The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 862

With a smile, Tong jiumo ran to Mo Qi Jue's body, stretched out a pair of small hands and hugged Mo Qijue's strong waist.


Mo Qi Jue felt that she was holding him tightly, and he wanted to be held in the blood.

He raised his hand and stroked her trembling back.

"Wife, I'm fine." Mo Qi Jue comforted her and said.

Her body was shaking all the time.

"Thank you for keeping us all alive." Tong jiumo's voice trembled slightly.

After she got off the plane, she heard the stewardess say that it was not only the airflow, but that if it was not controlled properly, it would crash.

How scared she was when she knew.

Now looking at Mo seven Jue safely from the plane down, her hanging heart just gradually put down.

"My wife is on the plane, how can I put your life in danger?" Mo seven Jue gently rubbed her small head, soft voice said.

"Let's go and have a drink and have something to crush our nerves, OK?" Tong jiumo holds his waist and looks up at him.

"What would you like to eat?" Mo Qi Jue asked gently.

The strength of her holding him was what he liked.

Especially in front of Ye Mo Han.

"I feel happy to be with you, even at the roadside stall, eating fried dough sticks and soybean milk." Tong jiumo said.

"There is a restaurant in the airport. The food is good. Let's eat it." Mo Qi Jue reached out and scraped the tip of her nose and said softly.

"Good!" Tong jiumo nods with force.

Mo Qi Jue hugged her small waist and left.

After walking a few steps, Mo Qi Jue turned back and looked at Ye Mo Han faintly. He said, "thank you."

Ye Mo Han was stunned.

I don't want my favorite woman to have an accident

Mo seven Jue smell speech, a handsome face instantly cold down.

"It's not normal for men to think about other people's wives." Mo Qi Jue said coldly.

"What do you mean? I like it. " Ye Mohan shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

"Husband, don't pay attention to this rascal." Tong jiumo was afraid that two men would fight, so he quickly pulled Mo Qi Jue on the car and left.

To the restaurant, Mo seven Jue ordered a table of children nine foam like to eat dishes.

"Would you like something to drink?" Mo Qi Jue asked.

"Just order a bottle of wine." Tong jiumo said, "I'll give my parents a call to report their safety."

"Well, let's just say that we're traveling halfway, not about the plane accident." Mo Qi Jue reminds a sentence.

"I see." Tong jiumo doesn't want to be frightened by the four treasures of the stranger's family. At the end of the day, they will certainly start a teacher to investigate the crime.

Will also be mo seven Jue fat beat a meal.

She loves her husband so much, how can she let her family beat him?

So Tong jiumo said simply on the phone, "Mom, ah Jue and I passed by the transfer station. He has some business to deal with here. We can take advantage of this time to travel for a few days."

Chi Bingqing ordered over the phone, "Mo Mo, you must remember to let ah Jue don't work too hard and too often at night, and give birth to a quality baby. It can't be so frequent in that respect, and it should be controlled."

Tong jiumo's face turned red. "Mom, we're really here to travel..."

"Ha ha, happy travel, more conducive to pregnancy, foam, come on!" Chi Bingqing said with a smile.

"Mom, I'm not ready to have a second child..." Tong jiumo said frankly.

"Well, since this is the case, we can't force it. We have to follow the foam's heart." Chi Bingqing didn't do it reluctantly.

After hanging up the phone, Tong jiumo saw Mo Qi Jue staring at her, "Mo Mo, do you really don't think about having a second child with me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!