The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1814

She borrowed this man from Shujie.

Shujie is located in a special department. There are many people doing this kind of thing. Especially for interrogation, the State Department has a set of rules.

Jun porcelain said to borrow a person, at first Shu Jie still hesitated who Jun porcelain was going to deal with. Later, he learned that it was her murderer, but he didn't hesitate at all.

This man was sent by Shujie.

Good at assassination and interrogation.

The man hears speech, in that boiling water all burns before overflowing, turned off the boiler.

He came over and took out something in his heart. It was a very small thing like a chip.

Ying Lei looked at him coming over, her pupils shrank, and her expression finally seemed a little painful: "I know that even if I said you would not let me go."

She knows that.

For those who want to kill themselves, Jun porcelain has always been soft hearted.

Otherwise, she will die. How can she be so kind?

The corner of her mouth just provoked a indifferent smile, watched the man walk past, turned around and left: "you can rest assured, I won't use any abusive way to deal with you, you don't worry about you being infringed, I just use normal means to interrogate."

As soon as she walked out of the door, she heard Ying Lei Scream: "ah

It should be a new device developed by their department, which is specially aimed at the brain nerve. Once it is put on the forehead, the pain will be like someone is pulling your thousands of nerves alive. It's just like you are in agony.

The average person does not last for a few minutes.

Unless it's a death wish.

But Jun porcelain knows that Ying Lei is reluctant to die.

Thanks to the dangerous building nearby, otherwise the sound would disturb the people.

Jun porcelain is playing with his mobile phone, will be inside the scream as a background music, there is no expression in the eyes.

She's used to it.

In the past, when he was the crown prince, Jun porcelain saw many such things. Sometimes, when the old emperor interrogated people, the means were endless, and he would not avoid Jun porcelain.

That's a lot more cruel than the current means.

It's even against humanity.

It's normal in a place where people don't vomit bones.

If Junci didn't have the status of a crown prince, she might wish she were just a civilian who didn't know anything.

This point of Ying Lei is hardly surprising.

Within a minute, the scream stopped, and the man came out of the door, in an apologetic tone: "she passed out."

It looks firm. I didn't expect to last a minute.

It's just because of pain, but she's very strict.

The boy hung a smile, but did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "continue."

Let's see how important this page is.

But then, Jun porcelain saw something interesting through Gulu. She immediately drew up the corner of her lip and felt interesting to enter the room.

Ying Lei has been splashed with water again by men.

At this time, it was cold, but she was sweating, pale as a ghost, and in a mess.

The body is shivering.

Although she is firm, she has always been spoiled. She is used to living a good life. She only feels that business is tiring. However, such torture is beyond her ability to bear. Not everyone is superman.

Jun porcelain suddenly raised the mobile phone in front of her: "found out something interesting, Jun page probably know you have been arrested, he is now ready to take his wife and children to run, before Jun Shenglian they did not find out that he has a problem." , the fastest update of the webnovel!