The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 727

Tong jiumo said, "ah Le has been studying in England and hasn't come home yet. If they go home, I'll tell you."

I was busy getting married before, so my two children were managed by Mo Qi Jue.

In order to save the trouble of children, he packed his two babies abroad.

Is this what a new father should do on his first day?

Her family's treasure is very grudge.

When she went to England, the two babies had a grudge and organized a group to blackmail his money.

And her identity is also exposed because of this!

Her baby and his baby know that she is m!

How terrible!

On the list of hackers, four of them are in the top four!

What would it be like if people in the back knew that the first four were a family?

"Mo Mo, what are you thinking?" Ye An'an looked at Tong jiumo and fell into meditation. He waved in front of Tong jiumo and asked in a low voice.

"I'm thinking about ale! I don't know how he is now. " Tong jiumo spat out his tongue, "my son and I have not been separated for such a long time."

Fortunately, Tong Lele is accompanied by the son of Mo Qi Jue.

But to be honest, she also really wanted to play.

Super want that.

Usually ale always makes her angry, but at the critical moment, her son is very useful.

Her son is as lovely as he can be if he doesn't make her angry.

How much she likes her son!

"The baby's name is ale? This name is really nice to hear, happy baby Aunt Qing asked Tong jiumo.

"Yes, it's called Tong Le Le Le." When Tong jiumo talked about his son, he couldn't help but lift up a radian.

"Tong Lele, this name is really good! It's so happy to be your baby Aunt Qing took out a square box from her bag and handed it to Tong jiumo. She said with a smile, "Mo Mo, this is a wedding gift from Aunt Qing."

Looking at the square box of the logo, Tong jiumo was surprised, "aunt Qing, I dare not accept such a valuable gift!"

Millions of diamond necklaces!

Aunt Qing forced Tong jiumo's hand, "foam, this little gift, and your mother-in-law gave you the perfect, less than a mention."

Not at all.

"Aunt Qing, can't compare like this, I really don't like other people give me too expensive gift, have your blessing is enough!" Tong jiumo really dare not ask for a necklace.

"If you don't accept the gift, you look down on Aunt Qing." Aunt Qing looked at Tong jiumo and said earnestly.

"Mo Mo, you just take it. If you don't accept it, aunt Qing will feel bad." Ye An'an saw Tong jiumo push off, also helped to say, "foam, we also have no savings, can not give more gifts."

After ye Mohan became the leader of the organization, they donated all the commission they earned during the organization's mission to charity, hoping to alleviate some of the crimes of killing.

Even if many of the targets they deal with deserve it, at least it is a life.

Because he was infected by Tong jiumo, he did good when he was free.

They insisted on doing so many good deeds, and they were rewarded with good deeds. They were reunited with Tong jiumo.

Tong jiumo's hospitality is difficult, for fear of pushing off again, will make Qing aunt angry.

"Thank you, aunt Qing and sister An'an!" Tong jiumo takes the gift box and thanks.

"Just take it!" Aunt Qing raised her hand and touched the small head of nine foam children, "really good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!