The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 1452: Fanwai 3 On meritorious deeds

Chapter 1452

You don’t have to go to court early in the first month, Warm and Nalan Jinnian will live directly at the Anguo Government’s mansion that night.

Nalan Jinnian finally felt what she used to dream of every day.

The two returned to the palace early the next morning.

The carriage almost returned to the palace gate, warmly picked up the carriage and took a look outside, just in time to see Thunder hovering in front of the palace gate a little hesitantly.

Warm and surprised: "Thunder is there something important to report?"

Nalan Jinnian heard the words and looked out.

At this time, Wan Yun, wearing a silver armor, walked out of the palace gate.

Lei Ting stepped forward and took out a box from his arms and gave it to Wan Yun, then said a few words, and quickly ran away.

Wan Yun watched his back run away before opening the box, inside it was lying quietly a rose flower hairpin carved from purple jade.

She liked it at a glance, took it out, and looked at it carefully. This rose jade hairpin has exquisite carvings and delicate jade quality.

Her favorite rose flower.

The dream is to grow roses in the garden of my home in the future.

Of course, her dream has come true, and now the yard where she lives is also full of roses.

It is also a variety obtained from the Queen’s Niangniang. It has everything, and it is beautiful when it blooms.

After coming out of the dark guard camp, Lei Ting will give her a jade jewelry about Qiangwei as a birthday gift every year.

Send gifts to myself and Lin Feng, Chen Huan, Chen Xi... and other companions from the Dark Guard Camp, but only Lei Ting gave them about rose flowers.

Every year.

She never thought about it before, never thought...

There was also a letter in the box. She took it out. Before opening it, a carriage stopped in front of her eyes.

Wan Yun quickly put it away and saluted: "Wan Yun has seen the emperor, empress empress."

smiled warmly and said, "Is there anything wrong with the thunder just now?"

"Going back to the empress, there is nothing serious about it."

said warmly and curiously: "Then what did he give you?"

Wan Yun blushed at the thought of Thunder, not knowing how to answer.

Warm after seeing this, said: "I\'m just curious, you don\'t need to answer!"

Wan Yun hurriedly said, “It’s not something special, it’s just a gift.”

Warm and then I thought that Wan Yun’s birthday was approaching, "Birthday gift?"

Wan Yun: "Go back to the queen empress, yes."

smiled warmly: "I have prepared it for you, too. I will pick it up in my palace in a while."

Wan Yun hurriedly said, "Thank you, Empress Empress."

Warmth is not a joke. She prepares birthday presents for the maid beside her every year.

The carriage directly crossed Wan Yun and entered the palace gate.

Warmly thought of Wan Yun\'s blushing face, and the maid beside her should also be accepted.

Warm thoughts of something, and looked at Nalan Jinnian with a little excitement: "Wan Jun should get married too. Thunder and her match. There are also Chen Huan and Chen Xi, Lin Feng and Lin Xing by your side."

Nalan Jinnian hurriedly interrupted her: "This kind of thing can\'t mess up the mandarin duck spectrum. If the two are interested, they will always come together. Thunder is not a person who dare not ask for favor."

"Well, you are right. Then I will explore the tone of Lei Ting and Wan Yun. There are also Chen Huan and Chen Xi."

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Is this right?

How come Nuannuan likes to be a matchmaker?

Warmth understood his meaning from his expression, and said speechlessly: "They are all ours. If we don\'t take the initiative to work on their marriage, who will work?"

"Well, you are right."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. The third cousin and Liu Kai’s wedding date has been set, and it will be the same day as my second brother. I gave a proposal for the two couples to hold a wedding together in Tao Ranju. What if Lei Ting and Wan Jun intend to make it more lively."

Wen Qian and Liu Kai’s wedding day was set yesterday. Wen Qian is already 20 years old, and Liu Kai is two years older than Wen Qian. Both families want to get married as soon as possible.

But after the good-natured New Year, I have to go back to the place to take office. This big wedding day is also picked in the first month.

Warmly thinking that the Anguo government was going to marry a niece and a daughter-in-law, it was enough for Wu to work, so I thought of a way to let the two couples hold the wedding together, and hold the wedding in Tao Ranju, saving trouble and effort.

Now only after discussing with Mrs. Yin of Shuntian House, the three families have agreed, and the wedding is held in Tao Ranju.

Nalan Jinnian: "Whether you ask, you will be rewarded early on the eighth day of the eighth day. If the two of you are interested, the house I will give to Thunder is larger. It counts as Wan Yun\'s share."

Wan Yun has made great contributions over the years.


Nalan Jinnian decided to start the city on the fifth day of the fifth day and the early eighth day of the day.

Yamen in various places have also been released from the eighth day of the first lunar month.

On the eighth day of the eighth day of the early dynasty, there is only one task, which is regarded as a reward for meritorious deeds.

The seven princes were given the title of Prince Qi, and the fief was the city of Pingjin in the original Tanglin Kingdom.

Prince An’s son was given the title of King Yi and enjoyed the treatment of the prince.

Ning Wang Shizi was given the title of King Yu and enjoyed the treatment of the prince.

Then Nalan Jinnian also set up a cabinet study.

Appoint seven princes, Prince Qi, King Yi, King Yu, and be responsible for assisting the emperor to review the memorials and deal with the affairs of the court.

Nalan Jinnian thinks well, he is going to bring warmth to see this great river and mountain, and play for a year and a half.

But this political matter can\'t be handled without someone, so he set up a cabinet study room specially, when he was away, let the seven princes and the three of them handle the affairs together, and then there are several cabinet ministers to assist.

So he and Warmth can play carefree.

The seven princes heard this cabinet study, what co-political king, he was a little confused, he couldn\'t help but said: "The emperor, what is this cabinet study, what is the co-political king going to do?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "Well, it\'s a reward, you\'ll know after a while. The salary is pretty high."

I can’t tell you yet!

The Seven Princes: "."

Why does he have a bad feeling.

But the salary is high, that\'s fine!

He wants to raise his wife and children now, and he almost can\'t afford health food.

Prince An’s son also feels bad!

He hurriedly said: "The emperor, it is the duty of the minister as a royal to protect the family and the country, and the minister does not need to be rewarded!"

Especially the co-political king is not needed!

There is nothing good to hear!

Prince Ning saw that Prince An was like this, and he was busy saying: "The emperor, the ministers do not need to be rewarded! What the ministers do is what they should do! If the emperor is embarrassed, just give some silver to the ministers!"

Prince An’s son has never been a master who will suffer.

I\'m afraid this cabinet study is nothing good.

Seventeen emperors, everything is good, and the most good one is bullying!

The fear of being enslaved, dominated and framed from childhood made him extra vigilant.

Nalan Jinnian said with a faint expression: "The elder\'s gift is inescapable, so be it! Little fortune, continue."

Three people: "."

here we go again!

The bad feeling is getting worse!

So Xiaofuzi continued to announce the rewards of others.

Wang Xiao was given the title of Dingguo, enjoying the treatment of a first-class country, and was hereditary. There are also a lot of rewards for rare and exotic treasures.

Lin Tingxuan was given the title of Zhennanhou, and the warmth was given the title of the first-grade imperial wife, hereditary indeterminate, and then a lot of rare treasures.

Lin Tingxuan is also the General of Zhenyuan, the head of all generals, his official position is higher than San Gong, sometimes above San Gong, and sometimes under San Gong.

Thunder gave him the title of hussar general, mainly responsible for the elite cavalry, that is, the leader of the elite cavalry.

Liu Kaici was named General Dingyuan, mainly in charge of infantry. The leader of the infantry.

Cao Zihao is General Yumiao, who is mainly in charge of navy, that is, the chief of the navy.

Other lieutenants, as well as some soldiers who showed interest in the war, have also been promoted one by one.

Little Fuzi read aloud the achievements and rewards of the generals.

Nalan Jinnian has read this list of generals promoted many times, and decided after careful consideration and weighing.

So far, Nalan country’s military layout has been greatly improved compared to the past, and it is very rigorous.

National defense, troops can never lag behind.

Be beaten if you fall behind.

The real rise of the younger generation of generals is here!

is no longer North Korea and no generals are available!

If someone is not afraid of death and dares to bully Nalan country in the next few decades, try it over there!

(End of this chapter)