The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates

Chapter 272: fishman island

In the dark sea,

Two rays of light shot out from the red sunglasses of the figurehead of the Jackdaw Flamingo. At the same time, the lights lit up everywhere on the cabin and deck brought temporary light to the surroundings.

The technology in this world is not low, at least not for many people.

"Everyone, have you seen the \'waterfall\' ahead?"

Aoni, who was wrapped in a big cotton coat, took up the job of a navigator in her "old profession", and introduced to everyone with all her heart and responsibility:

"Because of the huge temperature difference, when the surging deep ocean current hits the barrier of the red earth continent, it will go down vertically, forming this deep sea \'waterfall\' that can\'t be seen at a glance..."

In front of the \'Jackdaw Flamingo\', a huge turbulent ocean current formed a peerless \'waterfall\' in the deep sea that could not be seen to the left and right, and flew straight down into the darkness and depth, filling everyone\'s entire line of sight.

"The temperature is dropping rapidly, I suggest you better change into thicker clothes."

Facing the rapidly dropping temperature, Rossi, Dover, Virgo, and Tani naturally didn\'t frown, but Gladius and Bynessarna had already begun to tremble slightly.

"Gradius, your arrogance is not enough, go change into thicker clothes."

"...Okay, Brother Rossi."

Although Gladius still wanted to insist, the face of the elder sister next to him had turned pale, so he could only curl his lips in displeasure, and went to the cabin to change into a cotton coat.

"Next up: deep sea rappelling—"

Pulled by a small Neptune, the Jackdaw Flamingo approached the boundless \'Deep Sea Waterfall\', and was immediately engulfed by the huge current and fell downward at high speed!

In an instant, even Rossi felt a slight \'float\' in the internal organs.

This kind of intense "weightlessness" is enough for a strong pirate to get down, but it is nothing to the people present. They still have leisure time while looking at the high-speed and turbulent currents around them, while chatting casually .

"Aoni, your sister is a little upset?"

Facing Rossi\'s bent over question, the girl who wore a mask obliquely on top of her head shrugged.

"It\'s normal, my sister has always been an unyielding character."

"But after witnessing you fighting that cold-faced handsome guy with a **** knife, she doesn\'t even have the desire to start a fight with you."

"If that\'s not a big deal, then I was defeated by your brother... Master Dover, which frustrated my sister who claimed to be invincible to anyone."

"That\'s it,"

Rossi glanced at Tani who was standing on the other side of the deck with her arms folded to \'watch the scenery\', and secretly sighed that she was out of luck.

Logically speaking, Ta Ni\'s strength is definitely not weak. If it is Dover in the "original" timeline, she must not be able to beat her.

However, being stimulated by the ever-increasing Rossi, he did not relax in the slightest. At the same time, Dover, who gained a lot of "brain holes" from Rossi\'s development, took advantage of the information gap to easily take down Ta Ni.


"Do not be discouraged,"

The voice from behind made Tani, who was wearing a mask, turn her head, and what she saw was Rosie in a black feather coat.

"I don\'t dare to resist the move of \'Super Electromagnetic Sword\' even now."..."If it is hit for real, if you don\'t die, you will lose half your life."

Rossi\'s words were not simply to comfort the other party. As the development of the Dover fruit became more proficient, the power of the \'Railgun\' became stronger and stronger. In the face of that kind of technology + fruit ability that can penetrate everything, even Rossi must dodge.

"On High"

After all, Rossi is essentially a high-speed assassin type great swordsman. Rather than a rough-skinned and thick-skinned melee fighter, it would definitely be difficult to force a \'Super Electromagnetic Sword\'.

And Ta Ni in front of her, she was hit by a \'Super Electromagnetic Sword\' in front of her, and she still acted as if nothing had happened, she deserved to be an animal phantom beast.

Some time ago, the battle on "Beast Island" looked like this:

Dover restrained Tani with a large number of silk threads, and Tani, who is an "animal system · dragon fruit · phantom beast · white dragon form" immediately entered the animal form and stretched Dover\'s **** with her inflated body.

However, this fell into Dover\'s \'trap\'. Facing Dover\'s long-planned \'Super Electromagnetic Sword\', the huge white dragon couldn\'t dodge, and was blasted through the dragon\'s scales abruptly by the metal torrent of more than ten times the speed of sound. There was a big hole in the shoulder and he was defeated.

"If you lose, you lose. I\'m not that kind of stingy person."

Facing Rossi\'s comfort, Tani, with her arms folded, looked calmly at the \'Deep Sea Waterfall\' that filled the entire line of sight outside the boat.

"I\'m just a little curious. I didn\'t expect such a magnificent scenery in the world; there are so many strong people, it really makes people not feel bored at all."

Well, it seems unnecessary to worry.

There was no trace of decadence in Ta Ni\'s words, only the excitement of eagerness to try.

Thinking about it, she is a fierce person who has worked hard from a bar handyman to a great airline, and her psychological quality is not that fragile.

"Next time, I will definitely not lose to Doflamingo."

After finishing speaking, Ta Ni, who was wearing a mask, turned to look at Rossi,

"Be careful with me, Rosindi. When I defeat you, it will be the day when our identities will be exchanged."

The fighting spirit is lingering!


"Well, I\'m looking forward to that day."

Rossi readily accepted Ta Ni\'s declaration.

Where there is competition, there is motivation. Only by constantly fighting can you know what you lack, and then make targeted strengthening exercises to become stronger!

"Want to win me?"

Dover who was next to him also came over and pushed the red sunglasses.

"You guys will become stronger, can I just stay where I am? - Fufufu, let me see who will become stronger faster!"

"That\'s right, that\'s how it should be."


"What a bunch of monsters,"

While studying the record pointer in her hand, she noticed that the "navigator" Oni, who was pulling the small sea king in front of the boat, couldn\'t help but rolled her eyes, expressing her incomprehension to Rossi and the other three madmen who were "joyed by the war".

Forget it, maybe it is because of this that these monsters are so strong?

Wrapped by the huge ocean current, the \'Jackdaw·Flamingo\' descended rapidly all the way, and it didn\'t take long to drop to a depth of several thousand meters. The straight-line downward ocean current gradually eased, and various All kinds of giant monsters of the deep sea.

Colorful translucent and highly poisonous jellyfish, giant electric eels jumping with lightning while swimming, giant crabs covered with hard carapace... These creatures all have one thing in common, that is, their eyes have almost degenerated. ... "Of course, because \'sight\' is not needed in the deep sea."


"No, Brother Rossi."

Facing Rossi\'s explanation, Gladius, who had changed into a cotton coat, raised his hand to ask questions.

"Aren\'t the \'Murloc\' and \'Merfolk\' we encountered before living in the \'Murloc Island\' in the 10,000-meter deep sea?"

"Since it\'s such a dark environment, they shouldn\'t need eyes. But..."

But including Ke Keluo, the secretary of Tom\'s studio, all mermaids and murlocs have normal eyesight.

"That\'s because the Fishman Island has the lighting from the roots of the \'Yangshu Eve\'."

? !

"Sounds like it has something to do with the \'Treasure Tree Adam\' we use to make boats?"

There is a \'Bible\' in this world, so naturally there is a story of \'Adam and Eve\', but whether there is any connection between these two trees, Rossi has no way of knowing.

"I\'m not sure about this, but I know that \'Yangshu Eve\' runs through the entire Red Earth Continent, the branches are located in the holy land of Mariejoa above, and the roots reach directly to the Fishman Island."

"It is precisely because the sun tree Eve in the Holy Land absorbs sunlight, and then transmits it to the roots in the 10,000-meter deep sea to radiate it, so there is Fishman Island."

"It\'s too big..."

Compared with the "Yangshu Eve" that runs through the entire Red Earth Continent, even the "Archmanmangrove" that makes up the Chambord Islands is inferior.

Different from natural and man-made disasters encountered by the Straw Hats in the future, such as \'North Sea Giant Monster\', \'Undersea Volcanic Eruption\' and \'Flying Henan Man\', the \'Jackdaw·Flamingo\' can be said to have descended to 10,000 meters without incident. deep sea.


"Wow, it\'s really sunshine~~"

A few hanging \'roots\'...or it should be said that the thick plants like mountains radiate sunlight in the deep sea, illuminating the nearby sea area brightly and softly.

A large number of deep-sea plants and fish gather in this "land of grace", enjoying the prosperity brought by the sun.

And in the \'sunshine\' place in the 10,000-meter deep sea, there is a huge bubble suspended between several roots emitting sunlight.

"Here we are, that\'s \'Fishman Island\'."

Rossi pointed to the huge \'bubble\' in the distance. Inside the bubble was a huge island whose area was not under the Shampoo Land.

Because the bubbles are isolated from sea water, not only is there a lot of air inside, but there are even things like \'clouds\'.

"After passing the \'Murloc Island\', it is considered to have officially stepped into the new world."

"And in the new world, two-color domineering is just the standard configuration of the cadres of the major forces. Even some top forces, even the small captains have domineering..."

Only by crossing the fishman island is the world of the truly strong!

"But before that, let\'s go to Murloc Island for fun—?"

Based on Rossi\'s understanding of the world of One Piece, he naturally wouldn\'t play any difficult moves of \'Sky Breaking\'. The small sea kings pulling the boat have been released, and the \'Jackdaw Flamingo\' at the helm of Dover is sailing towards the \'entrance\' of the murlocs.

On the murloc island isolated by the huge \'bubble\', there is an artificially made circular passage. ...All passing ships can enter and leave Murloc Island through that channel.

—Of course, breaking in by force is not impossible.

The huge \'bubble\' that wraps around the fishman island and supports a piece of heaven and earth is essentially the same as the \'coating\' on Rossi and the others\' boat.

Therefore, the coated boat can sail into Murloc Island from any place, that is, \'smuggling\'.

In front of Rossi and the others, there was a "smuggled" pirate ship jumping out of the fish-man island, followed by a group of soldiers from the fish-man island holding long guns and wearing coral armor.

"Tsk, the era of great pirates..."

Rossi\'s knowledge and arrogance swept away, and he had a clear understanding of the situation.

A large number of women were **** inside the pirate ship that was being pulled by the sea beast ahead.

The slender figure, the fluttering fish tail, the chaotic breath, and the terrified \'cries for help\' all tell that they are a group of captive mermaids.

Hugh, Hugh, Hugh—

The soldiers belonging to Murloc Island were swimming at high speed, pulling out a series of white trails behind them, chasing after the pirate ship like torpedoes! The great advantage of the murlocs in the sea allowed them to attack from all directions.

Then at this moment, a half-moon-shaped light suddenly shot backwards from the fleeing pirate ship.

? !


The light flashed across at high speed, instantly tearing several murloc soldiers in half who had no time to dodge, the bright red spread rapidly in the sea, and then disappeared without a trace after being diluted by the huge amount of sea water.

"Hahahaha, it\'s just a mere murloc."

On the pirate ship, a pirate captain with a long knife laughed.

Although murlocs are born with ten times the wrist strength of humans, can breathe in the sea, and move at high speeds, etc., although murlocs are tall, their upper limit is very low.

Most murlocs will hardly grow in strength in their lifetime!

But human beings are different. Ordinary people are so weak that they can only lift a hundred catties, but the strong can punch mountains, kick the sea, and cut the sky with their swords! In front of a large number of strong human beings, the murlocs are nothing more than:

"Excellent goods!"

The pirate captain on the deck swung his long knife and shot another flying slash, while blocking the pursuers, he opened his arms wildly with a smile.

"One murloc is worth 50 million Baileys!"

"Hahahaha, you can earn billions in one trip. Thank you for the gift of the sea—?"

The subordinates who should have echoed the compliment were silent, making the pirate captain who felt wrong suddenly turn around!

However, it was already too late. When he turned around, the Pirate Captain\'s eyes began to skew, and the last thing that caught his eyes was a gentle and handsome boy with blond hair in a black feather coat.

The \'Black King\' of the Don Quixote family...

The light disappeared, and darkness engulfed the \'part-time\' slave trader\'s pirate captain.


PS: Thousands of words can be combined into three words, make nucleic acid!

Flame Lancer reminds you: remember to collect after reading