The Most Powerful System

Chapter 142: 2 hole cards, Fantastic 4 and Nuclear Bomb

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After the fall of the ground tanks, soon, dozens of fighters from nearby military bases drew a curved trajectory in the air from all directions in the southeast and northwest, and rushed towards this 100-meter beast. .

Along with the high-frequency firing sound of "噗噗 噗噗 噗", there was a fiery line of fire in the air. Hundreds of thousands of fast-fire heavy machine gun bullets were on the muzzle on both sides of the fighter plane, as dense as raindrops. Sla poured in arrogantly.

Among the bullet rain in the sky, there were missiles dragging the tail of the flame, hitting its huge body constantly.

Correspondingly, Godzilla greeted by so many bullets and artillery shells couldn\'t help looking up, the two front paws clenched into fists, slapped their chests, and a sound of angry hissing came from their mouths.

However, for the military, it is regrettable that after years of absorbing the energy of the melt in the earth\'s core, the surface of Godzilla\'s giant body has been as hard as steel, and it can be very immune to these bullets and shells. Godzilla basically had no other substantial injuries except to feel some pain.

It goes without saying that if the American military wants to truly subdue this hundred-meter beast, it is almost impossible to rely on conventional weapons alone. To stop it from destroying the bustling city of Los Angeles, it must look for it from other aspects. Breakthrough!

On the Godzilla side, it has just been regarded as a living target and has received a strong attack from the Air Force. Now it can be said that it is very aggrieved and angry.


Godzilla roared angrily, immediately lifted its thousands of tons of heavy forelimbs, and slapped several arrogant fighters hovering in front of it.

Then swept away with a tail that was comparable to a small mountain peak, and then destroyed the following fighters.

Immediately afterwards, it uprooted an Apple branch building next to it and held it in its arms as a crude weapon, blasting nearly twenty fighters on the left and right.

The survivors of the last dozen or so fighters saw this situation, and were frightened in their hearts. This hundred-meter beast killed about thirty fighters with a glass of water, and more than half of its air force was defeated by it. What the **** is going on?

As a result, these survivors, under the leadership of the squad leader, reached a consensus retreat soon after a simple strategic dialogue.

However, as they collectively retreated, Godzilla\'s face suddenly turned abnormally terrible, and it looked terrifying and terrifying.

Suddenly, a strong faint blue light, starting from Godzilla\'s tail, stretched all the way up to its hill-like dorsal fins, and stopped until it was above the thick neck.

At this moment, Godzilla\'s back looks like a faint blue light beam, blue in the gray, and dazzling!

Grunt! !! !!

Godzilla opened its **** mouth with fangs, and a bright blue light burst out from her mouth.

The remaining more than a dozen fighter jets that were retreating urgently were successively subjected to this beam of heat rays, which exploded one after another in the air, blooming like gorgeous fireworks.

And this grand scene also means that the Air Force, the entire army is gone ...


Interior of the Department of Defense, Pentagon, Supreme Operations Command Center.

Witnessing almost all the air force from nearby military bases were successively destroyed by Godzilla\'s ferocious beast. No one survived in less than a minute. Rao was seen by many senior officials of the Ministry of National Defense. In the big world, now I can\'t help but take a breath, a strong sense of crisis and oppression come to mind.

"According to the records in the top-secret data, Godzilla should not be so powerful!" General 60-year-old white-haired general, a pair of fierce eyes staring at the monitoring picture on the satellite remote sensing screen, questioned.

"No, you are not accurate." A director who was good at strategic analysis retorted the white-haired general and immediately explained, "That data was collected decades ago, and now it is dozens. Years later, not to mention the most frequent period of nuclear explosion experiments in recent decades. If I inferred correctly, Godzilla absorbed a lot of energy in the earth ’s core during this period, so it will be stronger than ever. . "

"Well! For many years, I have always believed that Hulk Hulk is the most terrifying monster in the world, and it is the most threatening to our human civilization." General Ross, who had been devoted to capturing Hulk for many years, saw that On the screen, the godzilla\'s desolate style can not help but express his emotions, "But today, I really realized that what is really a threatening monster. One palm can shoot and destroy high-rise buildings, one foot can By stepping on the streets and land, it will take less than a day to destroy the entire city of Los Angeles, which has a population of tens of millions! Compared to it, Hulk\'s destructive power is like a child ... "

"To this day, can we only use nuclear weapons to defeat it?" Another senior commander clenched his fists and smashed a little cold sweat, "But Los Angeles is one of our core cities in the United States. The nuclear bomb detonated here is definitely the biggest loss to our country since the founding of the People\'s Republic of China! "

"Maybe ~ ~ We can consider using all the available armed forces, or take intelligent measures to try to push Godzilla out of the city into an unmanned offshore zone, and then order the nearby The Hubrian cruiser nuclear submarine fired a 3 million-ton-equivalent nuclear bomb from the water in an attempt to land in a no-man\'s land ... "

"No! I don\'t think it\'s good!" A Lieutenant General interrupted suddenly. "For the sake of conservativeness, we shouldn\'t drop a nuclear bomb for the time being. Don\'t forget that we also have the Fantastic Four, who have saved Los Angeles several times Maybe this time, facing such a huge monster, they have a way to deal with it! "In his opinion, although not very sure, but this is also an opportunity after all, always try it first.

"Yes, according to the calculations in the GPS positioning grid, the Fantastic Four\'s fighter will arrive in Los Angeles in about three minutes. We will wait for a while and wait until the results of the Fantastic Four\'s battle against Godzilla come out. Do you want to use nuclear weapons, the last card you have to use? "A bald admirer uttered a voice of hope for the four magical heroes.

At the same time as the high-level discussions of the Ministry of Defense, the Secretary of Defense, who is in charge of the overall situation, has been silent.

The solemn look of the Minister of Defense, his mind is complex ... Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.