The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1846

One afternoon, Jiang Yi had a headache.

I don't know if Han Chun is really new, so she is always slow in some aspects.

After the project data came down, he had to analyze it one by one. After reading it, Jiang Yi had a general idea.

Han Chun didn't seem to understand. He pointed to the project and asked him, because some questions were more difficult for the newcomers. Jiang Yi thought that it was a group's direct explanation.

But when Han Chun asks him questions, he always looks at Jiang Yi with that kind of expression that looks very dull and cute.

In this way, if you change to another man, maybe you will be touched. After all, the pure and beautiful girl looks at you so lovely. Which man can resist such charm?

Jiang Yineng.

The madman is now full of thoughts about who the fool recruited him.

Why can you join Jiang's group?

Is the bean curd dregs in the brain?

His only self-discipline is to tell him not to scold women.

"Ah, this question..."

Han Chun seems to have something to say. Jiang Yi looks at the time and pinches the first second after work: "I'm sorry, it's time for me to get off work. If you have any problems, please ask Yan AI, please don't look for me."

Han Chun said with a lovely smile: "brother Jiang Yi, people still don't understand..."


Jiang Yi hit the table directly, and the loud noise immediately shocked everyone in the office. He pointed to Han Chun directly and sent out a strong evil spirit on his body: "I said, if you have any problem, please ask Yan AI. I tell you, if you still have any stupid problems about this project after working overtime tonight, you can get out of here!"

Han Chun's smile suddenly froze.

Jiang Yi finished this sentence and left without looking back.

She never thought that such a thing would happen. Han Chun's tears whirled in her eyes, and it was so sad.

Around the male colleagues see this situation, all low voice curse: "it is not a thing!"

Yan AI was even more angry. She came forward and took Han Chun's hand: "it's too much. I want to tell the manager, how can there be such an excessive person? Why should he talk like that? I'll ask the manager to fire him! "

Yan AI said this and walked forward, but was pulled by Han Chun.

She looked back and saw that the girl's face was full of tears. She bit her lips and shook her head.

Yan AI sighed and turned to touch Han Chun's forehead: "silly girl, it's not worth it."

*In the distance, Gulu shows this scene to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi:

He took the plate and was puzzled: "what kind of drama is this playing?"

Gulu also some puzzled: "probably."

It doesn't really understand the brain circuits of the two women: "maybe they think it's time for the eight o'clock dog blood drama, but I'm going to say, you did a good job."

Jiang Yi frowned: "Damn it, I didn't hit people. That woman is really a 24K pure fool. If I don't know anything, my father's secretary would have been called a dog. How did she get into Jiang's family like this? When did our Jiang's group recruit people so tolerant that even mentally handicapped people could be brought in? "

Sometimes Jiang Yi's words are terrible. Gulu gloated and said, "I don't know. My uncle is the manager of the business department of your group ~!"

Jiang Yi:

Through the back door, see you for a long time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!