The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1928


Listen to Jun porcelain said so, Sula did not deny that she was worried about Jimo Yin.

"Jimo Yin will take care of it."

Although Ji Mo Yin can't see that he is a second generation ancestor, what happened today should have been predicted in his heart.

I just didn't expect my strong mother would be so extreme.

Sula nodded again.

Soon, the Xia family and the Jiang family received the news, and several young people who came to visit were called back one after another.

When Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi are ready to go back, Jiang Yi receives a call from Ji Moyin.

On the phone, his tone was a little tired: "brother Yi, you can help me."

Jiang Yi knew what was going on in his family, and he was not poor. He said directly, "you say so."

"You help me to bring Sura to the hospital."

Jiang Yi smell speech, slightly some frown to look at Sura, tone is low: "you decided?"

Now it is self-evident who the hospital is.

Jimo yinrang took Sula to the place and explained what decision he was going to make.

Sura also looked at Jiang Yi, probably knowing that she was talking about herself.

Jun porcelain is also a little surprised.

"Well, just bring her here."

Then Ji Mo Yin hung up the phone.

Jiang Yi looked at Sura: "jimoyin asked me to take you to the hospital. Would you like to go there?"

It depends on Sula.

With her personality, only she ate Jimo Yin, no Jimo Yin can take advantage of her.

Sula paused and nodded.

Jun porcelain see this, then said: "I also want to go?"

She didn't want to get involved in other people's family affairs.

"Of course." Jiang Yi smiles at her: "I don't want to send her alone."

Sue rolled her eyes.

Jiang Yi called home and took Jun porcelain and Sura to the hospital.

In the car, Sura also did not resist, asked the next Jun porcelain: "what is the matter?"

To go to the hospital, she also knows that things should be serious.

Jun porcelain sat in the co pilot and looked at her in the rearview mirror. "It's not a big deal for you. Ji Moyin's mother committed suicide because his father took care of others outside and wanted to divorce his mother."

Sura was a little weird: "how could you leave?"

She knew that the marriage of such a family had many implications, and it was not the power of the Ji family. Ji Mo Yin's mother's family power was not low. If divorce was definitely a fight, how could his father do such a thankless thing.

"So he's threatening Jimo Yin's mother."

Jun porcelain just said a simple sentence, the specific situation did not say much.

Because these things they should not know, elders will not tell them comprehensively, how to know is a bit suspicious.

Sula nodded as if she understood something.

When they got to the hospital, Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi walked behind and let Sura go in front.

Ji Moyin's mother committed suicide by taking sleeping pills. She was rescued because she was found in time. When she arrived in the VIP ward, she was already awake.

She is a woman who is aging gracefully. She is not as beautiful as many actresses nowadays. However, she is very fragile in bed.

When she saw Sula, she looked a little puzzled. Ji Moyin, who was guarding her bedside, whispered: "Mom, this is what I told you, my girlfriend, Sura."

He said solemnly and looked at Sura, whose expression was a little stagnant for a moment. There was a trace of pleading in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!