The Pirate Family

1238 Chapter 1212 - Siege of Legends!

Marko\'s small ship, as planned, left the Moby Dick, and the information was quickly passed on to one of the ships, located on the giant whale waters.

"It\'s ready for action."

After receiving this information, an old man sitting in the command room of the battleship gave this order.

At this point, the battleship was only a day\'s voyage away from the Moby Dick, which meant that even if Marko on the small ship got the information and wanted to return, it was already too late to do so.

"This battle means the victory or defeat of this war, and it also means the future pattern of the sea, so please make sure to take it seriously."

The old man who had given the order turned his chair around, and this man was none other than the long-lost naval marshal, Buddha\'s War Country!

And sitting in front of him were the Navy\'s top men.

The three great admirals of the Navy, Sakaski the Red Dog, Porousalino the Yellow Ape, and Kuzan the Green Pheasant.

The navy\'s legendary Lieutenant General Hero Capo, and the navy\'s wise-cracking Lieutenant General Crane.

And the Navy\'s elite Lieutenant General, led by Lieutenant General Weasel.

This tiny ship contained almost all of the Navy\'s main battles.

The reason they had never appeared on the frontal battlefield of the New World was simply to seek greater strategic value.

Round up Whitebeard!

After losing Whitebeard, the pirates under his command were bound to be leaderless, and even if they joined the war out of hatred, it wouldn\'t help the war.

Also, just in case, the war nation lured away the number one warrior under Whitebeard, Undead Marko, with the lives of two naval squad captains to make sure.

Yes, the force that captured those two squad captains was none other than the navy, and as a pirate, Marko could never have imagined that the one who used the lives of his companions to negotiate a deal with him was not a pirate, but the navy!

This was a misunderstanding in his meaningful thinking. It was believed that the Navy would choose to execute a valuable pirate after it had captured him, but in the warrior\'s opinion, the two squad captains were far more valuable alive than dead.

Whitebeard cherished his family, as did the pirates under his command, which created the invincible Whitebeard Bandits and kept the pirates of the New World from messing with this fearsome force in the slightest.

But now, this same so-called advantage is the source of Whitebeard\'s perishing!

War State had already learned the information through his agents that the current White Beard was in poor health, and combined with all the things that had happened on the seas over the past few years, he had determined that this was not a rumor, so he had taken a great risk and allowed Charlotte Lingling to lead her men to make waves in the middle of the naval battlefield, with the purpose of, in order to round up and kill White Beard.

As long as the Navy was fully capable of freeing up its hands to deal with Charlotte Ling Ling after rounding up Whitebeard, and by then, even if Lorne reacted and joined the battlefield, it would already be too late.

The momentum was gone, and the entire Vanehill family would be trapped in the Navy\'s heavy siege, unable to escape at all!

He would pay the price for his arrogance.

This was the scheme of the Warring States, everyone thought that according to the character of the Warring States, they would definitely be steady and steady, encroaching on the pirates of the New World step by step, this was simply a misunderstanding.

Next to him, Karp also put away his usual frivolous expression and looked grave, thinking of the final outcome of this legend who lived in the same era as himself, he was a little unbearable.

This death was not a pirate at all.

However, war was originally something that could be done by any means necessary.

"What about the two squad captains?"

At this time, a naval lieutenant general asked.

The two squad captains they had captured were not disposed of, but were smuggled back into one of the naval bases using a warship, so even if Marko held the ransom money, he would end up pouncing on it.

"Whitebeard himself is dead, and it doesn\'t matter if the squad leader under his command is dealt with or not."

The warrior had not yet spoken, and Sakaski, next to him, spoke up in reply.

His fist, with its black gloves, gradually became hot.

Like solidified lava, it burned a hole in the table.

"That\'s exactly right."

And Lieutenant General Tsuru spoke up.

The entire conference room was silent, and everyone knew that soon, the outcome of this siege would shock the entire sea!


The Moby Dick was drifting on the ocean, and with this period of rest and recuperation, Whitebeard\'s health gradually improved, and he was at least able to wield his weapons and engage in simple battles.

Therefore, the Moby Dick began to move towards the direction of the naval battlefield, and according to the speed at which it was sailing, by the time the Moby Dick reached the edge of the giant whale sea, Whitebeard would be able to participate in this ancient and unprecedented war.

No, it should be accurate to say that the entire Whitebeard Bandits would join this war, and the simultaneous entrance of two pirate emperors would feel like a huge headache even for the navy.

However, this also resulted in one result, that was, the speed at which the Moby Dick and the navy ships met was far beyond the warrior\'s estimation, and in just half a day\'s time, the Moby Dick\'s lookout saw a white battleship, appearing on the sea level line.

"Report, there\'s an unknown vessel ahead!"

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes at his men\'s report, then stood up from his seat.

"Captain Whitebeard, you have not completed your treatment and cannot do so ......"

The doctors and nurses beside them tried to stop it, but with their power, they couldn\'t give this terrifying and ferocious beast that had been alive since the last era.

"What\'s happening? Old man."

The squad captains under Whitebeard\'s command, on the other hand, got up and gathered around towards Whitebeard himself. With puzzled faces.

Among them, only Marco was looking thoughtfully towards the end of the sea.

Yes, Marko hadn\'t left the Moby Dick at all, because feeling uneasy, it wasn\'t him who was actually heading to that place to replace the ransom money, but the captain of the Third Squad, Diamond Joz!

"Just feeling the scent of some old friends."

Whitebeard removed all the feeding tubes from his body, then picked up his own weapon and went to the side of the Moby Dick, looking out over a small ship, looming over the sea level in the distance.

"Since it\'s been too long since you\'ve fought, do you already feel that you can do something about me?"

He looked out over the sea, as he said.


The white bearded heroic voice resounded throughout the sea.

At the other end of the sea, the warrior stood on the deck with a heavy expression. But he no longer had the chance to retreat.

The arrow was on the string!