The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1905

The smile was stiff for a moment.

Then, her look became desolate.

It was the first time that her heart began to burn when she knew she was going to say goodbye to Iman.

Because she knew that the separation was forever, even now she could not see Iman.

For a long time, she just Yang shallow smile: "you help me to bring her a paragraph of speech."

With a smile, her voice began to dry up: "mother, I'm still alive, I still live in another life universe far away from you. I am here, on a planet called the earth, where there is a very good civilization height, there are many good people, here, I met the love of my life. The last star and Gulu are also with me, so you don't have to worry about me much -- "

she paused, slightly raised her voice, but could not stop shivering:" Iman, live well, I hope I can be your daughter in the next life. "

A tear rolled down her eyes.

This is the first time in the world that she has left real tears.

It's for Iman.

Gulu is also a little sad: "Your Highness, don't be sad, at least we are with you."

Last star: "Your Highness, everything will be all right."

Two brains are trying to comfort, Jun porcelain reluctantly nodded: "I know, end it."

Searcher No. 30749: "the information is received, and the signal will be sent soon. Your highness, I will send you back to the earth. May you live a happy life on this planet. Goodbye!"


As soon as its voice fell, a light column suddenly rose from the ground and soared straight up from the floating light mass!

The whole underground began to shake. The original colorful, vast and mysterious map of the universe began to shake.

The space began to twist. Jun porcelain felt that her body was suddenly out of balance. She only felt the space in front of her changed. Then she opened her eyes, and she had returned to the ground.

It's still Egypt in the sand outside.

Several pyramids are still standing high, but in this piece of yellow sand, Jun porcelain saw the top of the pyramid where it was just now and sent out a beam of light.

Straight through the clouds, it is magnificent and huge.

Such a scene is too conspicuous and shocking.

"My God, what is that?"

"My God, what is that?"

"That pyramid, look at it!"


A few of them were shocked, not shocked.

Almost reflexively, they took out their mobile phones and filmed the shocking scene.

Many people are still inside the pyramid and haven't seen it yet.

Gulu asked, "Your Highness, do you need to shield?"

Because someone is shooting, there may be some trouble uploading the video.

After all, this kind of scene seems too incredible.

"No need."

Jun porcelain's eyes have been restored to clear and bright again, and she can't see the pain just now. She looks up and looks up at the light beam. The corners of her lips remind her: "there are enough incredible things on earth. I don't care about this one more."

The beam lasted for a whole minute.

Maybe the seeker is launching a message. Just a minute later, all the beams seem to have been sent into space, and then in an instant, they turn into a light and dissipate completely.

The pyramid also vibrated for a while, but for a short time, it returned to calm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!