The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 706

Mo Qijue moved his work to the manor. When he was in the study, he let Tong jiumo sit on his leg.

He kept pounding his hands on the keyboard.

Tong jiumo sat on his lap, she did not dare to move. Looking at the data on the keyboard, she frowned and asked, "don't you worry about me seeing your secret?"

"You are my wife." Mo seven Jue did not stop the work on hand, whispered.


Tong jiumo looked at his handsome face, "you work on the job, why do you sit on your lap with me?"

When she asked, her little face turned red.

Mo seven Jue listen to words, hugged a little bit, "only you in my side, I will feel safe."

Tong jiumo saw some small bloodstains in his eyes, and she also knew that he was busy. She did not disturb him any more, but sat quietly on his leg.

After Mo Qi Jue was busy, he just wanted to stretch his hands and felt his shoulders heavy.

He lowered his head and looked down. Tong jiumo fell asleep on his shoulder.

She sleeps like a little angel.

He turned off the computer, picked her up carefully and went to the bedroom.

Put her on the bed, and he climbed into bed from the other side, his arm through the back of her head, and put her on his arm.

The other hand clasped her slender waist, took it to his arms, let her sleep in his arms.

He along with her breath, also gradually into the dream fragrance.

And as long as the child nine foam a little move, Mo seven Jue will wake up.

He didn't dare to sleep until she was there and safe.

In the middle of the night, Tong jiumo had a nightmare.

She screamed and was woken up.

Mo Qi Jue also woke up at the same time.

He rushed her into the arms, "foam, just a nightmare, don't be afraid, I'm by your side."

Tong jiumo was frightened by the nightmare and was sweating.

She stretched out a pair of small hands, tightly hugged him, drilled into his arms, "husband, I dreamt that ye Mo Han came to catch me!"

"Don't be afraid. It's just a dream." She was constantly comforted by her surprise.

It took him half an hour to calm her down.

Mo Qi Jue felt that it was a hidden danger to keep the leaf ink cold.

Now his wife has been scared, ye Mohan must be eradicated.

Mo seven Jue the next day with children nine foam back to the Mo house.

The house of Mo family is heavily guarded.

It's no exaggeration to say that even an alien fly will sound an alarm when it comes in.

Mo Qi Jue felt safe only when he put his wife at home.

Back home, Mo family four treasures see Tong jiumo back, quickly welcome forward.

Carry her into the house.

Mo seven Jue took Mo Wujiang to the study.

"Dad, I'm going to the dock tonight. Please take care of me." Mo Qi Jue said to his father.

Mo Wujiang nodded and said, "you and ye Mo Han are going to have an end."

"Well, I know." Mo Qi Jue said.

"I'm afraid that he will have new hatred and old hatred together with you. He won't let you go. You'd better be careful and don't have an accident." Mo Wujiang approached Mo Qi Jue, "don't get hurt. Mo Mo will blame you for hiding her decision today."

"Well, I'll be measured." Mo Qi Jue narrowed his dangerous eyes.

"If you fight as fast as you can, we will not give the foam medicine so hard, only make her feel sleepy and want to sleep, when she wakes up, at any time things." Mo Wujiang knows that if Tong jiumo knows that Mo Qijue goes to Ye Mo Han, he will not agree.

But if the competition between men is not handled as soon as possible, there will be more follow-up problems.

"Dad, if Mo Mo wakes up on the way, she can't let her know where I am." Mo Qi Jue asked and said.

"I see. We'll try to delay her." Mo Wujiang said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!