The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1837

But Junci doesn't blame them.

Netizens who don't know the truth are easily incited.

For example, big V spoke.

Game critic Millin V: a game company that can make new technological innovation is a good thing. It has a bright future. However, it has made such a big mistake in its trademark. I don't know what the person in charge of the company thinks. It is because that a foreign company is not well-known and netizens will not notice it? How naive!

-It's really disgusting, man an. Originally, their family's game was really fun. Now it's like swallowing flies!

-It's so humiliating. It's really humiliating to go abroad. Now, the ins in the foreign countries are all scolding the Chinese people for being shameless. The face of China has been lost by man an.

- is it still new for such a shameless company to do such shameless things when man an technology comes out? Sooner or later!

-Plagiarism means plagiarism, but when it comes to technology monopoly, I can't understand. Game technology is originally developed by other companies. If you don't let other companies cooperate, what can you do? I don't think there are so many bad comments about man an at ordinary times. Now it suddenly breaks out. People's game is really good. How do I feel that someone is deliberately bringing rhythm? Several big game companies bear the brunt? After all, they've been crushed to the point of closing their clothes.

- Manan's ground washing fans can roll away? Now what we are talking about is the matter of man an trademark plagiarism. If we lose face and throw it abroad, how can we give it a good meaning?


To be honest, the majority of players are very confused, including man an headquarters side.

What's the matter? Why is plagiarism involved?

The trademark

Isn't it painted by the boss himself?

When Vice President Nie brought it to them, he made it very clear that it was painted by the boss himself.

If we say it's plagiarism now, isn't that the emperor's plagiarism?

But the boss doesn't look like this!

The company was full of discussions, even Jun Chengbai was worried.

But later, he was stunned.

Because he remembered that Sloane's icon, which he had seen on kararaman Island, almost all the designs there had this icon.

And that island's daughter

Jun Chengbai understood the whole story and shook his head with a bitter smile. The child didn't give a greeting in advance when he did something. Now he was scolded for nothing.

But he didn't know what his daughter was going to do, so he didn't help to clarify.

He looked at the company as if no one knew that sloley was the company of Jun porcelain.

Basically, only some old employees who have followed Jun porcelain since the beginning of their business can know.

And these people are now almost all of man an's executives.

After the incident broke out, they were not square at all. When the subordinates reported to them, they waved directly and said, "no matter what, the boss will deal with it."

The company couldn't help but send a message to man an asking what happened. If it really involves plagiarism, then Fengshuang will never cooperate.

Nie Weiyuan was quite speechless, and directly returned to the person in charge there: "I'm sorry that I didn't make it clear in advance. Sloly is also the company of our boss and belongs to her. The trademark is designed by her and corresponding to sloly. Sloly's trademark is also involved in our boss. There is absolutely no plagiarism and infringement. You can rest assured."

Person in charge of Fengshuang:


Do Chinese still have such a powerful operation?

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