The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 853

"Mommy, I agree to go to Mommy's room and beat daddy PP with ale!" Mo Li Si said quietly.

Tong Lele smell speech, looked at the Mo Li Si, showed a belly black smile, "small secretary, you bad ah!"

"I think it's more appropriate for the three of us to fight together." Mo Li Si solemnly said.

Bingo Tong Lele raised his hand and clapped hands with Moli.

"Ashley baby, daddy is Mommy's man. You don't give face to me like this, Mommy." Tong jiumo looks at Mo seven Jue's eyes for help, she also speaks for Mo seven Jue.

"Mommy, why don't we give face like this?" Tong Lele scratched his hair and asked with a frown.

"Damned, but my parents are bullying me." Tong jiumo said solemnly on his face.

Tong Lele looked at Tong jiumo suspiciously, "Mommy, is it really that serious?"

"Yes, this is the filial piety virtue of China for thousands of years. Children should be filial to their parents and respect their parents." Tong jiumo took two babies and sat down beside him, earnestly instructing, "you should be obedient in the future, and you can't always bully daddy."

"What if daddy bullies us? What to do? " Mo Li Si asked the key.

"Ace, listen to your tone, as if daddy is always bullying you." Tong Lele frowned.

Mo Li Si nodded, "yes, I often bully me. I always beat my PP every three days. I've grown up and still beat me in front of servants. Do I want face? I really want face. "

Tonglele heard the speech, stretched out the little fat hand, rubbed the small meat buttocks which slightly cocked up and strong, and said with heartache, "really good heartache! How cute this little PP is! I'm always beaten by daddy's big hands which can be called white bone claws Tut tut... "

Mo Li Si: "what's more..."

Moli division by Tong Lele so a touch of the small butt, ears around Tong Lele's voice, his chrysanthemum tight, small face covered with black lines.

"Ah Le, what are you doing! Don't touch it

"Can't you touch it?" Tong Lele scratched his hair.

"No Mo Li Si small face more and more cold and dark.

Looking at Mo Li Si hair black hair cold small face, Tong Lele pursed up a small butt, "that you touch my PP, touch enough of this!"

"I don't have this habit." Mo Li Si stares at Tong Le Le's pursed little ass.

Tong jiumo looked at the two living treasures and was instantly amused by them.

It is clear that he is complaining about Mo Qi Jue, but now he has become a brother fighting with each other.

"I have! If you don't touch mine, you can touch yours for me Tong Lele rubbed a pair of small hands, picked a small eyebrow, and held out a salty pig's hand toward the Moli division, with a face of evil spirit, "small secretary, I'm coming..."

"Mommy! Help Mo Li Si quickly hid behind the child nine foam.

Tong Le Le did not let go of Mo Li Si and chased after him.

Mo Li Si can't help but run around mummy.

In this way, Tong Le Le and Mo Li Si circle around Tong Jiu mo.

"Come on, come on, miss!" Tong Lele called out as he chased after him.

"Help! Death, perverted child, happy Mo Li Si was frightened by the enthusiasm of Tong Lele, and his face turned white!

Oh, my God!

There is a demon brother in his family! , the fastest update of the webnovel!