The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1803

Jun porcelain just stepped into the courtyard of the Jiang family. From a distance, he saw a figure galloping towards himself and heard a series of complaints.

After listening carefully, she chuckled: "what's the matter? Let me see how much I've suffered?"

As he spoke, Jiang Yi Ran to Jun porcelain.

Then before Jun porcelain looked at her carefully, he saw Jiang Yi holding her with a smile on her face.

She also smiles and hugs Jiang Yi. She hasn't seen him for several months, and she doesn't feel that this person has changed. Maybe because of the frequent videos, Jiang Yi can clearly see any changes in the video. Jun porcelain is used to it.

After Jiang Yi, there is the Jiang family. The elder has not held him for a long time. After he separated, he took a close look at Jiang Yi and touched his handsome side face: "there is no change. I see that you look ruddy and shiny. You don't have to suffer."

Jiang Yi: "that's because you didn't see it when I was suffering."

He said so, holding Jun porcelain's hand, he walked towards his parents.

When she came to Jiang's mother, Jun porcelain immediately called people: "Mom, Dad, grandfather, I'm here."

Jiang's mother nodded with a smile. She looked at Jun porcelain with a soft look in her eyes. Then she gave Jiang Yi an angry look: "I just told us that we had a good time at the border. How can you tell your daughter-in-law how much you have suffered? We can't say it in front of us? "

Jiang Yi laughs and says nothing.

In front of his family, it must be more tough to show that he is a mature man.

But in front of her daughter-in-law, I always feel like a child. Anyway, I just want my daughter-in-law to love me.

After entering the hall, Jiang's mother ordered people to carry dinner. Jiang's father and his son both said hello to Junci. After sitting down, Mr. Jiang shook the newspaper he had just taken in his hand: "since Jiang Yi is back now, Junci, please ask your parents to come over tomorrow evening and have a meal together. Jiang Yi, the child, has not seen his father-in-law yet?"

Jun porcelain nodded: "yes, but my father only met Jiang Yi once in the video, and my mother Jiang Yi also met, but I didn't officially introduce him. I'll bring my parents over tomorrow night."

Jiang's mother also said, "as soon as Jiang Yi comes back, I will ask him to go to see his father-in-law and his mother-in-law first. He has to rush to find Junci."

"That's it."

Jiang Yi doesn't mind: "my parents can see you at any time. I haven't seen Jun porcelain for a long time."

I want to see Jun porcelain's mood.

Jiang's mother smiles helplessly. Jiang's father looks at Jiang Yi and snorts coldly.

Jiang Yi reacted and looked at his father and perfunctorily said, "Dad, don't think about it. I miss you too."

Jiang's father turned away his head and refused to comment.


It's late.

The son can throw it away.

The atmosphere was harmonious and happy. After having dinner at Jiang's house, Junci called home and said that he would not go back tonight.

"Porcelain and porcelain..."

In the evening, Junci first took a bath, put on his pajamas and slept on the bed. When Jiang Yi came out from the bath, his smile was probably a little ambiguous.

After all, after staying outside for so long, the two people have already had substantial development. What they want to do is self-evident.

But when he went to bed, Jun porcelain first pressed Jiang Yi: "I'll tell you something."

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