The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1841

Jun porcelain looked at the time. Although she had already had lunch, since Jiang Yi wanted her to accompany her for dinner, she would spare a little time.

"Yes, where are you now."

Even if you have eaten it, you can also go to eat and drink with it.

Jiang Yi reported a place name and said, "come here for the ninety-nine story restaurant."

Jun porcelain told the driver, "please change the way."

After waiting for that place, Jiang Yi gave a private room name.

Jun porcelain took a look at the decoration of the place, and the first sentence he said to Jiang Yi was, "how dare a man with a monthly salary of only 7000 dare enter such a place?"

Jiang Yi:

He took a sip of water and chuckled, "so I don't have money. I asked you to come and pay."

Then the waiter who walked into the door saw Jiang Yi say this, and was surprised.

What's more, how can this boy with a mask look so familiar?

Jun porcelain ordered a few dishes. Seeing that she ordered less, Jiang Yi asked, "so little?"

"You'd better save money on your salary, and I had dinner when I came."

Jiang Yi's eyes stare: "who did you eat with?"

"With yuan Chenyan, I usually eat with him in school, and you don't have to see when it's time. You call me and I just come here."

The waiter recorded the menu and finally felt who the mask boy was.

It's the emperor!

See so many times on TV, can't be wrong, it's her!

Didn't you hear that the emperor was a woman? But in reality, there is no feminine temperament at all

Because the waiter was so excited, he almost popped the instrument.

When Jun porcelain point finished, he quickly suppressed his excitement and went out.

It's a big news that the emperor came to them.

And she ate it with another man, who seemed to have no money.

Little white face?

But the waiter's eyesight is still there. The man's whole body bearing is extraordinary. A watch on his wrist is worth their lifetime salary.

If it is a little white face, that temperament is too good, but the emperor said that his monthly salary is only 7000 yuan.

Is the competition for jobs so fierce these days?

No, isn't the emperor engaged? Is that the man who is engaged?

Oh A soft eater!

In a flash, the waiter in the brain to make up for Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi's love and hate.

Finally, it is fixed on the two properties of gold Lord and soft rice.

If Jiang Yi didn't know his brain circuit.

However, his eyes were strange when he left. Jiang Yi still held his chin and asked Jun CI: "porcelain, do you think he thinks I am a soft cook?"

Jun porcelain stuffy voice a smile: "he says is."

Jiang Yi nodded: "Oh, that doesn't matter. Anyway, it's your soft rice."

He was also proud.

Others want to eat Jun porcelain soft rice, but can not eat it!

When the meal was delivered, they chatted while eating. Because they were not very hungry, Jun porcelain picked some small dishes to eat, and then asked Jiang Yi, "how is the company's business? Is it difficult for you?"

Jiang Yi shook his head and had a plan in mind: "it's not difficult. It's just that there are too many things to spend energy on, just like my father. Not only do I have to learn from the people in the Department, but my father also asks the Secretary to let me deal with the basic things of the company and train me. My workload is several times that of others, which is very tired. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!