The Most Powerful System

Chapter 140: Undersea monster Godzilla climbs ashore

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Over six o\'clock in the evening on the beach on the southwestern coast of Los Angeles.

On the reef by the sea, a beautiful blonde girl in her early twenties nestled in the arms of a blonde man, admiring the dim seascape across the face, and a sweet smile on her face.

Although the blond man\'s vision is not very good, he wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses with high heights, and it is quite clear to look at the outside world.

While hugging the beautiful girl in his arms, he was enjoying the night view of the coastline after dusk. He was very happy and very comfortable.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and a bad hunch came to mind.

Because he saw the sea about two kilometers away, there seemed to be a weird wave rolling and the sound of the wave sounded very rhythmic.

‘It ’s calm and calm. Is it possible that a tsunami will happen? ’

The doubt appeared in the blond man\'s heart, and the skepticism on his face gradually grew stronger.

Seeing the blonde man has always been warm and indifferent, while still stroking his hair gently, but now he not only stopped the movement of his hand, but the expression of the whole person also became quite serious. The blonde woman couldn\'t help but realize that it should appear What a bad situation.

"You have been staring at the distant sea. Is there something bad going on?"

The blonde woman followed the sight of the blonde man, stood up and looked out at the sea ahead, and surely found a strange wave there advancing rhythmically.

"The sea was just calm. How did you become so disturbed now? Wouldn\'t there be a tsunami?" The blonde girl Liu Mei frowned tightly and said to the blond man beside her, hoping that her boyfriend in science and engineering would give A reasonable answer.

The blond man ’s brows are frowning and tightening. As a talented man at Los Angeles Institute of Technology, he has a certain understanding of meteorology, so it is clear that this weird wave scene on the sea is definitely not natural. Tsunami disaster in nature.

Since it is not a tsunami, what will it be?

Soon, the weird waves had stretched one after another to the surface within hundreds of meters.

Wow! !! !!

The blond man was guessing what was going on. For some unknown reason, a huge majestic huge wave suddenly set off on the sea ahead, swallowing the magnificent momentum of the mountains and rivers, and violently swept over the coast and reef. Come!

In the face of this raging wave that is no less than the real tsunami scene, even a 10,000-ton heavyweight aircraft carrier is very likely to be overturned on the spot!


The blonde woman was not able to bear the mentality. When she saw the violent tsunami that was enough to destroy the high-rise building, she immediately screamed in shock.

But the next second, her screams were covered in the noisy mass of seawater.

The pair of lovers who enjoyed the evening sea view by the shore reef completely couldn\'t control their bodies. First, they were washed down by the fast-moving seawater, and then pushed inward by the strong seawater. .


After the tumultuous waves rolled down, immediately followed by a roar of ferocious beasts through the clouds and cracks!

An undersea beast, like an ancient troll, emerged from the bottom of the sea with a sloppy head, then gradually straightened its waist plate, and stood proudly with open arms.

Its giant body is like a rocky mountain with a weight of tens of thousands of tons. The rugged epidermis appears very thick. The stubby neck has a skull resembling a dinosaur face. The small bone-like spurs on the hill are covered with dorsal fins. The claws seem to be able to easily break high-rise buildings!

Not far from the edge of the city, some fields of vision can see the near-inland citizens here, and now staring at this earth-colored horror monster with a body of hundreds of meters, a shock that has never been seen before. Rising from the bottom of my heart!

This marine giant enough to cause a tsunami is exactly what was recorded in the paleontology books. In the era of the Permian era of the Earth, the prehistoric giant that had disappeared in the long river of biological history——

Godzilla! !!

\'Oh, my god! This is the legend ... Godzilla? ’

‘Los Angeles is going to be ruined. It seems I must hurry up in a private helicopter in the yard and leave here! ’

On the balcony of a sea-view villa five hundred meters away, a rich second-generation son put down his gold-inlaid telescope, and his face was full of incredible expression, and his heart was shocked!

Godzilla, an ancient monster, is 108 meters tall and weighs about 90,000 tons.

It belongs to the hundreds of millions of biological species on the planet and stands at the top of the food chain!

Originally, Godzilla had always slept in the depths of the Pacific Ocean in isolation from the rest of the world, but since the Second World War, humans have repeatedly conducted frequent nuclear weapon explosion tests on the surface, making the radioactive concentration below the surface The rapid improvement in these years has indirectly caused the sleeping Godzilla to be disturbed, and gradually gradually awakened.

The blond man and the blond woman sat on the reefs on the coast to admire the sunset at dusk, and after eight lives of blood mold, they encountered Godzilla\'s first appearance after a complete recovery, and lost his life by the way.


At the same time, Washington, the capital of the United States, has deprived Arlington-on-Mark, the office of the United States Department of Defense, and the Pentagon, the largest single administrative building on the planet.

At the highest level of the core command room, several senior officials of the Ministry of National Defense, who are generally young, are watching the large military screens on the walls with a solemn and solemn atmosphere permeating the surroundings.

"During the Cold War, we once performed a number of tons of nuclear explosions against Godzilla. We did not expect that it did not kill it. Now it has made a comeback and appeared again in the world." A 60-something Admiral Bai Fa, looking at the real-time monitoring picture on the satellite remote sensing screen, couldn\'t help but sigh.

"The small nuclear bomb of tens of thousands of tons of equivalent level that year did not kill it, so tonight, we will use a medium-sized nuclear bomb of hundreds of thousands of tons of equivalent level ten times the previous nuclear bomb to fight for its one-time elimination! "Another hawkish general in his fifties said, with firm conviction!

"No, according to Godzilla\'s current trend of movement and speed of advancement, it will reach the city of Los Angeles in a matter of minutes. We have no time to launch nuclear missiles. Los Angeles, as our second largest city in the United States of America, is densely populated. , The economy is developed, if a central nuclear bomb of several hundred thousand tons equivalent level is detonated in the urban area of ​​Los Angeles, it will cause at least ten trillion US dollars of national economic loss and cause the death of more than one million citizens. "A relatively good at The director of strategic technical analysis roughly analyzed the high level.

"What then? Apart from using nuclear weapons, what else is feasible for us humans to kill the hundred-meter-high, rock-solid beast?" Another general was puzzled and worried.

At the time of intense discussions among various senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, UU read the book, the supreme chief of defense minister in charge of the overall situation. After some comprehensive consideration, the final decision was finalized!

"General Hamill, you send a tank-armored land army to surround Godzilla from four directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest."

"General Sledon, you dispatch an air force of the appropriate size to launch free-fire and missile attacks on Godzilla from the air, and do your best to delay its progress into the densely populated city center!"

"General Andrew, you are in charge of commanding the navy, driving nearby warships into the waters of Los Angeles, always ready to intercept Godzilla and escape back to the Pacific."

"General Ross, you are responsible for carrying a 200,000 tons equivalent nuclear missile, a 400,000 tons equivalent nuclear missile, and an 800,000 tons equivalent nuclear missile at the nearest military base to Godzilla. , Always ready to launch into Godzilla! "

"Leonardo Communications Officer, go and notify the Fantastic Four at Paddy ’s Base in Washington DC, so that they must arrive in Los Angeles as soon as possible to cooperate with the army to resist Godzilla!

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