The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 290

I don't know. There is a saying in the world that heaven fails to fulfill people's wishes.

Knowing that the emperor was coming to the office, the female members were very excited. Even a group of male compatriots could not be spared from the cleaning and flower arrangement.

Usually in the office a little sloppy male editors, such as office slippers, are forced to change into good shoes.

Many male compatriots protested against this, saying that it was discrimination against their right to personal freedom.

But apparently the excited women simply ignored their protest.

At ten o'clock in the morning, in the hope of the majority of female editors, dog brother finally received a phone call from the emperor.

The voice of the youth is still as low as ever, but there is a kind of people can't refuse to be clear: "dog brother, I'm here."

For the first time, he felt that his voice was so comfortable that he could be called.

It seems to be a title that makes him face-to-face.

For a while, dog brother felt that there was light on his face: "here we are. I'll come down to pick you up. You can wait a moment."

Just as I said, "I'm going to be crazy with the dog! I'll go, dog

"I'll go. Just let me go. How can you come with such a small thing as running errands?"

"I'll go. I'm also the emperor's editor. Do you have anything to do with others?"

Brother dog:.... "

Other male members of the office:

They look at such a scene is almost crying without tears, once upon a time, they can enjoy such treatment in the office?

It's just that the stars are all over the moon, which makes people jealous and distorted.

"All right, like what?"

Lu Xuda couldn't sit still when he saw such a mess outside the office. He successfully stopped the chaotic scene.

"Gouzi, the author of Gouzi, went to pick it up. What are you doing so actively? It's still female."

Seeing that the female frequency editors were scolded by the chief editor one by one, they returned to their seats, and the other male frequency editors were almost ready to laugh.

It's time!

At this time, we can't say that they don't care about women.

Dog got this order, feeling as if he had got some glorious mission. He puffed up his chest and went down the stairs manly.

Luodu is a large enterprise, so the whole Luodu building is the same company. However, different floors are responsible for different business types. Brother dog, one floor is responsible for Luodu literature.

When Jun porcelain stood waiting in the hall, it had already attracted many people's attention.

Juvenile is a luminous body, as if walking anywhere can easily attract people's attention.

Even the mask on her face could not cover up the brilliance in her eyes.

Brother dog also noticed the Jun porcelain standing there for the first time.

He walked over, and the smile on his face came out: "have you been waiting for a long time?"

"It's OK. I just arrived."

Although young people have pride, but the words they say will not give people a sense of arrogance.

That kind of words brought with the dignity of life, will only let people unconsciously with a trace of respect.

"Well, you can go up with me now. Our editor in chief is also on it now, and many colleagues in the office want to see you."

Hear dog elder brother's words, Jun porcelain mouth corner silent raise a smile.

People in the office want to see her, and she naturally knows.

Gulu will bring some gossip information to her if she has nothing to do. , the fastest update of the webnovel!