The Mind God

146 Hunting With White-Fur Humans - Chapter 146


When Brion was still thinking about what to do he noticed that it was slowly becoming dark around.

He did not felt how the time passed until now.

The temperature was down to the -60 to -70 Celsius for normal humans to live in this kind of environment it should be hard without technology.

At that time, the fire started burning faster and made the home warmer than usual.

Not that Brion needed something like that because such colds could not affect him anyway.

After, this he created a fish that looked like salmon and then started making himself dinner. He was just having fun and completing the mission the system gave him without any thought.

Sometimes having this kind of normal life was making him feel a little bit more human so that he will not going to lose all of the reason inside of himself.


"Let us go, we are near"

Three groups of humans were trying to walk towards to village, one of them was badly hurt and the other two was weak looking humans.

It is hard for them to carry the wounded one, in a place with an unyielding cold and dark even 100 meters of distance is hard to walk.

As the two humans walked the wounded one dropped the dead with a basket of weird fish in hands, the two other male humans directly collected the basket and fishes on the ground and looked at their friends on the ground.

They looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"There is only 100 to 200 meters distance left to the but he could not take it."

As they were still thinking about what to do their friend who was carrying the basket of fishes and wounded by "Ice Tiger" was dead.

They do not even have the power of taking his corpse to the village and just took the "Fish-Basket" and started walking towards to way of the Village.


Brion was watching all of the events that happened in these three people he created himself a blank book and a pencil.

After that, he started thinking about the "Village" and "White-Fur Humans" as he thought he started writing.


White-Fur Humans are a tribe of humans that lives in cold biomes and freezing temperatures, they evolved "White-Fur" to protect themselves from the "Ice" with the time."

Brion created a hot-coffee for himself and took a sip from it and started writing again.

"They have spears, bows, and arrows in their arsenal that they could use protect themselves or hunt but most of them do no hunt any creatures and just fishing in the "Ice-Lake" close to the village.

Brion then stopped writing and smiled.

"They are a little bit more than vengeful and do not care about each other but it is normal for people to live in this kind of world. So, in the end, there is not much different from the "Ordinary Humans"

He went to his bed and closed his eyes. As he slept like a human.


The next morning he woke up pretty early, but as he woke up he saw many people were already started to move towards to mountainside with spears, hooks, and other types of things.

Many people did not leave their homes too because they had food in their homes where it lasted from the other day of the hunt.

In this kind of freezing world with ice and snow everywhere, it is normal that meats are not getting worse with time.

Brion created himself a spear made up of white-bone and then he created himself a basket made up of leather as he followed from the behind of people who were going towards to lake.

As he came to the lake he noticed a familiar person it was a hunter from the last time which showed him where is the home of the "Village Leader" is

Brion smiled as he looked at Rigar and the latter directly come to his side and started walking with him.

"Are you going to hunt too ?"

It directly asked.

Brion nodded and started talking.

"So, is this happen all day"

Rigar shook his head and started speaking.

"Not always there are days for hunting fishes, hunting Marans and sometimes the whole village can not find anything to eat anyway"

Brion nodded and then looked around, there are no people who were using some kind of vehicle to travel all of them were on the feet.

There is about 50 to 80 man in this travel and each one of them walking towards Ice-Lake to hunt some food for themselves and most likely their family.

The ones who have food in their home was not feeling bad at all or did not look like they were anxious about this day's hunt, but the ones who have no food in their home whatsoever looked like they were going to suffocate from the stress levels.

This means that failing the hunt today meaning he and his family back in the home will not going to eat food at all.

Brion inspected all of them, he understood that living is not easy for anybody at that time when the group of humans was still walking one of them yelled.

"Stop, there are Ice Tigers in the right side of us !"

As it yelled every one of them Rigar too stopped, As they stop they looked at the right side and noticed there is more than 10 "Ice Tiger" watching them from the mounds of snows.

Brion created more than 10 Bone Spears in his back of course nobody noticed what he was doing at all, they were concentrated on the "Tigers" who were looking at them for hunting them.

But the thought was the same for both side "Human Race" and "Sub-Human Race" were never preys, they were hunters too and the number was on their side, if it possible they wanted to hunt the "Tigers" for the meat too