely half of them. I hope this Shanks\' sword and his fame will be resounding.

At this time, Sinio wiped the perspiration on his forehead and retired respectfully.

At the same time, he couldn\'t help being surprised secretly, the pressure that Mihawk put on him was really too great, as if as long as the other party had a little bit of killing intent, he would never escape.

This kind of deterrence is far from what Moonlight Moriah they defeated before can match.Is there such a big difference in strength between the seven Wuhai under the king?

I don\'t know the strength of the remaining seven Wuhai Kings. If they are all as powerful as Mihawk, they may have to change their plan and move the hunting process of the Seven Wuhai Kings to the back.

But since Mihawk has agreed to go, it means that their plan can be implemented.Sinio took out a phone worm from his body, and after receiving it, he spoke to the person opposite.

"Hawkeye has been hooked, how about your side?"

A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone worm.

"Everything is in place. Shanks didn\'t even verify the authenticity of the news, but agreed directly, and even held a banquet with the elk."

"This kind of unsuspecting pirate group will soon be eliminated by this cruel era."

The husky man said coldly.

"This Slanka will definitely fall into the hands of my new Pirate League!"

On a small island in the New World, a handsome man with black shawl and curly hair put down the phone bug and slowly said to a young man in a white coat with white hair in front of him.

"Do you think we can succeed? Just wait for us to take Slanka, then that plan can be put on the agenda."

"Maybe, I hope your strength is worthy of your pride."

"As long as there are experimental materials, it doesn\'t matter who I work for."

The white-haired man said calmly, without the slightest emotional fluctuation on his face.

"I like you more and more. You can talk much better than the escaped gas scientist."

Huo took out a bottle of wine, poured one-fifth in the two goblet, then raised the goblet and said excitedly.

"Cheers to our cooperation smoothly! dr. Vegapunk!"


In the early morning, the first morning sun broke through the dawn and shone on the walls of Sky City.

Lorne had finished washing and stood at the highest point of the palace, looking at the sea of ​​clouds under his feet that was stained blood red by the sun.

After returning from Cake Island, the cadres of the Vennhill family also scattered back to their own locations.

Fat Tiger returned to Sdio and continued to monitor the craftsmen there.

Morman sits on Bubble Island.Responsible for the market and slave trade there.

After Loxor Island was freed, it also came under the command of Wayne Hill. Lorne photographed Jodi to go to Loxor Island where he planned to build an arsenal.

And the mini zoo in Roxor North naturally fell into the hands of Lorne, but because the animals there were a bit cruel, there was no chance to develop it.

After learning the deeper skills of seeing, hearing, color, and domineering with Kata Kuri, Ainilu seemed to have some feelings, and temporarily left the sky city, wandering alone in the sea.

Khalil traveled to the world, selling arms, and Prime Minister Kofiel’s internal affairs.Violet is responsible for liaising with various departments.

After returning from Cake Island, Agatha looked down, and Lorne was also a little helpless about this, but not everything in the world went smoothly.She soon returned to Adela as her queen and dean of the future academy.

Therefore, in the huge sky city, the entire top of the Vennhill family, apart from Gage and Lola who have been stationed here all the year round, there are only Lorne and Garrett.

This made Lorne feel rare loneliness.

Wearing a pajamas, Garrett walked out with a look of fear, fearing that Lorne would catch a cold, took out a blanket and put it on Lorne.Then asked suspiciously.

"What are you looking at?"

"Looking at what we have now," Lorne slightly embraced Garrett\'s shoulders, the girl struggled symbolically, and finally snuggled against Lorne\'s chest.

"The things we have now are many and very few." Lorne said firmly as he looked at the constantly rolling sea of ​​clouds.

"But there are people who want to take away,"

"I will never allow it!"

Garrett didn\'t know what Lorne was referring to, but she felt very relieved when she saw the determined man in front of her.

The two stood at the highest point of the Sky City, looking into the distance, without saying a word, as if there were only two of them left in the entire world.

But this brief warmth was destroyed by the noise of a phone bug.

"Blu Blu Blu."

Lorne took the call worm, and Violet\'s capable voice came from the other end.She is the most diligent person in the family, and it was only early in the morning that she had already handled many things.

"There is a message from Master Tezolo."

Violet said slowly,

"He is very grateful that Young Master did not take action against Murloc Tiger, so he provided a message in exchange."

"He got the news of an interesting fruit, maybe the young master will be interested."

"What fruit?" Lorne said faintly. He did mention to Tezolo before that he needed some devil fruits with stronger capabilities.I didn\'t expect to get a reply so soon.

"He said, the shape of this fruit is a red heart!"

Has the fruit of the operation finally appeared?Lorne raised his eyebrows slightly. He actually didn\'t care much about his ability, because a person with ability was strong or not, mainly depending on his level of development, and it was common for a powerful ability to fall into the hands of a waste.

However, the fruit of this operation is an exception. After Lorne came into this world, he never gave up the pursuit of it.Because this fruit is one of the only things that can achieve "immortality".

He is bound to win!

"Tezolo really brought me good news." Lorne regained his peace of mind.

"Then pour the family\'s intelligence resources to this fruit."

"Where it appeared, who held it, and who even ate it, I must know!"

If it is someone else, after getting the information about the fruits of the operation, they may do their best to get it.But the most important thing for Lorne right now was the trace of Begapunk, and he couldn\'t spare much energy to deal with this matter.

Lorne only needs to get the trace of this fruit.