The Original Vampire

Chapter 379: Crash


The huge siege hammer smashed the heavy half-elf palace\'s north gate, shook the entire palace wall, and the fine dust went down.

"Do it again! Do it again! You can break it!"

Charlie yelled, brandishing a long sword, and his immature face was flushed with excitement.

Behind him, thousands of Silvermoon Guardsmen also raised their swords and cheered, waiting for the moment when the palace gate was knocked open.

This scene looks a bit dark and humorous.

Because the half-elf palace has always been guarded by the Silver Moon Guard, but at this moment, they have become the party trying to get in.

Since Colin entered Silvermoon City, he immediately let the blood cavalry take over the defense of the palace, and that\'s why this scene was created.


The palace gate made of fine iron shook again, but it still stood stubbornly.

However, the rebels outside the palace gate suddenly became louder, because they clearly saw that cobweb-like cracks had appeared on the walls around the palace gate.

A strange excitement was boiling in the chest of the rebels.

Half-elf palace!

They have sworn to guard the place!

There are a lot of gold and silver treasures, the young maid, and the beautiful half-elf queen!

These seem to be beckoning to them, tempting them to rush into this place that seemed so majestic and sacred in the past, to find everything in their dreams, and take it for themselves.

But at this moment, a rebel officer suddenly felt something abnormal.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and then his eyes were quickly filled with fear.

"Cavalry, cavalry! It\'s a blood cavalry!"

Charlie was still immersed in the excitement that the palace gate was about to be breached. He heard the yelling of the officer around him, and suddenly said with dissatisfaction: "What is it? We have a reserve team behind us..."

However, just as they were talking, the black cavalry had appeared at the end of the road, and the bright blood-red flag was particularly dazzling.

The wide main road outside the palace gave the cavalry room for display.

Before seeing the palace gate, the blood cavalry lined up in seven rows, galloping on the streets without any scruples. Anyone who blocked their way and could not escape was knocked to the ground and trampled into flesh. mud.

At this time, whoever blocks in front of them can\'t slow their speed, and the so-called innocence is not within the consideration of these blood cavalry soldiers.

There is only one thing in their minds-they must reach the fastest charging speed when they rush to the front of the rebels.

Then, with the terrible impact brought by this speed, tear the enemy line apart!

It didn\'t take long for the rapid sound of horseshoes to change from vague to clear.

When Charlie was still asking why the reserve team behind him did not block the cavalry, the forward of the blood cavalry was clearly visible.

They were uniformly dressed in blood-red armor, holding long knives, and lined up in a neat and typical charging queue, covering the entire long street.

Even in the city, the soldiers of the blood cavalry relied on superb equestrian skills and great courage to charge at full speed.

This kind of terrifying and insanely crazy aura can never be imagined by a person without a positive response.

"Lidun! Lidun!"

The rebel officer roared, but the despair in his voice could not be concealed.

Although they had already made the psychological preparation to confront the blood cavalry, at this moment, facing the blood cavalry swept by the wind, the rebels couldn\'t help but start to regret it.

The temptations in the palace looked pale and feeble compared with the terrible threats before him.


Accompanied by countless screams, the first batch of blood cavalry heavy cavalry crashed into the rebel army like a steel monster.

Dozens of figures were immediately knocked out by the galloping horses, spraying blood like a curtain of rain in the air, and the sound of bones breaking in their ears.

Even after reorganization and expansion, the combat effectiveness of the Blood Cavalry is still as unstoppable as before.

They were like cutting a sharp knife into the butter, their speed hardly slowed down, and they tore cracks in the rebel formation.

After just a charge, the rebels who were still full of killing desire [] Wang immediately became confused. They desperately pushed to the sides, even in the direction of the palace gate that had not been knocked open, just to avoid the terrible blood cavalry behind them. military.

Panic spread quickly like a plague.

Charlie was still stupefied on the spot, as if he couldn\'t believe everything in front of him. Fortunately, the rebel officer beside him picked him up, and with a team of guards, he decisively rushed to the alley to the east. .

The leaders ran away, and this time the rebels completely collapsed.

The open area in front of the palace gate is full of chaotic crowds.

Some clever rebels quickly put down their weapons and clamored to surrender.

Unfortunately, they collapsed too fast, and the generals of the blood cavalry had not had time to switch orders.

As a result, those blood cavalry soldiers like hungry wolves rushing into the flock of sheep skillfully bent over, swung their knives, and with the help of horsepower, cut rows of rebels on the side of the horse to the ground, spraying countless blood into the air. Sprinkle to the earth.

Thousands of cavalry galloped across the street in front of the palace, leaving behind a corpse and blood flowing across the ground.


The crumbling palace gate slowly opened, and Knight Logger walked out slowly, his indifferent gaze swept across the messy battlefield, but he did not issue an order to close the sword.

After listening to the cavalry general reporting the battle in the city, Knight Logger thought for a while and ordered:

"Don\'t take care of the warehouses that are on fire, concentrate your forces, suppress the rebellious Silvermoon Guard, and find out the mastermind of this rebellion!"

An army officer warned carefully: "My lord, but the places where the fire started are granaries. I suspect that someone wants to destroy the grain in Silvermoon City. If we leave it alone, the purpose of this trip..."

Knight Logger shook his head firmly and said: "No, those granaries are traps to disperse our forces. Don\'t be fooled! Our first task is to suppress the rebellion. The issue of food is not something you should worry about."



Lord Medewin looked at his son who was kneeling in front of him, embarrassed and dazed, his anger dissipated in an instant, and he couldn\'t say anything to blame.

Even if he knew he was dragged into the water by his son, Duke Medewin knew at this time that he had no way out.

Under his order, the Silvermoon Guard had almost all been launched, and they were constantly gathering to the palace, preparing to fight the blood cavalry to the death.

This time, the Modiwen family has already staked all of their wealth. Whether they can regain the half-elf throne, success or failure will depend on this.

"William, the blood cavalry have been prepared for a long time, and their combat effectiveness is really terrifying, we must avoid their edge." Kamis looked at Charlie\'s embarrassed appearance, UU reading reminded with lingering fear.

"Uncle, do you have any good suggestions?"

"We can\'t attack the palace anymore. The blood cavalry must have deployed heavy troops there, and the streets outside the palace are too wide for the cavalry to rush.

Therefore, we should divide the army into parts and distribute the army in the densely packed alleys of the city, so as to restrict the cavalry. "

Duke Medewin thought for a while and asked, "But what if the blood cavalry stays in the palace and doesn\'t come out to fight us?"

Kamis sneered and said: "No, don\'t forget that half-elf merchants are burning granaries now. That is the important purpose of Count Angele\'s trip. The northern border needs this batch of food, otherwise famine will be raging again this year. .

Therefore, it is impossible for the blood cavalry to sit and watch the fire everywhere in the city. They will definitely come out! "

Lord Modywin nodded repeatedly and said:

"Okay, just do what you said!"