The New Shirou

Chapter 4 - 3: Talent and an Accident

Kiritsugu taught Shirou as much as he could in a short period of time. In that time Shirou thoroughly shocked him with how fast he learned everything. In a mere three months Shirou had learned all the basics that any Magus would know. He had learned how to erase and replace memories as well as basic hypnotism and mind control. How to set up and control basic bounded fields and how to detect them. Kiritsugu also taught him how to get through those without being detected or how to feed them false information or even how to get around them completely. Those were tricks that only he knew from his long experience hunting magi and dead apostles. Next he taught Shirou structural analysis, reinforcement, and restoration magic. Structural analysis allowed him to learn the make up of things as well as their defects and flaws. Reinforcement allowed him to basically enhance or strengthen anything he wants or to change the shape and make up of something. It also allows him to enhance his own abilities and senses. Restoration allows a magus to restore broken objects or damage that was done to an area. It can only be used on non-living things.

After he got the basics down for all of these Kiritsugu moved on to something a little more difficult. The creation and control of Familiars. This was something that Kiritsugu had used often over the years so he was pretty skilled when it came to their use. But since his magical energy was limited he had only used smaller familiars and mostly for scouting. He first taught him how to create the body using his magical energy and a catalyst or animal. Then how to shape it into what he wanted. When that was finished he taught him how to control it and then how to share its senses. Shirou had picked it up really quickly shocking Kiritsugu since something like this was pretty complicated. Usually someone would take six months to a year to learn all they can about familiars but Shirou had mastered it in a week. Everything that he had taught Shirou up to that point should have taken a couple of years to master but Shirou had done it in two and a half months.

During the time Kiritsugu hammered the basics of magecraft into Shirou's head he had also started forging his body into a weapon through harsh training. Everyday they would do an intense workout to build muscle and flexibility. After which Kiritsugu would teach Shirou various forms for hand to hand combat and then spar with him to perfect the moves. When that was done Kiritsugu would have him train with swords and knives. With the sword he would have him swing it until he could no longer lift it. With the knives he would have Shirou spar with him while using weighted wooden knives and then teach him how to throw them with pinpoint accuracy. Once again Shirou surprised Kiritsugu with how fast he picked up everything. Some of Shirou's moves even seemed more refined than Kiritsugu's after training for a couple of months and his body had grown a few inches in height and already had some nicely formed muscles. This had surprised Kiritsugu and made him wonder how Shirou's body had developed so fast. What Kiritsugu did not know is that Shirou had full control of Avalon so after a hard training session he could heal the damage and get stronger faster. He would use this to his benefit by training for a few more hours secretly every night and this had caused his body to develop faster than normal. His physical fitness had already reached the level of an a.d.u.l.t who is a well trained athlete.

With all of this done Kiritsugu did not have much more basic stuff he could teach Shirou. So he had decided to teach him one more thing before moving onto more advance stuff. Projection.Commonly seen as useless but still something that any magus could do and was often taught to apprentices to help them with their control over their magical energy. It is an advanced magecraft that usually a magus will only master the basics of before moving on since no one really wanted to study something that was deemed useless. Kiritsugu had planned to teach Shirou this and then go and see if he could get his daughter back. He had recovered as much as he could from the war and had already realized he was going to die from the curse of the grail in a few years. So he had decided to at least try and force his way into the Einzberns castle to get Illya back. But Kiritsugu and Shirou were both in for a shock when he taught Projection to Shirou.


Kiritsugu: "Today I will be teaching you something a little harder Shirou." He said as him and Shirou sat across from each other in the Dojo.

Shirou: "I am looking forward to it dad. All the stuff you taught me so far was pretty easy." He said while smiling playfully at Kiritsugu. This caused Kiritsugu to shake his head and sigh ruefully before bopping Shirou lightly on his head.

Kiritsugu: "Just because it was easy for you does not mean it was for others. Most spend several years learning all of that but because of that they also have a very solid understanding of it all. Do not allow your success to go to your head. It will cause you to become arrogant and prideful. Such people are usually the easiest to bring down." He said in a serious tone of voice.

Shirou: "Don't worry dad. I will never let myself become like that. I want to live a carefree life so there is no way I would make myself into some snob who thinks he owns the world." He said while chuckling. This caused Kiritsugu to have a small smile on his face as he relaxed somewhat. He had seen far to many magi like that and a lot of them he had killed himself. He did not want his son to end up that way. He then turned more serious as he got back to teaching.

Kiritsugu: "Today I will teach you something called Projection." He said as he proceeded to demonstrate and created a cup with his magical energy. "Projection is rather simple but really hard to do. You are basically making something out of thin air out of your magical energy and it requires a great deal of control. One mess up in the process and the whole thing will shatter." He said as he let the cup fade away. He then proceeded to tell Shirou how to do Projection step by step and demonstrated by creating several other things so that Shirou could understand the process. Of course he had no idea Shirou was already a master at this and noticed several flaws in Kiritsugu's creations. "Now you try it." He said after he was done with the lecture.

Shirou: "Okay. I will give it a shot." He said as he began the process. But as soon as he did something unexpected happened. His magical energy began to run out of him like a river and the projection he had planned on making got changed against his will. Bright light flooded the dojo as a sword began to take shape. Shirou recognized that sword from the various knowledge he had gained from the the different versions of Shirou Emiya.

Kiritsugu: "Stop the flow of power Shirou!" He yelled as he dived for Shirou to try and drag him away from the sword that was being created. But as he did so he was sent flying back as the magical energy raged around the blade. He managed to roll when he landed but he still had the wind knocked out of him and could not get up for the time being as he watched Shirou with worry in his eyes.

Shirou: "That is impossible! Why is it forming on its own?!! Plus it is not just being traced or projected it is actually being forcefully brought into complete existence. It is being recreated and brought forth into this timeline." He thought with a look of disbelief on his face. "I knew my Origin and Element being creation was going to bring me trouble. I just never thought it would be this soon." He thought a little dejectedly as the sword started to glow even brighter before the glow suddenly died down and floating there was the complete sword in all its glory.