The Mind God

148 Weird System Of Swindling - Chapter 148

After noticing that there are no people around of himself he just teleported back to his home in the Deep Ice Village.

Brion directly put the carcass of the "Ice Tiger" on the ground and started thinking about the matters of the village.

"Deep Ice Village take commissions from the hunted meat and leather, about %10 percent of the total hunt of an individual."

%8 Percent of this taken commission goes to workers and guards, the village leader of the Deep Ice Village Management"

%2 Percent of this taken commission goes to people that do not have any food in their home.

Brion then started thinking about what kind of system this Ice Village Community has built, he could, of course, learn all secrets if he uses the "Mind Power" but he will not going to do that if he wants to improve his basic capabilities such as complex thinking.

Brion started thinking about %2 Percent of the share given to people who have no food.

It is possible that this scheme was some kind of Piramit Scheme set by the leaders of Ice Village Community, he still doesn't know many things about the Ice Village Community.


At that time the three-man who was close to the leader of Deep Ice Village went to Village Leader home and started giving information about what happened confrontation between the Ice Tigers and Village Hunters.

"Yes Leader, he killed an Ice Tiger from a distance of 40 meters with just one spear attack and the spear pierced the tiger easily and showed it is the tip from another side of the tiger some of them even believe that it was going to kill another tiger too.

Viras then thought a little bit and asked.

"I can see that the meat you are holding is meat from Ice Tiger, did you guys took a commission from him"

The trio guards looked at each other and nodded confirming the question of the Viras

Viras listened to his guards and nodded as he started thinking.

"This could be bad"

This new man was powerful Viras could feel it from his eyes and today's event proved that he could shoot a spear and easily hunt an "Ice Tiger" there are not many people can achieve something like this.

The bad thing is now that this man was commissioned by his Guards he could take defensive measures against himself and management.

The system of the commission may look like a pretty good deal between the Management and Villagers but it was not like that.

Viras knew that the only reason why the villagers did not attack himself and the management was the reason that there is a big shot defending him "Ice Village Community"

There is a hidden fact that in the commission that "Village" takin from the hunters.

%2 Percent of the remaining food was not given to the villagers only the %1 of given to villagers other %1 percent went to "Ice Village Community" as a management system of the all of the villages.


Viras took a deep breath and looked at the tall man with a bone sword and started talking.

"Levas, go to "Town Ice" tell them you are there with my word and tell one of the "Town Member" about this matter, after you came back I will give you 3 kg of meat"

Levas smiled and nodded as he left the room other two were still in the room as they looked at the eyes Viras.

Viras looked at the Ice Tiger meat in their hand and started speaking.

"Take 500 gram of meat each of you leaves 1 kg meat to me and then share the other meat from the "Workers" and "Water-Makers"

The two guards of Viras smiled and then started working. As Viras left alone in his room he started thinking.

"We may need an Ice Sage to deal with this new guy if we need to deal with him."


After about five to six hours later hunt was finished and Brion was on the outside looking at the people who came from the hunt.

Many of them had four to five fishes in their hand and many of them do not even have something in their hand too.

At the entrance of the Ice Village, there are ten people with spears made up from animal bones stood up and five to six workers were taking a commission from what the people hunted in the day.

After thirty minutes later everyone entered the village and more than twenty to thirty basket was filled with fishes and "Maragan Meat" a creature which looked like a bison but one to two times bigger than it and stronger.

Brion easily knows that there is more than 100 to 200 kg of meat in these baskets. He took a deep breath and then went to his home.


Brion entered his home and then started the fire with a shook of his hands then shut the door of his house close, nobody could enter or watch what he is doing in his room.

After he entered his room he again shook his hand and created a robotic-looking creature in the form of a spider.

It was pretty small at the size of a human finger it is color was white like the snow, Brion set it is power level from Order 2 to Order 3 and gave it the power of "Invisibility" and "Information Gathering"

After everything was over he created about fifty of them and started giving them orders.

"You know what kind of information I do want because I created all of you go search and gather information in this village not only that go to different villages to gather more information".


White Eye Spiders

- Level Continent Student – Order 3 -


"Information Gathering"

"Invisibility (Order 3)"

"Basic Ice Arrow"

"Basic Ice Energy Shield"