The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 232: The Queen Mother Summoned (A reward for book friend Yu Muyuan

Chapter 232 The Queen Mother Summoned

The next day, Wen Jiarui and Wu Clan went to the palace to thank you.

It happened that the queen mother summoned Warmth and entered the palace with them.

Before entering the palace

"Is it enough to feed the queen mother?" Wu was a little uneasy.

Nalan Jinnian: "Aunt Wu don’t have to worry too much, just bring a basket of greens, nothing else."

Wu Family: "……"

She was worried, she wanted to prepare something more, but she didn\'t know what would be more appropriate to send to the Queen Mother.

Warmly held Wu’s hand: "Mother, don’t worry, what rare treasures the Queen Mother hasn’t seen? Our health-preserving vegetables are the only ones in the world, and they can strengthen the body and prolong life. Who wouldn’t like it?"

Furthermore, she also prepared a ginseng.

Wu thought about it, so he didn\'t worry about it.

The family went to the palace to thank you.

Outside the palace gate, the queen mother had already sent the grandmother by her side to welcome the warmth.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Grandma Rong: “Say to the mother and the queen, this king will come to see her in a while.”

"Yes." Mother Rong respectfully should be.

Nalan Jinnian warmly said again: "The Queen Mother is kind, don’t worry. I will go to the Kangning Palace in a while, and then go out together."

nodded warmly: "Okay."

Being able to wait by the Queen Mother and living in the palace for so many years, Rong Rong has an exquisite heart.

King Jin is unusual for Princess Hui\'an!

He has never been so...careful to any girl?

Even if it was the queen mother, Lord Seventeen was relatively indifferent.

This is not to say that he doesn\'t value the queen mother, but that it is by nature.

Grandma Rong respectfully, please go to the Kangning Palace warmly.

Along the way, many court ladies saw Lily of the valley carrying a large basket with a food box following behind them.

The maids and eunuchs did not show their faces, but they were all surprised in their hearts!

Hui\'an County Master prepared a big basket of vegetables for the Queen Mother’s meeting ceremony?

This matter soon spread in the palaces!

Some of the women in the palace are even surprised to spray tea!

Everyone was laughing secretly.

Grandpa Li overheard, the two little eunuchs were discussing, and they reprimanded: “Do you want to behead your head if you want to talk about the master? If anyone dares to talk behind your back, you’ll be killed!”

A group of ignorant people!

Is that ordinary dish?

That\'s a fairy dish!

However, so as not to cause trouble to the head of County Hui\'an, he did not say anything.

King Ning Palace, the queen mother took a picture in the mirror, and then asked the maid waiting next to her: "Suizhu, how is my makeup today? Will it be too serious?"

It\'s not good to scare that little girl by any chance.

Suizhu: "No! Very beautiful! Noble and elegant, just right!"

"It\'s beautiful? You make me ugly!" What if you make that little girl feel ashamed?

The ladies of the Corning Palace: "..."

The queen mother is just summoning a princess, why is she so nervous?

Those who don’t know think that the queen mother is going to see her daughter-in-law!

The maid accepted her fate to help the Queen Mother change her makeup, but it seems more beautiful!

They dare not say!

Then the Queen Mother felt that the clothes and makeup looked inconsistent.

Want to change clothes again!

Tossing back and forth several times, the warmth is here!

The queen mother quickly stood up: "How is it? How is Aijia like this?"

"very nice!"

Queen Mother: "..."

"Queen dowager, you are the number one beauty in the world, you look good no matter what! Besides, Princess Hui\'an is just a little girl. It doesn\'t matter what the queen dowager wears!"

The eighth princess was also very surprised: "Grandma, why do you seem to be nervous?"

The ladies dare not say this, but they nodded silently in their hearts.

What is the empress dowager nervous about?

Shouldn’t it be Princess Huian that is nervous?

"You don\'t understand!" The queen mother left this and hurried out.

Everyone: "..."

They really don’t understand!

The queen mother walked, thinking that her son had seen Princess Hui\'an 108 times during the Qianqiu Banquet yesterday!

This shows what?

Her iron tree son finally blossomed!

Princess Hui\'an is likely to be her future daughter-in-law.

The son saw Princess Hui\'an 108 times, but Princess Hui\'an never looked in the direction of his son.

This shows what?

Luohua deliberately flows ruthlessly!

Her son\'s Mengsao temperament is indeed unpleasant, and it is estimated that women who are not trying to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix will look down on him.

And Princess Hui\'an does not need to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix.

She is so good, she doesn\'t need to be attached to any man at all, she can live as a dragon and phoenix by herself.

It\'s normal to look down on my own son of Mensao!

Never mind the son Mengsao, if her future mother-in-law also left a bad impression on her...

Whoops-the consequences are really unthinkable!

She may not have grandchildren!

Warmth saw the Queen Mother coming out, and saluted in a timely manner: "Queen Mother..." Auspicious.

"Princess Hui\'an doesn\'t need to be more polite!" Before the warming ceremony was finished, the queen mother came to her and helped her up.

The queen mother took the warmth and sat down, and then touched her little hand and couldn\'t help but feel distressed.

This girl has a cocoon in her palm at a young age.

How much farm work did you do?

"The Aijia would like to thank Princess Hui\'an for bringing such a wonderful banquet to Aijia yesterday! If it were not for you to turn the tide and fight the monsters and gods bravely. We would be ashamed of Nalan country!"

Warmly smiled: "Nalan Kingdom is full of talents. Without me, others would go up."

The queen mother smiled: "You really can talk with your little mouth! There are so many talents, but there are not many geniuses!"

The eighth princess sat down beside Wen Nuan and said excitedly: “Nuan Nuan, you were really amazing yesterday! Did you really learn Western musical instruments once you watched it?”

"I have a strong memory. I can recite a book once I read it." This can only be explained!

And she does have a strong memory!

The eighth princess widened her eyes when she heard it: "Really? I\'ll test you! Come and get the book with Zhu!"

The queen mother became nervous when she heard: "Cheng Yue, don\'t mess around!"

Seventeen, there is such a big niece, what if she scares off her grandson’s mother?

smiled warmly: "It\'s okay!"

Princess Eight: "Yes, just play! Grandma, don\'t be nervous! God, there are people in this world who are as perverted as Uncle Seventeen!"

Queen Mother: "..."

What is it like to kick Xiao Ba out? !

She said that the brat is abnormal and she has no objection, but how can you even scold my daughter-in-law?

At this time, a court lady gave warmth a cup of tea.

Warm eyes fell on the exquisite colored porcelain tea bowl, thoughtfully.

Suizhu also brought a thin book over.

The eighth princess took it over: "Nuannuan, show me back!"

Warmth retracted his gaze and took it, flipping through page by page.

This palace lady is really considerate, and she found a book with few words.

She reads the book very quickly, with ten lines at a glance, and she finishes reading the book very quickly.

Then she memorized it verbatim.

Queen Mother: "..."

The eighth princess loosened her hand with the book and fell to the ground: "..."

The maids and grandmothers of Ci Ning Palace: "..."

Really abnormal!

Add more for guardian Yumu Garden

Thank you for the book friends who rewarded: @雨沐园, @白熊芳, @七分一 Rainbow, @心,若, @无不可,

Thank you~~

(End of this chapter)