The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 218: A nest of snakes and rats

Chapter 218 A Nest of Snakes and Rats

Guo Mingyan was so angry that her temples jumped suddenly: "Miss Wen, I am kind, I didn\'t expect you to be a donkey liver and lungs!"

Warmly tilted his head, and said innocently: "So, do you really intend to send it? Then I can apologize! I was really sorry just now, I misunderstood you! Miss Guo, you are really beautiful and kind! Everyone loves, car Seeing the car, open the lid of the coffin when you see it!"

Use silver to humiliate her severely!

She doesn’t mind!

Send a few more items!

The eighth princess really loves this girl\'s mouth!

How can this mouth be so poisonous as Uncle Jin Wang, and it will cheat others!

At this time, the shopkeeper came out with the treasure of the town shop.

The eighth princess hurriedly took it and put it in her warm arms, and then said to the shopkeeper: "I asked Miss Guo for the silver. If she didn\'t bring so much silver, she would write it under the name of the general\'s mansion, you know? This is what she kindly gave to this Girl!"

The eighth princess finished speaking, and said to Guo Mingyan: "Miss Guo is really beautiful and kind. I really underestimated you before!"

Guo Mingyan’s complexion is even more exciting than the color palette!

The lady who stood with her was also shocked!

The shamelessness of these two people has refreshed their three views!

Liang Ziyun walked down with the three gentle sisters at this time.

I was slightly surprised when I saw the rattling picture!

But thinking of Guo Mingyan\'s admiration for King Jin, she was a little clearer.

She smiled and saluted the Eighth Princess: "Eight Princess."

The eighth princess saw her happily and said, "Ziyun, do you have any fancy? Today, Miss Guo is very kind and wants to give you jewelry!"

Liang Ziyun glanced at Guo Mingyan without a trace, then smiled and said, "I picked a few sets."

Guo Mingyan did not wait for the eighth princesses to speak this time, and said: “Ms. Wen is a peasant girl. If there is no money, I will treat the poor as a relief, but you are all ladies, I will not give it away!”

After speaking, dropped two silver tickets and hurried away!

Li Wanwan and others, hurry up to keep up.

They are worried that the eight princesses will pit their money.

The eighth princess chuckled, and said loudly: "Songer, obviously reluctant! What pretend to be generous!"

Guo Mingyan is an idiot. Fortunately, she has martial arts, otherwise she will really hit the street!

Guo Mingyan went out after a few people.

"Who is that woman?" Li Wanwan frowned.

A dark cloud flashed across Guo Mingyan’s face: "A peasant girl who falsified! The blame pretends to be pure and plays cleverly. Very cunning!"

"Is she the head of Hui\'an County?" Deng Luoshan asked what he thought of.

"Huh huh!" Guo Mingyan answered from her nose, quite disdainful!

"Bah, shamelessly grabbed Mingyan\'s credit, stole Mingyan\'s design, and became the county owner." said Lin Yaner, the daughter of the deputy director of the Taile Department.

"This is fine too? This is too mean, too mean, right?" Li Wanwan was surprised.

Lin Yan\'er: "No, otherwise, why do you think she is a peasant girl who would be appreciated by King Jin? That kind of shameless person can do anything shameless, don\'t know one more word, and can design Liannu That kind of person, who is a little bit skinny and loves to seduce the son of a rich man, wanting to be a concubine! Do you think about which concubine is not from a base?"

"You said that, it\'s true. But if she doesn\'t know a word, why would King Jin be deceived by her?" Deng Luoshan asked in confusion.

"She pretends to know how to heal, to help King Jin apply acupuncture! She still has to take off her clothes to... Do you think a good girl will learn these sideways, is this not to seduce men?" Lin Yaneryi Face despised.

These are all what Guo Mingyan said to her when she was retired by King Jin, so sad and drunk.

"God, really? Too shameless!" Li Wanwan covered her mouth.

"Hu Meizi! This is from Chunhualou, right? This is also worthy of being the county owner! Disgusting!" Deng Luoshan said angrily.

"Tomorrow is a Qianqiu Banquet, should we expose her in public? How can such a slut\'s identity be higher than us?..."


A few people walked away while discussing.

Yufang Zhaili

The eighth princess asked Liang Ziyun how to meet warm.

Liang Ziyun: "In Ningyuan County, Nuan Nuan saved the lives of me and my mother!"

Ningyuan County? It\'s Ningyuan County again!

It is really a place of outstanding people!

"Nuannuan, you are from Ningyuan County, do you know the head of Hui\'an County?" The eighth princess called Nuannuan after Liang Ziyun familiarly.

has regarded her as a close friend!

Warm and other people’s expressions are wonderful!

Liang Ziyun smiled: "How do you know, you are still very familiar with it!"

"Really? What kind of person is County Lord Hui\'an?" It must be extraordinary to let Uncle Jin ask for her reward!

"It\'s far in the sky and close in front of you, haven\'t you seen it?"


For a long while, the eight princesses stared at those water-cut autumn eyes: "Are you the head of Hui\'an County?"

It’s no wonder Wang Uncle Jin looks different!

This is clearly a nest of snakes and rats!

Hey, no, Hupengouyou!

is also wrong, this is clearly a scorpion!

The eighth princess feels that she has finally found a good word!

"Warmly met the eight princesses, thank you eight princesses for speaking out!"

The eighth princess waved her hand: "Don\'t thank you! Who made us stunned!"




The eight princesses are similar to the warm smell, and they walked around again before returning to the house.

I passed a medical hall on the road and saw Wen Jiafu being carried into the medical hall.

Xiao Zhu and Wen Yu, as a bereaved maiden, followed by their side.

When Xiao Zhu turned her head, she saw a few warm people. She was about to step forward when she suddenly saw a familiar figure!

Is that little girl one of the siblings she met on the road that day?

The two brothers and sisters walked and said that the first person who planted rice was not the first to promote rice.

What benefits yourself and the people all over the world!

Little Zhu\'s head hummed!

"We were calculated by this little bitch!"

Wen Yu is not clear, so: "What?"

"It was the plague **** who deliberately sent a maid to say something in front of me, so that we would think of promoting winter wheat and offending the prince! That cheap seeding family must have reported to the emperor long ago!"

Wen Yu was full of anger when she heard that, the madness of the big prince just now scared her to death!

If their family has offended the eldest prince, can they still have a good life?

This plague **** has such a vicious heart!

It\'s a black heart and a bad stomach!

Wen Yu rushed up with an anger: "Plague God! You black-hearted ghost! Did you deliberately offend the eldest prince! You are so vicious!"

"Pop! Papa! Papa!......" Warm and unceremoniously slapped me, I don\'t know how many slaps!

Wen Yu was beaten directly, his ears and brain were buzzing!

There is blood in the mouth.

Little Zhu saw Wen Yu rushing out, he knew it was not good!

It\'s just that she is still a step slower!

Little Zhu hurriedly came to Wen Yu\'s side: "Sister Nuan, she is your sister in the end, how can you beat her like this?"

"Pop! Papa! Papa!......" This time it was the hand of the eighth princess!

The eighth princess has a pretty face: "Insults and questioned the magistrate who was proclaimed by the emperor in person, what happened to your mouth? If you take credit for others, you should complain first?! Where\'s the face?"

Little Zhu\'s face was covered: "..."

(End of this chapter)