The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1830

Yao kitten was also a little confused. She saw Lucifer come with her and yelled: "what are you doing with me? You are not in our company now! "

Now Lucifer seemed innocent: "but I came to the company to talk about cooperation. Didn't boss tell you?"

Yao kitten: "it's

She was choked and thought of what Junci had just said.

At this moment, is it the response of the boss?

Isn't Lucifer now the general manager of a shoe group? How to cooperate with their game company?

"Come and see me. Let's see the scum man."

The small spy suddenly raised his voice and yelled. The other people in the office looked at it.

Some it straight men who work overtime in the evening all come to see Lucifer, which is quite eye-catching.

It's no stranger. Almost everyone who has worked here for a period of time knows Lucifer.

After all, he is the only foreign executive of the company. At the beginning, he left quietly. Many simple it straight men thought that he was poached by other companies.

In particular, he also severely hurt their company sister's heart.

Now seeing Lucifer, new and old hatred, everyone pointed to Lucifer, and they all said with indignation: "look, it's him!"

"How can he come back with such a bad man?"

"Scum who deceives women's feelings!"

"Dead foreigner!"



Most of his Chinese language is so good that he can understand it.

What is cheating?

What is scum!

He was forced to leave at the beginning!

However, looking at the angry expressions of the people around him, Lucifer knew that the more he explained, the worse it would be. He simply did not say anything. He wanted to take Yao kitten's hand: "kitty, go to the boss, I will explain it to you. It's hard to say here."

Yao kitten flings away from him, one face is reluctant: "do not go."

"The kitten won't go!"

"Team leader, we protect you. What can he do? We'll beat him for you!"

Lucifer was very angry. Is that what the hell happened to foreign friends who came to the company to talk about cooperation?

At this time, Jun porcelain from the office came to preside over the order: "OK, all back to their own positions to work."

When they heard that Jun porcelain came out, a group of straight men who had said they wanted to vent their anger on Yao kitten immediately broke up and went back to their positions and began to work overtime honestly.

Piano and spy see Jun porcelain come out, also quickly withdraw.

Yao kitten's eyes red to Jun porcelain: "boss..."

She had a little choking in her voice, and she also felt that Lucifer was not a thing.

She nodded and glanced at Lucifer with a smile in her eyes. "Come in, you two."

Yao kitten takes a look at Lucifer, and Lucifer smiles at her. Yao Xiaomao reluctantly follows him to Junci's office.

Jun porcelain looked at the cooperation project presented by Lucifer before, and when he came in and closed the door, he sneered: "I really want to know how you, a shoe seller, want to cooperate with a game company of ours?"

Although it was important to coax Yao's kitten, Lucifer, the ancestor of Junci, did not dare to ignore him when he asked, "what's the matter? Do you look down on the shoe seller? This is called strategic investment. The company's goal can be long-term. We can invest for you. "

Fancey is also a world-class famous brand. They sell shoes one by one. I don't know if designers will vomit blood when they hear it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!