The Pirate Family

1076 Chapter 1053

Golan Island, an area near the port.

A big fire broke out here. It is said that a big fire accidentally lit by a hotel, and the raging flames spread.

Fortunately, the buildings on Golan Island are not dense, and it is close to the port, and the surrounding residents can quickly fetch water from the beach. With the concerted efforts of the big guys, this raging fire was quickly extinguished.

The hotel, which was originally well decorated, was of course turned into ashes in the fire.

A middle-aged man who rushed over in a hurry saw this scene and knelt on the ground and began to cry.

He is the owner of this hotel.

Fortunately, there were not many tourists living in this hotel at this time, and because it was raining heavily when the fire was lit, it did not affect the surrounding buildings.

After counting, only a few staff members who were left in the hotel were unfortunately killed in the fire.


After parting with the man, Nana quickly got rid of the sheriffs through the intricate alleys of Golan Island.

When she walked out of the alley, she had changed into a light yellow dress, a sun hat, and she was walking in the street with a pair of sunglasses.Like a lady coming here on vacation.

But no one knew that under the black sunglasses, her eyes were as fierce as a wild wolf. She watched indifferently everyone who passed by her. Everyone here might be a killer. West\'s murderer.

At this time, she suddenly ran into a tall man wearing sheriff\'s clothes.

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

Nana asked subconsciously, she thought her identity had been found out.But the sheriff didn\'t seem to want to talk to her, but walked directly past her.

"It\'s rude."

After the man walked over, Nana frowned and said.

The customs of Guolan Island are simple.When such things happen, they usually apologize subconsciously.It was the first time Nana had met a man like him who walked away regardless of anything.

Just looking at him frowning, his expression a little uncomfortable, it seems that something happened?

Nana didn\'t want to struggle in such a place.As long as you are not looking for yourself.

"After two rounds of baptism, there should not be many pirates still alive on this small island."

When she reached the entrance of an alley, Nana stopped and said to herself.

The weak pirates should have died in the first or second attack, and those pirates who survived should have found someone cleaning the pirates on the island, so they hid. .

It is not easy to find the gang who killed Cassie from among the mice hiding in the dark.

However, Nana has a plan, a plan to lure all these rats out.

Just like ordinary people put a piece of cheese in the mouse trap, even if they know that the mouse trap is fatal, the smell of cheese will still lure these mice into danger.

This is the nature of mice, and it is also the nature of pirates.

If you want to bring out all the pirates, you must prepare a cheese.

And now, Nana had already thought of what this cheese was.

But at this moment, behind Nana, in the direction she had just walked, a woman\'s tragic cry suddenly rang.

It was like, someone was biting her body.

Nana couldn\'t help but walked over, but found that the sheriff who had just passed her was lying on a lady\'s body, biting something.

He raised his head, his eyes no longer had the same peace before, but rather crazy, like a bloodthirsty beast.


He uttered a loud roar at all the onlookers, the voice was extremely hoarse, not like a human, but like the roar of some kind of beast.

Finally, a strong young man couldn\'t stand it anymore. He picked up a replacement and walked quietly behind the frantic sheriff. Then, while he was not paying attention, he raised the plank and slammed it towards the sheriff\'s head. Smashed down.


A mixture of white and red splashed out, and the sheriff fell to the ground.

"No matter what happens to you, but you treat a lady like this, this is the punishment you deserve!"

The man threw his weapon aside, and then stretched out his hand to the woman who fell to the ground, covered in blood.

"Madam, don\'t be afraid now, the bad guys have been knocked down by me. I will take you to a hospital now."

The man said very gentlemanly, but he did not notice that the woman\'s eyes were gradually dyed red, and the reason in the pupils gradually disappeared.

Gradually occupied by madness.

Just like... the sheriff before.

And all this, everyone did not notice, and the man also did not notice, he was immersed in the praise of the people around him, and was sitting thinking, a wonderful encounter.


An unhuman voice came from the woman\'s throat, and she roared, and then threw the man to the ground.

He began to bite, just as the sheriff did to him before.

The man who was thrown on him, after a while, struggled to stand up, and looked at the crowd around him with godless eyes.

The madness in his eyes is exactly the same as a woman.



"It\'s almost time to do it."

Outside Guolan Island, in the mist of the sea, the Warring States Period looked at the pocket watch, and then prepared to give orders.

At this time, all the pirates who should have reached this place have arrived here.

They are all waiting for the Golan Island event tomorrow, wanting to get clues related to the historical text from this event.

But the Warring States period will not give them this time.

Once this clue is leaked out, the "man" who is far away in the new world may get this information.

Therefore, he was going to arrest all the pirates before that, and listed this island as a key surveillance area. The man wanted to get information related to the historical text, unless he came to the paradise directly and went to war with the navy.Otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

Some naval officers around also looked at the Warring States period with expectant eyes.

At the beginning of the declaration of war, the pirates would resist, but when they learned of the navy\'s determination, after time passed, their first reaction when they saw the navy was to run away.

These naval officers have not fought against the pirates for a long time.

"Ready to act..."

The Warring States had just prepared to issue an order when the phone worm in his hand rang suddenly.

After receiving the call worm, the face of Warring States gradually became ugly.

When the phone worm was completely shut down, his face had completely turned gloomy.

"All navies, all on standby! No one is allowed to set foot on Golan Island without my order!"

After a long while, the Warring States Period said coldly.