The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 455

"Ah! How hot it is

When Feng housekeeper reached out to help Mo Qi Jue, he found that the young master's body was very hot.

"What's the matter?" Tong jiumo asked in a hurry.

"The young master has a fever!" Said the housekeeper, worried.

"I made ginger tea for him. How could he have a fever?" Tong jiumo is because two people have been in the rain, so she just boiled ginger tea to drink cold.

"What? Ginger tea Feng housekeeper hears speech, scared all over tremble, "Miss Tong, quick! Call 120


Tong jiumo immediately made an emergency call.

After a while, the ambulance arrived, Tong jiumo and Feng housekeeper followed the ambulance to send Mo Qijue to the hospital.

"Housekeeper, what happened?" Tong jiumo's voice was filled with a trace of fear, and asked with a light trembling voice.

Feng housekeeper frowned, "Miss Tong, young master, he is allergic to ginger and pepper..."

"Sorry, I don't know..." Tong jiumo frowned.

Mo Qijue clearly can't eat ginger and pepper, why drink that cup of ginger tea?

"Miss Tong, this matter has nothing to do with you. It is the young master who did not tell you." Feng housekeeper picked up a handkerchief, while wiping the sweat on his forehead, and then informed the stranger four treasures.

Mo Qijue was sent to the emergency room.

When the doctor came out from inside, he said to Tong jiumo and Feng housekeeper, "fortunately, Mr. Mo was sent in time. If it was not because of allergy, he would cause shock and brain hypoxia and die."

Hearing this, Tong jiumo trembled.

Is that serious?

"Lao Feng, what happened? How can Mo Qijue get into hospital first aid? "

The four treasures of the Mo family also came to see Tong jiumo, and asked, "Mo Mo, how can you also be there?"

"Auntie, I'm sorry, but I did not know he was allergic to ginger..."

Tong jiumo apologized to the four treasures of the Mo family.

Ginger is a common condiment, and he is allergic.

"Ah Jue ate ginger?" Chi Bingqing's face turned pale when he heard his speech.

"Yes I saw him in the rain, so I made a cup of ginger tea for him to drink. I didn't know it would be so serious. I'm really sorry. I'll take all the responsibility. " Tong jiumo is very sorry to say.

"How is ah Jue now?" Chi Bingqing wrung her eyebrows and asked.

"Madam, the young master is all right. Fortunately, Miss Tong sent him to the hospital in time." Said the housekeeper.

Chi Bingqing smell speech, light breath, and then comfort the child nine foam, "foam, it's OK, ah Jue is OK, you don't blame yourself."

Mo Qijue was pushed to the VIP ward.

No one left the hospital, guarding the bedside of Mo Qi Jue.

About 30 minutes later, Mo Qi Jue woke up.

Looking at a room full of people, he was stunned.

Isn't he at Mo Mo's?

Why is the whole family here?

"Mo Qi Jue, are you awake?" Is the child nine foam first discovered Mo seven Jue to wake up, she hurriedly close to the bed, twist eyebrow asked Mo seven Jue, "do you have where uncomfortable?"

The head of Mo Qi Jue was still drowsy, and his whole body was very hot.

"Foam, where is this? Am I not in your house Mo Qi Jue asked.

"Mo Qi Jue, you are obviously allergic to ginger. Why don't you say that?" Tong jiumo looks worried.

"I can't help but drink the ginger tea you made for me." Mo seven Jue stretched out his hand and said, holding her little hand.

Tong jiumo frowned deeply, "you are joking about your life..."

If housekeeper Feng didn't call her, she would be a murderer in the morning.

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