The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1828

Soon after Jun porcelain entered the office, the whole company knew that Jun porcelain's father also worked in Man'an.

What's more, he didn't know his daughter was the chairman of the company.

Mo Chaoyang and Fu Ziyan have come to express their feelings in turn. The general idea is that how can Jun porcelain hide from his uncle.

And let his father do it in the most ordinary position.

Jun porcelain's answer is: "it's none of my business, he'll be happy."

My father can do whatever he wants. If he makes a forced arrangement, it will make him uncomfortable.

She can understand the idea of junchengbai.

In particular, he knew that he had not taken good care of Junci for so many years. He had already felt guilty. If Junci intervened forcibly, he would feel that he was useless.

So whatever is the best.

After a while, Nie Weiyuan first took the game planner of Fengshuang company to see her, and talked about cooperation and game planning with her.

So busy, busy to a very late time.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Jun porcelain estimated that Lucifer's plane was coming. He called Yao Xiaomao who worked overtime outside. "Kitty, are you going to leave work?"

"Yes, boss. What else can I do for you? I'll listen."

Jun porcelain: "it's OK. You're going to pick me up downstairs. There's a company in the United States who sent a representative to talk about cooperation. I'll be downstairs soon."

"Ah, good..." As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Xiaomao found that Junci hung up the phone.


The boss didn't say who and what name the other party's representative was. How could she pick it up?

Yao's cat is full of mist.

However, thinking that this is the order of the boss, I guess it is also a test of their own observation, so Yao kitten immediately rushed down.

Down the stairs, Yao kitten found a dog carrying a robot rushed to this side, causing a exclamation, she was a bit stunned: "Hey, spy, how did you come to the company with the piano?"

Yao kitten has met several times, and naturally recognized that this combination of robot and dog is the two wonderful flowers of the eldest son's family.

Small Spy: "frame frame frame ~!!"

The piano stopped in front of Yao kitten. Yao squatted down and touched the neck of the piano. Then he heard the spy say, "the excrement shovelers and the former piano shovelers are busy in the company. Oh, let's go out for a walk when we are bored at home."

Yao kitten is now used to intelligent robots. After all, he often contacts blue.

She just didn't know that the piano had intelligence.

She was a little funny: "the eldest son's house is quite far away from here. You all walk here, and you can walk."

As soon as she had finished speaking, she suddenly felt something.

Looking up, the smile suddenly froze.

At this time, at the first floor door of the building, a man appeared to be shining all over his body.

The handsome appearance of his white suit, blonde hair and blue eyes could not hide the ruffian spirit from the inside out. When he saw Yao kitten, he even had the face to smile and opened his hand. It seemed that he was waiting for Yao to rush to give him a hug.

The spy asked her deliberately, "who is this? Look at your face. You've got a lot of bitterness on your face

Yao kitten bites teeth: "a scum man Resentment appeared on her face, and suddenly she reached out and said, "piano, bite him!"


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