The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 1458: Fanwai 6 Mountain and Water Fishing Chapter 3

Chapter 1458

Xiao Lang rolled his eyes directly: "A liar! My mother said, I lied too much, I was a liar! It\'s even more wrong for an adult to lie! How can you catch a hundred fish in a quarter of an hour? Just brag! "

Xiao Huang was angry: "My mother is not a liar! Don\'t say that to my mother!"

You can scold yourself, but you can’t scold your mother!

Warmly raised his eyebrows: "Don’t believe it? I can catch it for you!"

Xiao Lang\'s eyes rolled: "Okay! You can catch it. If you can\'t catch a hundred fish in one moment, Xiao Huang will have to call me the eldest brother, and he will listen to me in the future, how about?"


This kid is amazing!

I am so young, I want to find a small follower, I want to be a big boss.

The Supreme Emperor: "."

This kid dares to let his grand-nephew be his younger brother?

Bold enough!

Warmly looked at Xiao Huang: "Xiao Huang, what do you think? Are you afraid that your mother will lose?"

"Don\'t be afraid, I believe in my mother. My mother is the best!"

smiled warmly: "Well, good!"

Xiao Huang looked at Xiao Lang: "If I win, you have to apologize to my mother, uncle and uncle, and call me eldest brother!"

Xiao Huang knew for the first time that the eldest brother could rely on fishing.

Although Xiaolang is bigger than himself.

But he wants to be the big brother!

Like a small adult, Xiaolang slapped his chest, "Okay! Anyway, I will definitely win!"

Catch a hundred fish in a quarter of an hour?

Two quarters of an hour to go fishing, can you fill the fishing boat?

Kids know the impossible!

Unless the fish in the sea runs to her fishing net by themselves!

Still rushing to catch it!

Warmth first went home to prepare some bait, and then went to the sea with Nalan Jinnian to fish on the reef group.

Xiao Huang is still not allowed to follow the reefs on the sea.

I can only watch with eyesight and friends on the shore.

The coast of this dynasty is not like modern beaches full of tourists, so there are many fish, shrimps and crabs on the reef.

Villagers also come here to fish on weekdays.

It’s just that it’s not that easy to catch. It’s better to catch more fish in an hour than when you go out to sea for a long time.

Most fishermen love to go out to sea, except for some old people who can’t go out to sea, they come here to fish.

A few old people are fishing now.

Warm and Nalan Jinnian find a place where no one is.

Warmth first threw a small bag of bait into the sea, and then she began to input purple gas to lure some fish over.

In less than a minute, the fish, shrimps and crabs beside the reef swam over at an eager speed visible to the naked eye.

Those little things like fish, shrimps and crabs are rushing to eat the bait in the cloth bag.

But because it is packed in a cloth bag, I can’t eat it. I can only drink the yellow bait juice that seeps out of the cloth bag.

Nalan Jinnian hooks the fishing rod onto the bait, and then throws the hook into the water.

They prepared a total of ten fishing rods. Here, Nalan Jinnian dropped three fishing rods. The remaining fishing rods were too late to hook the bait, and the fish was hooked!

The warmth quickly pulled the fish up.


Xiao Lang looked at Warmth and Nalan Jinnian didn’t fiddle. He said: "Xiao Huang, even if your parents use a hundred fishing rods, it is impossible to catch a hundred fish in a quarter of an hour! Let alone ten fishing rods."

Other children also nodded to express their opinions.

"Fish is hard to catch."

"My grandfather can catch a few after one hour of fishing. It\'s better to go straight down to catch crabs!"

"It’s already very good to catch five fish in a quarter of an hour."

It’s just little kids. Before you finished speaking, I saw Warmth catching a fish.

All children: "."

Xiao Lang froze for a moment, and then said: "This is just luck!"

At this time, Warm picked up the second fishing rod again, and a sea bass was jumping alive in mid-air!

All children: "."

Next, the children saw Nalan Jinnian constantly throwing her rod and catching fish one after another warmly.

without taking a break!

Finally, Warmth and Nalan Jinnian are too busy!

The speed of throwing the fishing rod is not as fast as the speed of the fish hooking.

The children on the shore are all staring at it!

The villagers who have been fishing for half their lives are shocked!

What kind of fairy fishing speed is this?

Or today’s fish, shrimp and crabs are all stupid?

But why didn’t they catch it?

Finally, Warm thinks that fishing with a fishing rod is too troublesome, so she just picked up the net bag and went fishing!

Nalan Jinnian saw densely packed fish, shrimps and crabs swimming over, so he simply picked up the fishing net on the ground and cast a net into the sea.

The whole person jumped into the sea to pull the fishing net.

Several villagers who were fishing nearby ran to the two. Seeing the dense school of fish in the sea, they could not care about anything, and jumped down to fish! !

The children on the shore were stunned.

What happened?


A quarter of an hour later

Countless villagers who ran over after hearing the news looked at all kinds of seafood piled high on the ground like a hill, and all kinds of expressions of doubting life.

Xiao Huang counted a drop in the sea in the hill. He pointed to the small, small, small pile of fish and said, "Xiao Lang, there are a hundred fish here. You count it! When you are done, remember to shout. My big brother will listen to me from now on! And, apologize!"

Xiaolang: "."

At this point, the status of the little yellow kid king is established!


There are too many fish. If you don’t deal with it properly, it will be wasted.

Because the warmth just now attracted a lot of fish, every household got news that people came to fish. So, at this moment, everyone has a lot of fish in the town.

Warm will teach you how to deal with and preserve these fish, and also teach you how to make certain fish and seaweed into various snacks, such as spicy fish, squid shreds, snacks made of various seaweed and so on.

In this way, it can be sold farther and earn more money.

Otherwise, these fishermen would go out to sea before dawn every day, salvaging some seafood to sell in the town, earning a hundred and dozens of wen every day. In summer, seafood is easy to smell and can only be sold cheaply in the end. Life is also tight. of.

Stayed by the sea for more than a month, the weather is getting colder and colder. Warmth has taught everyone all the ways she knows, and they should leave and continue their next journey.

The sun was dazzling on the day I left.

On the beach by the sea, there are sea fishes basking one after another, and prawns basking on the rocks.

All the villagers took a large bag of dried goods and seafood to send out.

It’s just that the boat can hold a limited amount of things, and during this time I warmed myself a lot. Before leaving, I gave a lot to the villagers, only a small part was accepted, and the others rejected everyone’s kindness one by one.

Then, in the reluctance of everyone, waved goodbye.

The boat went farther and farther, and the villagers by the sea could no longer be seen.

Xiao Huang sat at the table, fiddling with the gifts from his friends. The conch was made into beautiful accessories, and he reluctantly said: "Mother, will we come back in the future?"

Warmly touched his head, "My mother doesn\'t know if she will come back, but you can come back by yourself when you grow up in the future."

A person can go to many places in a lifetime, but not every place will be revisited.



"Then I will come back to play when I grow up."

(End of the book)

The extra update is over!

This is the end of the story of Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian. Although I feel that there are still some stories to be written, I feel that it is enough.

It’s been almost two years without knowing it, and suddenly I feel a little bit reluctant. I am grateful for the perseverance of many book friends.

Thanks to the operation officer @灵灵一号, for your hard work!

I would like to thank the book friends who have supported the book "Farming Girl, Fu Fei, Name Moves the World" all the way, thank many book friends for voting every day, and even some book friends often vote for several, a dozen, and dozens of votes.

thank you very much!

Some book friends, I even see the number of recommended votes, and I know who voted.

Every day I see everyone\'s recommended tickets, monthly tickets, and see your familiar names, which is my motivation for persisting for the past two years.

I talk very little on weekdays, so I express my gratitude here. There are a thousand words, but there is only one sentence—thank you, my dear book friends.

(End of this chapter)