The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 883: Longevity Day (2)

Chapter 883 Longevity Day (2)

Since the two countries are close relatives, Lanling and Nalan are close, and the prince of Lanling is already the king of Lanling, so there is nothing wrong with introducing him after introducing Beiming’s first power.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "Don\'t come here to be safe!"

The tone turned out to be a touch of proficiency?

The people from the other four countries were so surprised!

including warmth.

"Brother, long time no see, I miss it!" Amber reached out to give Warmth and Nalan Jinnian a hug, Nalan Jinnian coldly spit out two words: "Dare you!"

Amber hurriedly retracted his hand and then opened his arms to hug warmth: "You are the future princess of Seventeen! I am him...!"

Nalan Jinnian directly raised her foot and kicked: "Go!"

Amber\'s figure flashed, and he dodged.

Amber escaped, and said with a disappointed look: "It\'s really inhospitable at all!"

Emperor Junxian\'s eyes flickered, and he asked curiously: "King Lanling and King Jin are familiar?"

Although Lanling is a small country, its geographical location is very important. It is located at the junction of two continents. If you want to communicate with foreigners on another continent and travel by land, you must pass through Lanling!

One of the purposes of   Emperor Junxian’s trip is to make friends with Amber, and then be able to get the Lanling Kingdom’s copper token token!

If you really can’t make a good relationship, it will destroy his relationship with Naran.

He needs to understand the relationship between Nalan Jinnian and Andorra.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

After complaining, Amber looked at the warmth curiously.

Beautiful enough! But this should not only be the reason why Seventeen fell in love with her and protected her!

Hearing this, Andorra glanced at Di Junxian: "Unfamiliar! I don\'t know him!"

He is not a dead friend with this cold-blooded and ruthless guy who doesn’t know anything about courtesy!

Emperor Junxian: "."

Are people in Lanling so good at opening their eyes and telling lies?

I’m not familiar with him, why did he rush to hug others?

However, when he thought of if the two were familiar, Di Junxian felt that he was willing to deceive himself and believe Amber\'s words.

Be aware that the Beiming Kingdom once sent people to negotiate with the people of the Lanling Kingdom, and wanted the caravan from the Beiming Kingdom to pass in Lanling, but the former King of Lanling refused.

Later, the leader of Beiming Kingdom returned his soldiers to go out and wanted to take Lanling Kingdom.

As a result, one hundred thousand troops disappeared completely in the desert, and there is no news at all!

The king of Beiming sent a group of people out to investigate the situation. There were a thousand spies, all of them strong and capable, and only one person came back. The news that the person brought back was that the desert was too weird at night. Unpredictable, the moving sand dunes can bury people alive in an instant!

Also, the people of Lanling country are very xenophobic, but all the men and women of Lanling country are brave and good at fighting! Very united!

They have been practicing martial arts since they were three years old, regardless of male or female.

So although the country is small, it still survived.

Emperor Junxian: "The prince thought that the two are very familiar, but also wanted to ask King Jin to introduce him! The prince has long wanted to know the king!"

Nalan Jinnian: "This king knows you very well?"

Amber: "I don\'t want to know you! Put away your wolf ambitions for me!"

Emperor Junxian: "."

What kind of wolf ambition does he have for him!

is really a barbarian, he can\'t even use idioms!

Di Junxian\'s right hand squeezed the jade ring on his left thumb.

This Amber is too ignorant to praise!

Hmph, not just a small country, even if everyone is brave and good at fighting, when he unifies the five countries, he will personally lead his troops to level Lanling country!

Of course, now we still have to find a way to befriend him.

He smiled, pretending to hold his fist openly and said: "This prince heard that the people of Lanling are brave and good at fighting, so I want to get to know and compare! But the gentleman is not too difficult for others, so I\'m really sorry to bother you!"

Amber turned his head away and left him alone. This person looked like a beast with a human face!

He doesn’t deal with people who speak wrong!

The atmosphere is a bit weird for a while!

The three princes of Dongling Kingdom, the three princes of Xihua Kingdom, and the six princes of Southern Xinjiang were all paying attention to the relationship between the new king of Lanling Kingdom and Nalan Jinnian.

I originally thought that Nalan and Lanling were friends of the previous generation of monarchs.

Unexpectedly, this King of Lanling and Nalan Jinnian seem to have a close personal relationship?

This is not a good thing!

The position of the Lanling Kingdom is great. In the military field, it is a battleground for military strategists!

The reason why Nalan Kingdom was able to survive and survive the country a few years ago, until the current emperor succeeded, is because Nalan Kingdom’s caravans can pass through Lanling Kingdom to reach the kingdom of another continent, and then earn huge wealth!

Otherwise, the Beiming Kingdom has already set foot in the Lanling Kingdom, and the three kingdoms no longer need to be ghosts. Every year they enter the palace and give countless things to Nalan Kingdom.

But Lanling State does not allow their caravans from the other four countries to pass!

No matter what they offer, they will not allow it.

Therefore, their caravan wanted to do business with the people of that continent, and could only cross the vast desert.

The Four Kingdoms once sent many teams to try to make a trade route in the desert, but they failed!

As many caravans as sent out, so many caravans disappeared in the desert, so no caravan dared to try to cross that desert afterwards.

Everyone looked at Emperor Junxian and Amber.

Honghe Temple Qing felt that the atmosphere had been stiffened by King Lanling and King Jin, and he hadn\'t entered the palace yet!

What if the emperor’s birthday feast is delayed in case of a fight?

Let’s introduce it first, and then send the person to the palace.

He immediately said: "King Jin, these are the messengers of Dongling, these are the third and fifth princesses of Dongling, Mr. Xu."

This Mr. Xu\'s name is Xu Yan. He has never heard of it before, and Hongyu Siqing doesn’t know what he teaches.

In addition, Tanglin Kingdom also brought a comatose person to Ali this time. I heard that it was the national teacher of Tanglin Kingdom, who was famous in the past, and he was called the Prophet Zhou.

But many years ago, he was in a coma for some reason. This time I brought him here, I guess I wanted Princess Hui\'an to help him see a doctor!

Tanglin Kingdom’s three princes and the fifth princess of Tanglin are here to lead the team. The two of them are compatriots, and they look very eye-catching.

People with royal blood are good in appearance. After all, every woman married by an emperor must be beautiful. Can it not be beautiful after so many generations?

The two smiled at Nalan Jinnian and Warmth and said: "King Jin, Princess Hui\'an, we meet again!"

Nalan Jinnian just nodded politely.

They also met on the Tanglin Longevity Day. The three Tanglin princes were very restrained compared to the prince who was beloved by the Tanglin Lord.

Dogs that don’t bark sometimes bite.

Next, the messenger of the southern kingdom of Hongxu Temple

faintly already a little impatient, if it weren\'t for the emperor to tell him not to let the messenger think that the people of Nalan country do not understand etiquette!

(End of this chapter)