The Pirate Family

1272 Chapter 1245

Despite fierce resistance, the Dolphin Man is clearly not Rob Luchi\'s opponent.

In just a few rounds, the CP-0 agent was screwed off by Rob Luchi.

His eyes were wide open. This poor agent didn’t even know why Rob Luchi wanted to shoot him, even though the two departments of CP-9 and CP-0 have always had some grievances. But both sides are subordinate strengths of the world government, so the friction has been kept within a small range.

And more importantly, due to the absolute suppression of personal strength, these frictions have always been provoked by the CP-0 department, and the weak CP-9 department can only endure silently.

The dolphin man didn\'t know until he died, why he died. He didn\'t believe that Rob Lucci would kill himself because of these simple conflicts of words.

The other men in suits on the boat watched all this silently, until the dolphin man fell to the ground without helping.

On the one hand, as CP-9 agents, they have been oppressed by these CP-0 agents for too long, and they have long complained about the other party.

On the other hand, it’s because... they are Rob Luchi’s dead men. They have long been secretly loyal to Rob Luchi. For these lunatics, Rob Luchi, who takes killing as pleasure, is obviously better than the general They are regarded as a world government with tools, people and machines, and they deserve much more loyalty.

More importantly, they are also very clear about what terrifying power this young man in front of them possesses.

The reason why he has stayed in the CP-9 department is not because he is not strong enough to be promoted to the CP-0 department, but simply because he stays in the CP-9 department and is more free.

The strength of your CP-0 department crushes the CP-9 department. What does it have to do with Rob Luchi?

After throwing the CP-0 agent\'s body into the sea and treating the blood stains on the deck, Rob Lucci took out a phone bug and dialed a number.

"CP-9 Agent Rob Luchi reports."

"We were ordered to respond to the CP-0 agents who participated in the mission to recapture the Big Bear on the sea, and the opponent and the Vennhill family\'s ships engaged in battle.

"Among them, some of the CP-0 agents were dragged out by the Wienhill family cadres, while another part of the agents sneaked into the Wienhill family ships and confronted other senior officials of the Wienhill family."

"...As a result, the agents who infiltrated the Vennhill family ship were completely annihilated, requesting instructions for the next step."

On the other side of the phone worm, there was the old voice of an old man, the voice rang slightly, and then Rob Lucci nodded slowly.

"I understand."

After hanging up the phone worm, he slowly said to all the agents in the black suits on the ship.

"Our mission failed and we are ready to evacuate."

The ship made a U-turn directly on the sea, and then left the group of CP-0 agents who were fighting with Sakuramiya Rashi, and evacuated the sea directly.

After leaving this sea area, Rob Luchi came to his exclusive room, locked the door tightly, took out another secret phone bug, and dialed the phone bug.

"It\'s been a long time since I heard from you. I thought you died in a secret mission."

A man\'s sloppy voice rang from the other end of the phone worm, and Rob Luchi smiled faintly.

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

After a brief greeting, the man on the other side of the phone worm asked with some confusion.

"Let\'s talk about it, calling me this time, what is the matter."

"Let me guess, is there any secret action by the world government? Or, did you discover their secret?"

"Neither." Rob Luchi shook his head slowly, then said lightly.

"I found someone, someone you are interested in."


"Big Bear,"

Rob Luke said lightly, and after a pause, he said the full name of Big Bear.

"Tyrant, Bartholomi Bear." The reason why he has stayed in the CP-9 department is not because he is not strong enough to be promoted to the CP-0 department, but only because he stays in the CP-9 department, even more. Just be free.

The strength of your CP-0 department crushes the CP-9 department. What does it have to do with Rob Luchi?

After throwing the CP-0 agent\'s body into the sea and treating the blood stains on the deck, Rob Lucci took out a phone bug and dialed a number.

"CP-9 Agent Rob Luchi reports."

"We were ordered to respond to the CP-0 agents who participated in the mission to recapture the Big Bear on the sea, and the opponent and the Vennhill family\'s ships engaged in battle.

"Among them, some of the CP-0 agents were dragged out by the Wienhill family cadres, while another part of the agents sneaked into the Wienhill family ships and confronted other senior officials of the Wienhill family."

"...As a result, the agents who infiltrated the Vennhill family ship were completely annihilated, requesting instructions for the next step."

On the other side of the phone worm, there was the old voice of an old man, the voice rang slightly, and then Rob Lucci nodded slowly.

"I understand."

After hanging up the phone worm, he slowly said to all the agents in the black suits on the ship.

"Our mission failed and we are ready to evacuate."

The ship made a U-turn directly on the sea, and then left the group of CP-0 agents who were fighting with Sakuramiya Rashi, and evacuated the sea directly.

After leaving this sea area, Rob Luchi came to his exclusive room, locked the door tightly, took out another secret phone bug, and dialed the phone bug.

"It\'s been a long time since I heard from you. I thought you died in a secret mission."

A man\'s sloppy voice rang from the other end of the phone worm, and Rob Luchi smiled faintly.

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

After a brief greeting, the man on the other side of the phone worm asked with some confusion.

"Let\'s talk about it, calling me this time, what is the matter."

"Let me guess, is there any secret action by the world government? Or, did you discover their secret?"

"Neither." Rob Luchi shook his head slowly, then said lightly.

"I found someone, someone you are interested in."


"Big Bear,"

Rob Luke said lightly, and after a pause, he said the full name of Big Bear.

"Tyrant, Bassoromi Bear."