The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1826

Gulu: "ugly is poor without backstage."

Out of Junsheng group, Gulu is still publishing exclamation: "look at Jun Chengyue, because you ride white to ask for love, so you can still leave a life, you page up directly on the burp fart."

The last star snorted coldly: "those who want to murder your highness are not good things. I think that Jun Chengyue should deal with it together."

Gulu: "Oh, big brother, how do you like to fight and kill now?"

Jun porcelain kneaded his temple: "in fact, I don't want to stay in Jun Chengyue, but my father's side they have some problems to deal with. Anyway, he can't turn out any waves when he is locked in the base. In addition, he has a great influence abroad. I want to see if I can make use of the power he has at hand and connect with my own line."

Jun porcelain dare to guarantee that there will be no dog blood on his hands, such as Jun riding the moon to escape and so on.

The underground base where he was locked is monitored by Gulu and the last star, so that someone can be rescued. Only the technology of the interstellar age can resist Jun porcelain.

She drove to Man'an because Nie Weiyuan left him a message and asked her to hold an urgent meeting today. It is said that someone from the United States came to the company to talk about cooperation. Because they are all high-level people, Nie Weiyuan hopes that Jun porcelain can come to visit.

But the general high-rise should not use Jun porcelain, Jun porcelain soon received the news.

Gulu: "Your Highness, it's Lucifer. Now that he has accepted a shoe company, he has come to cooperate with your game company. What's wrong

Jun porcelain:

If it's Lucifer, I understand in a flash.

The meaning of drunk man is not wine.

She hooked her lip, turned the car in a direction and went to man an.

Man an is busy now, especially Yao kitten.

Since Lucifer left, the position of head of data Department has been replaced by others. She has been promoted again. The next position is probably Vice Minister of data department.

There are important guests coming to the company today, especially recently.

The world's major game companies almost go to man's company every day like a fair. They receive this one and then that one.

Even the famous game company Fengshuang has sent people to cooperate in the development of intelligent stand-alone plot mode games.

It's also their family's signature game.

In addition to Jun porcelain's two games, the most popular "big escape city" is also working with man an to develop a new version of the smart game "big escape".

So many of the companies that have been around recently are foreigners and research teams.

People come and go.

"Chief, this information is for you."

Someone handed in a contract when Yao kitten was injured. Yao kitten looked at it and laughed sweetly: "OK, you go to work on you first."

Jun nodded in white.

As a novice, he seems quite serious.

Because he knew that Junci had publicized her appearance on the Internet, now Jun went to work in white and specially wore a pair of black frame glasses. At least, Jun porcelain had a side face at that time, and there were not many people who could really see it. Now he was blocked by glasses, which made him more old-fashioned.

It's just that he has a special temperament after all. Even though he is old and has a wife, many people still like him in the company.

But when Jun Chengbai gives the information to Yao Xiaomao, he sees the elevator door open, and there comes a figure he is very familiar with.

As she entered, many people in the office said hello.


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