The Perfect Relationship

CH 62

Ch 62: Variety Show Starts Broadcasting

"Why did you initially refuse to be adopted?" Yin Chang was puzzled. "Aren\'t you father and son?"

Shao Junling remained silent.

Yin Chang urgently asked, "Is it because he wanted to give you to me as a \'gift,\' and you didn\'t want that?"

"No," Shao Junling answered softly, looking down. He then added, "I did want that."

Shao Junling had never opposed the idea of being a \'gift\' because, in his opinion, only precious things could be called gifts. Similarly, he considered his brother a gift from Uncle Yin.

Yin Chang thought Shao Junling\'s "no" was a rebuttal to his second question, "Then why?"

"At that time, I didn\'t know you and didn\'t know if you were good or not," Shao Junling said.

"Why did you accept it later?" Yin Chang asked.

"Dad showed me your video," Shao Junling said.

"Video?" Yin Chang immediately remembered the childhood footage he had stumbled upon before. "The one from when we were little?"

"Yeah," Shao Junling remembered the little boy from the video, who was so cute back then.

Yin Chang\'s face flushed. "Dad showed you that?"

Shao Junling laid on Yin Chang and remembered what Uncle Yin had said when he watched the video with him.

—"If I give you to little Chang as a \'gift,\' he will be very happy. Look, he has always wanted a little brother. He will definitely treat you well." Uncle Yin\'s gentle expression and tone at the time were something that Shao Junling had not forgotten until now.

At that moment, he had decided to accept Yin Dong\'s adoption.

He believed that kind Uncle Yin would not be a bad person, so his brother must also be good.

Shao Junling stumbled as he repeated these words to Yin Chang. It seemed like it took a century for Yin Chang to digest the meaning of those words.

He had no doubt about Shao Junling\'s explanation.

In that instant, Yin Chang\'s body and mind seemed to be enveloped by a warm current, and all his grievances, resentment, and sadness were washed away...

As it turned out, Yin Dong had not deliberately hidden himself. He still loved him and even remembered that he wanted a little brother and wanted to do his best to fulfill his wish by restoring his relationship with Shao Junling.

He had misunderstood for such a long time.

Yin Chang was overwhelmed with emotions, and by the time he reacted, he had already pressed Shao Junling\'s head back onto his chest with moist eyes. His other hand also tightly embraced him.

Although Shao Junling\'s identity was still a mystery, it was no longer important.

This was... the gift that his dad had given him.

And Shao Junling knew this, no wonder he had said that he didn\'t want him when they quarreled, no wonder he had said "I\'ll always be with him" in front of Yin Dong\'s grave when they went to sweep it.

Thinking back now, Shao Junling\'s childish words and actions seemed to have a reasonable explanation.

"Brother," Shao Junling rubbed against his chest and whispered, "Happy Birthday."

Shao Junling\'s tone was neither sad nor happy, but Yin Chang could taste the flavor of attachment like never before.

‘Thank you, I am very happy now.’

Yin Chang tightly held this "birthday gift" that was a year late and said to Yin Dong in his heart.

Early the next morning, Yin Chang got up and went to the designated location to pick up breakfast from the show\'s crew.

On the way, he ran into Huang Han, who was still groggy with sleep. Yin Chang greeted him warmly, "Hey! Did you sleep well?"

"Just okay," Huang Han replied, noticing Yin Chang\'s radiant appearance. "You seem to have slept pretty well though."

"No," Yin Chang smiled and replied energetically. "I had a bit of insomnia last night."

Huang Han thought to himself, ‘I couldn’t tell… how could you look so good without sleep?’

In fact, Yin Chang did have insomnia. After chatting with Shao Junling last night, the little guy had slept soundly beside him while he tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Wang Chen also appeared with a yawn, his hair resembling a chicken coop, as if he had completely given up on managing his appearance.

"Wang Chen," Yin Chang called out to him.

Wang Chen looked up and saw Yin Chang smiling at him, looking as warm as the spring breeze.

"What\'s up?" He was a bit confused by Yin Chang\'s demeanor.

"The necklace you gave me is very beautiful," Yin Chang opened all the gifts he had received while unable to sleep in the middle of the night. "And Huang Han, the tea cup you gave me is also very nice. Thank you!"

Wang Chen and Huang Han: "..."

After Yin Chang picked up his breakfast, he waved goodbye to the two of them with a smile, "See you later."

Wang Chen whispered to Huang Han, "Hey, did you notice something different about Yin Chang today?"

"Hmm! Yin Chang seems to be glowing!" Huang Han emphasized.

Wang Chen thought to himself, that guy was glowing every day!... But of course, he wouldn\'t admit that out loud.

"I feel like he\'s especially happy and satisfied today!" Wang Chen emphasized.

"Yeah… Although he just told me he couldn’t sleep last night," Huang Han nodded.

"We only celebrated his birthday together, why is he so touched?" Wang Chen joked.

"Isn\'t his dad... you know, gone?" Huang Han stroked his chin and said emotionally, "I feel like we did something really meaningful."

"Really?" Wang Chen mused and felt uplifted as well.

Yin Chang returned to his residence and found Shao Junling still sleeping.

In the past, Yin Chang had viewed taking care of Shao Junling as his responsibility and often found it troublesome.

But last night\'s conversation had loosened up Yin Chang\'s emotional knots, and he looked at Shao Junling in a different light.

Look at how the little guy slept all crooked... so cute.

Yin Chang spotted the drawing he had left at the foot of the bed last night and picked it up to take a look.

Shao Junling groggily opened his eyes and saw his brother sitting by the bed, holding the drawing he had made, grinning like an idiot.

Shao Junling: "......"

Seeing that he had woken up, Yin Chang cleared his throat, carefully put away the drawing. "Let\'s have breakfast."

Shao Junling got out of bed, washed his face hurriedly in the bathroom under Yin Chang\'s gaze, and came out. Yin Chang still looked at him with a strange smile.

Shao Junling got goosebumps all over his body. He approached his brother, took a bun from the table, and fled.

Yin Chang: "......???"

As usual, they had some easy tasks in the morning of the third day. After lunch, the filming was over.

But before the end of the shoot, the production team called them one by one to the temporary studio for some supplementary interviews.

"What kind of interview is this?" Yin Chang asked while sitting on a high stool.

"It\'s about a previous episode of the show," the staff member smiled.

"Has it already been edited?"

"Yes, after the supplementary interview is added, it will be complete. After you go back, the show will premiere on the third day, and you can watch the first episode at home," the staff member explained the details. "I\'m going to start asking a few quesitons now. Some questions may be unexpected. We want to film your reaction, so look at the camera."

Yin Chang smiled, thinking it was nothing serious. What unexpected questions could there be?

He faced the camera and calmly waited for the staff member\'s question.

The staff member flipped through the script and asked the first question, "On the second morning in the mountaintop village, you cooked a lot of corn at Huang Han\'s house. Do you know where that corn came from?"

Yin Chang was taken aback. "Weren\'t they given by you guys?"

The staff smiled and explained, "No, they weren\'t. Shao Junling went out in the middle of the night to find them for you."

Yin Chang ”...”

He raised his hand to block the camera. "Wait, give me a moment!" He felt a bit unsettled. "Was this a task you gave him?"

The staff replied, "No, he went to find them on his own. He was afraid that you wouldn\'t have enough to eat, so he walked two miles to the fields and picked ten ears of corn."

Yin Chang frowned. "Why didn\'t he tell me?"

The staff said, "We\'ll ask him that later. Right now, we\'re more interested in your reaction to this. How do you feel now that you know?"

"I..." Yin Chang covered his forehead. "I’m shocked."

The staff asked, "Touched?"

Yin Chang hesitated before nodding his head. "Um, yes."

That morning, he had even insisted on giving half of the corn to Huang Han, but now that he recalled Shao Junling\'s expression at the time... Ah, that\'s why Shao Junling had accused him of "wasting" two days ago.

The staff gestured to the cameraman. "Okay, we\'re done with this question. Get ready for the next one."

The first question was so explosive that it made Yin Chang nervous. Were there still so many things he didn\'t know about?

The staff continued, "During the activity that afternoon, you and Shao Junling had many food cards. Why did you invite Huang Han and You Luming to eat with you, but not Qin Jingshan and the others?"

After a moment of thinking, Yin Chang remembered the scene and answered, "Wang Chen had already invited them."

Luckily, the type of questions that followed were similar to what Yin Chang had initially expected...

He went out, and Shao Junling went in. Yin Chang looked at Shao Junling with a complicated expression at the door.

...Never mind, he’ll wait until he watches the program before saying anything.

Yin Chang and Shao Junling returned to Haicheng at 10 p.m. that night.

After resting for a night, the staff summoned called on everyone to promote the premiere of "Super Star Life" on Weibo.

Qin Jingshan was the first to notice, "Hey, Yin Chang, why did you change your WeChat profile picture?"

"Huh? What did you change it to?" Huang Han asked.

"A sketch? Who drew it?" Wang Chen said.

"My little brother drew me a portrait." Yin Chang replied with a smiley face.

"He drew it so ugly..." Wang Chen said.

"It looks better than my sis’s drawings! [thumbs up]" Huang Han said.

Everyone: "..."

After reposting the promotion from the official account, there was a strong reaction online. Most fans and netizens expressed their support and expectation for Yin Chang bringing Shao Junling to the variety show.

Of course, as expected, there were also some sarcastic and harsh comments. They questioned the real purpose of Yin Chang and Shao Junling participating in the variety show, believing that they were only doing it for fame and money.

In the past, when Yin Chang saw such comments, he would feel uncomfortable because he was worried that Shao Junling would be criticized and that their relationship would not be good. He was very cautious about it. But since that night on his birthday, he felt like there had been some kind of magical chemical reaction between them, and something had shifted.

These changes subsequently affected Yin Chang\'s mood and mentality, giving him a lot of strength and courage.

He even felt now that it didn\'t matter what others said, as long as he was good with Shao Junling.

Moreover, lately whenever he saw Shao Junling, Yin Chang would think "he is a gift", and his heart would be filled with joy.

At night when he slept, he began to enjoy the feeling of Shao Junling clinging to him...after all, it was different from the countryside. His home had air conditioning, so no matter how much Shao Junling tangled him up, he wouldn\'t feel hot.

Yin Chang even wanted to find opportunities to chat and talk more with Shao Junling, to get to know him better.

Unfortunately, his work was still very busy, and as soon as he returned to the city, he had to run around for work non-stop.

He didn\'t have time until the day the variety show was about to air. He finally had some free time, went home early, ate dinner, and sat in front of the TV with Shao Junling.

At 8 o\'clock in the evening, the first episode of "Super Star Life" aired on Star Entertainment TV on time.

The others also entered the WeChat group, saying let’s watch and discuss together.

The first to appear was the opening interview, where the five groups of guests were each asked a few questions and aired in sequence. Yin Chang remembered this was filmed after they finished recording the theme song.

When it was Yin Chang\'s turn, the host asked him, "Are you nervous about bringing your younger brother to participate in the variety show?"

Yin Chang laughed, "A little."

The host asked again, "What are your expectations for the program?"

Yin Chang replied, "I hope he will like it."

The camera flashed and cut to Shao Junling. The host asked him, "What kind of person do you think your brother is?"

Shao Junling lowered his head, "Handsome." "Cool." "Busy." "Lonely."...

This string of answers had obvious pauses and looked like they were cut together. Yin Chang could guess that it was probably because Shao Junling didn\'t speak fluently during the interview process, answering only one word at a time, like pulling teeth, so they did this to save time during post-production.

That was okay, but Yin Chang found it a bit strange that Shao Junling kept his head down while answering.

Then the host asked another question, "Do you want to go out and play with your brother?"

Shao Junling then looked up and said to the camera, "Yes."

After the interviews, the upbeat theme song played.

"Brother, I want candy~" The first sentence was You Luming\'s voiceover in a childlike tone.

"Ah, open your mouth~" Huang Han in the animated MV lovingly stuffed candy into You Luming\'s mouth.

Then, Shao Junling\'s singing voice appeared, "Brother, hug me and lift me high!"

Yin Chang followed, "Arguing and bickering, our daily routine!"

Qin Xifeng continued, "Sister\'s smile, let\'s dance together!"

And finally, Qin Jingshan sang, "My little sister, the best in the world!"

Watching on the TV, Yin Chang was surprised. "Huh, it\'s pretty good."

When they went to record the song, Yin Chang had felt that both he and Shao Junling sang very stiffly, but when they joined the group\'s singing, it seemed more natural.

Of course, the sound engineer must have put in a lot of effort.

After the theme song finished playing, the first scene that appeared was... Yin Chang\'s place.

Yin Chang pulled Shao Junling back down.

Shao Junling tried to get up

Yin Chang pulled him back down, "Don\'t get up, you\'re my gift, let me hug you for a little longer!"

Shao Junling: "Damn, why do you have so much strength? I\'m gonna suffocate!"

"Superstar Life" Theme Song (Full Lyrics)


You Luming: Brother, I want to eat candy.

Huang Han (doting): Open your mouth.

Shao Junling: Brother, hug me and lift me up high.

Yin Chang: Quarrel and bicker every day.

Qin Xifeng: Sister, smile and dance with me.

Qin Jing Shan: My sister, the best in the world.

Xue Ziwen: Hello Uncle, please take care of me.

Wang Chen: Little chubby, have a piece of cake.

Lang Chizhi & Guo Yiheng: I\'m the big brother, you\'re the little brother.

Yin Chang: Hurry up, I\'ll take you to dig a bird\'s nest!

Shao Junling: Wait, wait, I haven\'t finished putting on my pants!

Qin Jing Shan & Qin Xifeng: I\'m the big sister, you\'re the little sister.

You Luming: I\'m still a little baby.

Huang Han: Don\'t be afraid, baby. Brother is always by your side.

Wang Chen: Hey, don\'t run, be careful, I\'ll tell on you.

Xue Ziwen: Hey, come chase me, I won\'t let you find me.

Wang Chen: Sister! He\'s making trouble again!

Yin Chang: Hey, don\'t argue, it\'s annoying me.

Shao Junling: Hey, don\'t worry about it, stop nagging.

Qin Jing Shan & Qin Xifeng: Siblings, love each other.

Lang Chizhi & Guo Yiheng: We\'ll fight today, but tomorrow will be better.

Xue Ziwen & Wang Chen: Uncle and nephew, also no exception.

You Luming & Huang Han: Who called us to grow up together?

All: La la la, you\'re my dearest brother/sister/little brother/little sister/uncle/nephew.

All: La la la, I want to love you and be with you until we grow old together.