The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 683

Tong jiumo drank the tea and felt a little sweet. She drank it to the end.

After drinking tea, Tong jiumo fell asleep.

It fell right in his lap.

Mo Qi Jue gently put the cup on the bedside table.

Then he gently hugged her head and put it on the pillow. After covering her quilt, he went out and ordered the servant to stew millet porridge and make some pickles.

He didn't wake up hungry.

He went back to the bedroom, climbed into bed, lay down beside her, held up her little head and put her on his arm, and he held her slightly in his arms.

Tong jiumo felt a familiar and warm embrace, and rubbed against his arms.

Mo seven Jue body suddenly a stiff, and then ease to God, caress her small face, and then take a pillow behind her, with her breathing sound, sweet sleep.

When Tong jiumo woke up in the middle of the night, he was awakened by hunger.

She was too hungry to sleep.

By the moonlight refracted in from the outside, when I opened my eyes, I saw the handsome face in front of me.

Mo Qi Jue was sleeping soundly and very quiet.

It's lovely, too.

It's 100% similar to the sleeping ale.

Ah Le looks so much like him. He must have loved the baby a little more than she did before she was pregnant with him. That's why he looks like him.

Tong jiumo quietly got up and got out of bed. When the servant heard the noise, he got up quickly. He saw Tong jiumo up and went quickly.

"You are hungry, aren't you?" The servant went to the kitchen and brought out the millet porridge and pickles.

Looking at the fragrant millet porridge, Tong jiumo frowned, "how do you know I will be hungry?"

The servant laughed and shook his head and said, "this is what the young master ordered. He said that he was worried that the little grandmother would wake up hungry, so he specially ordered me to make millet porridge and make some pickles."

Tong nine foam a Leng, some can't believe.

"Grandma, the young master is really good to you." The servant said a lot.

Tong jiumo sat down on one side, drinking light millet porridge, and even drank two bowls.

She went back to her bedroom and brushed her teeth before climbing into bed. She lay down beside him. She gave him a kiss on his handsome face.

Then he put his head on his arm, held his strong waist with his small hand, and rubbed her face against her chest.

Smelling the familiar smell in him, she fell asleep sweetly.

And at this time, Mo Qi Jue opened his eyes.

He woke up when she woke up.

But he couldn't open his eyes.

God knows how hard he endured when she woke up and looked at him seriously?

He was afraid that he would wake up and want her.

So he kept pretending to sleep.

Now she went back to sleep, and as she circled his waist, he froze.

He tightened his arms and fished her into his arms.

The next morning.

When Tong jiumo wakes up, Mo Qi Jue is still sleeping.

In front of her eyes was a beautiful face with a peerless face. She looked at it and felt special.

God is really partial to him, even the pores are handsome and unreasonable.

How can there be such a good-looking man in this world?

Mo Qi Jue is like the skill of standing in the face. He doesn't look like a 29 year old at all. He is more like a college student.

Fortunately, she's not bad. She looks petite.

It was not abrupt to walk with him.

By his handsome appearance, Tong jiumo's small hand is caressing his facial features slowly, depicting his outline.

Tender fingertips along the side of his face, slowly moved down to his lips.

He opened his mouth suddenly and put her finger in his mouth.

All of a sudden, she was so scared that she was shocked.

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