The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1834

"Only seven thousand dollars!"

After all, Jiang Yi is still in his internship.

This price is also the normal wage of most ordinary white-collar workers in the imperial capital.

Even a little bit higher.

That's because Jiang Yi is an elite from the Dragon mansion. He has bonus points.

But his tone was rather sad: "what do you think 7000 can do?"

You can't buy a button on his coat yet.

Jiang Yi is lack of cognitive concept about the amount of less than 10000 yuan.

Jun porcelain: "mmm..."

Jiang Yi took a look at Jun porcelain. Seeing that she was almost asleep, he said, "it doesn't matter. Porcelain, you can sleep. I have already thought of what 7000 yuan can do. I'll work slowly and save hard for one year. That's eighty-four thousand. If I spend eighty thousand, I'll give you another ten thousand. If I ask my father for 9.9 million, I can buy you a 9.99 million diamond ring. Do you think it's my hard-earned income? "

Jun porcelain:

She's awake.

Gulu: "sixsixsixsix (666), this is the most coquettish operation I have ever seen."

At the end of the star

It really doesn't understand the brain circuits of the princess.


the next day, Jiang Yi woke up early and went to work. Jun CI had to go to school and then go to the company at noon.

She's scheduled to go abroad in a week to shoot star glory.

When he arrived at the company at noon, Nie Weiyuan was discussing with Lucifer what kind of name to develop a game. After all, Lucifer's speech to his family was to come over and cooperate. If he didn't return to the company, he would really apologize for this excuse.

Yao does not seem to pay much attention to him. Generally speaking, Lucifer has a long way to go.

He is just a partner now, and his status is a little embarrassed when he has nothing to do, so he can only obstruct Yao kitten's work.

Jun porcelain did not care about it, Nie Weiyuan asked her to say something.

"Boss, I've always wanted to talk to you about one thing. Our company's trademark, which is all kinds of game icons, has not been orthodox so far. I plan to set a formal trademark, because now we have to do joint development with other game companies. I have always thought that it is not appropriate to use game icons. For so many kinds of games, it is better to set a formal and unified logo?"

Jun porcelain smell speech no opinion: "OK, OK, you make a decision on the line."

Nie Weiyuan: But at present, there are a lot of trademarks handed in. We are still in the process of selection. I don't know what your opinion is. "

If you push it down, Nie Weiyuan will swear. Jun porcelain still thinks about it carefully and suddenly thinks of sloly's trademark now.

That's the simplified picture of Yiman picking flowers. Jun porcelain thought about it. Since sloley and Man'an are two corresponding companies at the beginning, we should simply make a corresponding picture.

"Let's fix this trademark."

Although she is not very good at painting, she still has a decent stroke. She draws a picture of a child standing holding flowers in three or two strokes.

This is in sharp contrast to the Sloane icon.

This trademark is still very unique, if not familiar with sloley, then this trademark is a striking one.

Nie Weiyuan also instantly know: "and Sloan that corresponding, I understand."

He put away the simple strokes of Jun's porcelain painting. "I will send it to you for retouching and then I will give you a final decision."

Jun porcelain nodded: "good."

She looked at the picture she had drawn, and then looked at the picture of Iman picking flowers. She sighed in a low voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!