The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 49

Zhang Nian looked at it, but he was not stupid. He immediately understood.

My father may not have been hit by Jun porcelain.

Although not Jun porcelain hit, but because of her.

What's the difference between taking a scholarship and stealing?

Her father was so angry that she was finally found and beaten.

This tone Zhang read can't swallow: "no, I'll wait for Monday, I'll go to her head teacher, so I don't know how to respect the old garbage, their school still collect it?"

But when it comes to Junci's school, Zhang Niang can't stop being disgusted.

In No. 1 middle school, she is not Junci such a garbage school can compare.

"Yes, yes, read you are right!"

Zhang Changming agrees with Zhang Nian. Fu Cuihua feels embarrassed when he stays here. He whispers, "Lao Zhang, I'll go home and cook for you."

Zhang Chang understood her and said, "go away, you old lady. I'm upset when I see it. Just keep me here

Next to the bed of a family of three looked over again, the child is a little confused.

Fu Cuihua felt that she couldn't hang on her face and immediately went out of the ward.

With a plastic bag in her hand, she left the hospital with tears flowing.

In fact, the words of Jun porcelain in the morning also touched Fu Cuihua.

She also knew how much they had gone too far with Jun porcelain.

But she is a woman's family, with her husband as the heaven and her daughter as the center.

All her life, she can only live by Zhang Changming's face. How dare she say no to Zhang Changming.

When I think about it, I feel aggrieved and helpless. I can't stop my tears.

But just came out from the main door of the hospital, Fu Cuihua saw Jun porcelain waiting at the door.

She just stood there in a thin T-shirt with a mask on her face.

Indescribable indifference.

Seeing her, Fu Cuihua quickly wiped the tears on her face and trotted over: "Jun porcelain, how can you What happened? Are you coming to see your uncle? "

Zhang Changming?

A strange smile from the corner of the mouth.

She also saw the tears on Fu Cuihua's face.

This is not the first time in my memory.

Fu Cuihua used to be the most miserable person in Zhangjia if it wasn't for a Jun porcelain pad.

However, at this time, she still expected Jun porcelain to come to see Zhang Changming. How could she change her mind completely.

Today's situation, more or less is Fu Cuihua's unconscious connivance.

Jun porcelain around the arm, a head higher than Fu Cuihua's height, to pay Cuihua a lot of pressure.

"Auntie, I'm here, and I'd like to call you aunt. I only ask you one thing. Did you get anything from me when you found me? Or how did you find me

Before Jun porcelain finished saying this, Fu Cuihua's face turned white.

"Jun Jun porcelain, what do you say

She shook her hand in fear and stepped back two steps. Just this look was wrong.

The answer is already clear.

Jun porcelain took two steps in her direction. Fu Cuihua saw that there was an indescribable deterrent in her eyes like diamonds. She felt like a strong figure, locking herself coldly.

"Aunt, I just want to find out how I was adopted by you. Of course, if you lie, I can see that. If I don't understand this, auntie, you may not have a good life in the future , the fastest update of the webnovel!