The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1924

Although Jiang Yi wants to do something about it, he doesn't lose heart when he sees Jun porcelain sleeping.

When I got home and drove into the garage, Jun porcelain still didn't wake up.

Jiang Yi couldn't bear to wake her up. After getting out of the car, he went to the co driver, opened the door, poked Jun porcelain's face, and said in a low voice: "porcelain, we're home. Shall I carry you back?"

Jun porcelain did not sleep too dead, but sleepy can not open his eyes, vaguely heard what he said, low should a, "en."

Jiang Yi took her arm on her shoulder and turned around to carry her on his back.

Jun porcelain is very light.

This is Jiang Yi's first feeling.

He had never recited Jun porcelain before. This was the first time.

The person on the back is light some not like words, with Jiang Yi's strength, carrying her has no pressure at all.

In winter, the night was so cold that Junci fell asleep again. A cold wind came out of the garage. Jun porcelain shivered and subconsciously tightened Jiang Yi.

It's a total way of trust.

It took a while to walk from the courtyard to the building where he lived. Jiang Yi carried Jun porcelain on his back. Suddenly, he felt that this feeling was not bad. It was like he had been carrying Jun porcelain all the time.

She rarely showed such a relaxed look. She was totally unprepared. She leaned quietly on his back and fell asleep. For a moment, Jiang Yi felt that she was useful in front of Junci.

To the building there, small porcelain and small spy are squatting at the door.

The little voice was almost blocked by the threshold. Seeing Jiang Yi coming back, Xiaoci stood up and called in a small voice: "Dad ~!"

Jiang Yi nodded and said in a low voice, "mom is asleep. You can play by yourself."

Little porcelain tilted his head and said good.

The piano is also squatting on the sofa on the first floor. Seeing Jiang Yi come back with a voice that he wanted to cry, he saw Jun porcelain on his back asleep, and closed his dog's mouth rarely.

And then he fell on the sofa and began to sleep.

Forget it, shovel excrement are all asleep, or tomorrow morning to ask.

Thanks to it did not cry out, otherwise Jiang Yi would not have to beat it to death.

When he went upstairs, Jiang Yi wanted to put Jun porcelain down. He was not willing to give it up. But after all, it was most comfortable to sleep in the bed. He put Jun porcelain on the bed, and Jun porcelain automatically retracted into the bed.

Jiang Yi gently pushed her: "Jun porcelain, you have to take off your coat."

If it wasn't for the cold weather, she was so sleepy that Jiang Yi wanted to ask her to get up and take a bath

But Jun porcelain is definitely not willing to.

I don't know if Junci heard that. Anyway, when Jiang Yi came out after taking a bath, she had already taken off her coat and only wore close fitting clothes and no pajamas.

The porcelain white skin glows with enchantment under the light, with a concave and convex figure and long and straight legs. No matter what kind of Jun porcelain is, there is a crazy capital. If it is replaced by ordinary times, Jiang Yi may not be able to bear it. But now he just lies in bed, holding Jun porcelain in his arms, and he doesn't do anything. He sticks his face to her neck, and he is still a bit absorbed.

Sometimes I wonder if this is a dream, whether it is meeting Jun porcelain or for him.

Even if it's a dream, it's probably the best dream he's ever had in his life.

In his sleep, Jun porcelain turned over and faced him. He put his hand on his waist naturally, and a long leg hung on his waist.

The prince's sleeping posture is not so reserved after sleeping with one more person.

Jiang Yi saw her quiet and sleeping appearance, slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, with the rhythm of her breathing, also gradually into the dream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!