The New Shirou

Chapter 2 - 1: New Family

Shirou: "Ugh, my whole body aches." He thought to himself as he started to wake up. Then his regeneration kicked in and the aches went away. After he was fully awake the information on the

extra things the goddess had given him appeared in his mind. "So the goddess gave me some added benefits. The eternal youth thing sounds really good. I will have to thank her when I see her again." He thought while smiling and sitting up in his hospital bed. A few minutes after he did so Kiritsugu walked into the room while looking haggard.

Kiritsugu: "Hello, you must be Shirou. I guess I will just come out and ask you which you would prefer. Getting sent off to an orphanage or being taken in by a man you just met?" He said as he came and stood next to Shirou.

Shirou: "Wow I forgot how he asked Shirou like this." He thought while laughing on the inside. On the outside he made it seem like he was thinking before he looked at Kiritsugu and pointed at him. This caused Kiritsugu to smile happily, like he had just been given a second chance at life.

Kiritsugu: "I'm glad. Then lets get you dressed and ready to go." He said while getting a box of clothes out from under Shirou's bed. "You need to get acclimated to your new home as soon as possible. Oh I forgot to mention something you should know. I have to tell you an extremely important fact. Ready? Yeah. I should do this right now. You see Shirou. I am a mage." He said while turning to look at Shirou. Shirou just smiled when he heard this.

Shirou: "That's awesome. That means I can also be one." He said with a big grin on his face. This stunned Kiritsugu as that smile warmed up his frozen heart.

Kiritsugu: "That is something you can decide after hearing what mages are really like and what being a mage means. But if you still want to be one after that I will teach you." He said while smiling at Shirou. Shirou then got dressed and Kiritsugu filled out the papers to take him with him. Then they both left the hospital and got in Kiritsugu's car. Half an our later they arrived at the old Japanese mansion Kiritsugu owned. "This will be our new home Shirou. I hope you like it." He said as he held Shirou's hand while standing outside the mansion.

Shirou: "It is great, dad." He said while smiling and rushing towards the house while pulling Kiritsugu along. "Hurry up, dad. I want to see what it looks like inside." Every time Shirou called him dad it made Kiritsugu realize again that taking in Shirou was the right decision.

Kiritsugu: "No need to rush Shirou, the house isn't going anywhere. We will have a lot of time to get used to it from now on." He said while smiling slightly and allowing himself to be pulled forward by Shirou.

Shirou: "I know but I am just so excited. This house is so big." He said while calming down slightly. After he was settled down and both of them had taken off their shoes they explored the house together and Kiritsugu showed Shirou which room was his. When they were done Shirou said he would cook and then put the skills he gained from getting all the originals skills to use and made a large dinner for them both. When Kiritsugu saw the wide assortment of food he was stunned, he was even more stunned when he tasted it.

Kiritsugu: "That was delicious Shirou. From now on I will leave the cooking to you." He said after eating his portion and leaning back slightly on his cushion. He could swear he had never eaten anything that good before.

Shirou: "I am fine with that, I like cooking." He said while smiling. He had enjoyed cooking in his free time in his previous world and now with his skills in cooking combined with the original Shirou's people would be hard pressed to find a better cook.

Shirou: "Okay, but no matter what you say I want to learn magic." He said while smiling brightly. This caused Kiritsugu to chuckle slightly as he saw how excited Shirou was about magic.

Kiritsugu: "I am okay with that." He said while smiling. He then went on to describe what mages are and about the darker sides of magecraft and how it must be kept a secret to avoid getting hunted down. After he was done they sat in silence for awhile. Although Shirou had already known a lot of this some of the things Kiritsugu said were not mentioned in the anime and were pretty gruesome.

Shirou: "I will not be like those sc.u.m who only care about themselves and furthering their research. I will learn magecraft to protect myself and those I care for. If someone wants to kill me or those I hold dear in the future they will have a fight on their hands." He said in a hard tone of voice. "I know I can't save everyone suffering out there but I can and will protect those I care for." He said before relaxing and smiling. "Also some of the things you described mages can do sound awesome. I am looking forward to learning them."

Kiritsugu: "He has already understood everything I told him and is even thinking about future problems he may face. This kid may be a natural for the world of magecraft." He thought after hearing what Shirou said. "I am glad you took what I said seriously. From tomorrow on I will train you. For now lets get some sleep." He said while standing up and heading for the door of the room.

Shirou: "Okay, see you tomorrow dad." He said as he also stood up and headed to his room. When he got there he immediately started assessing all the new abilities he had gotten as well as all the things in his reality marble. His reality marble was different from the original Shirou's. Inside was still a massive plain with a large hill in the center but the plain and hill were covered in green grass and on top of the large hill was a large open pavilion that looked like the old temples in Greece. In the sky were still gears but they were moving and instead of being metal they looked like they were made of blue crystal. The sky was a beautiful blue with clouds here and there in it. Unlike the original Shirou's reality marble there were no weapons scattered about but he could feel that they could be called forth if he willed it. It took him two full hours to take stock of his new abilities and everything that was in his reality marble before he relaxed and went to sleep.


Kiritsugu: "I wonder if Shirou is up yet." He thought as he went to wake Shirou up at five in the morning. But when he opened Shirou's door he was not in his bed. He quickly went to look for him. When he could not find him in the house he used his control over the properties bounded field to search for him and finally found him in the dojo. As he opened the door to the dojo he was shocked to find Shirou doing push ups with no shirt on and covered in sweat. It looked like he had already been exercising for quite some time. "Shirou, what are you doing?" He asked in a stern tone of voice as he walked towards Shirou.

Shirou: "Just getting in a morning workout. According to what you told me yesterday I will need a strong body if I want to learn magecraft. Plus I want to learn how to fight up close so I need a good foundation for that." He said as he stopped working out and sat down to take a break.

Kiritsugu: "Well that's enough for today. You just got out of the hospital so I don't want you to push yourself to much. Lets have breakfast and then I will test you to see what your element and origin are. Once we find that out I can start teaching you the basics of magecraft and how to counter them." He said before sighing and heading out of the dojo. "Go get cleaned up while I cook breakfast." As he said this Shirou's face turned pale as he remembered what Kiritsugu's cooking was like from watching the anime.

Kiritsugu: "Are you sure?" He asked as Shirou caught up to him.

Shirou: "I am sure. You said last night I could handle all the cooking so leave it to me." He said as he turned towards the bathroom.

Kiritsugu: "Okay I will wait for it then." He said while smiling as he remembered the taste of last nights dinner.

Shirou: "Phew, dodged a bullet there." He thought as he reached the bathroom and preceded to take a quick shower before getting ready for the day. He then went into the kitchen and made a traditional Japanese breakfast for them both. After they were done eating he did the dishes while Kiritsugu went to get the devices to test him with and told him to come to the living room when he was done. Shirou was really excited to find out what his origin and element are since his abilities are not the exact same as the original Shirou's. So he hurriedly finished the dishes and went to sit across from Kiritsugu in the living room. "I wonder what they will be?" He thought as he looked at the device on the table.