The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 443

Tong jiumo really can't see Mo Qijue dancing there.

He asked with a smile, "honey, how come you didn't record the video for such a good chance to blackmail?"

"Mummy, you have to tell me, I have recorded it for a long time! Full HD code free Tong Lele touched his chin and said with a smile.

"Great, son!" When Tong jiumo heard the speech, his eyes were shining and he reached out to hold Tong Lele's small face. "It's really the cotton padded pants in Mommy's heart!"

"Mommy, how much are you going to blackmail him in this video?" Tong Lele raised eyebrows and asked Tong jiumo.

"Save this first, and Mommy will knock him hard." Tong jiumo said with a smile.

"Mommy, who did you learn from when you were so black?" Tong Lele continued to pick eyebrows.

"Was infected by Mo Qi Jue, who let him pit me." Tong jiumo said.

"Mummy, you are wrong. They have made your human body sofa and carried you on their backs. You can experience the taste of being spoiled when you are in love." Tong Lele shook his head. He was not satisfied with his mother's heartlessness. "My poor dad..."

Tong nine Mo smell speech, deep frown brow, "I haven't promised to marry him, you so quickly change one's voice to call him daddy?"

With a thump in his heart, Tong Lele said quickly, "Mommy, this is something that will change sooner or later. The whole family of the stranger family goes out to help him marry his wife. Do you think you can escape?"

Tong Lele was very envious, "Mommy, the stranger has given you so much gift money! What's more, it's just for you! It's so cool to be a girl

"Hum, mummy, why don't you make the baby a girl? In this way, when I grow up, I can also choose all kinds of men, and I can also collect all kinds of gift money and be soft handed. "

Tong Lele immediately launched the drama.

"If you become a girl, you can't be a little Gong Ju. If you want to be a little Gong Ju, then Mommy will be very tired." Tong jiumo said with a melancholy face.

Tong Lele touched his head and nodded thoughtfully, "yes, girls are used to pet. If I become a little sister, I will work hard to pamper my mother! Oh, forget it, I'd better be a man to protect and pet Mommy

Tong jiumo reached out and stroked Tong Lele's hair, "well, darling, kiss one."

With that, Tong jiumo kisses Tong Lele.

Tong Lele handsome face a red, looking at the child nine foam, "Mommy, you kiss me, I still want to face?"

"Lele baby, can you tell mommy what this house is about now?" Tong jiumo's eyes were fixed on Tong Lele and asked with a smile.

Tong Lele was stunned. After calming down, he reluctantly said with a smile, "Mommy, that's the same thing. Before returning home, I bought two suites in your name."

"So this suite is for you to peep at Mommy?" Tong jiumo patted on the high-power telescope with one hand, and raised his eyebrows and asked.

It's right here in her room.

"Yes, what did you and Mo Qijue do in the room just now I can see it clearly! What's more, facts have proved that, hey, hey, hey... " Tong Lele said, smiling at the child nine foam.

Looking at his son's smile so obscene, Tong jiumo frowned and asked, "prove what?"

"Prove that mummy's life after marriage will certainly be colorful and will not be empty and lonely!" Tong Lele said, and quickly ran out of the room.

PS: asking for tickets , the fastest update of the webnovel!