The Mind God

144 New Mission - Frouzas - Ice-Hell - Chapter 144

As Brion shook his hands the forest cleaned and then different kinds of the building started to emerge from the ground, most of them pretty basic stone buildings, and in the middle of the area, a place like a colosseum manifested.

The colosseum was 100 meters big from end to end Brion created it with the thoughts of "Roma Colesseum" in his mind.

After about one hour later, everything was over and Brion only created the personal for the buildings.


Arnael and Sivilia gulped as they saw the changes, they felt more powerful compared the one month ago but they still could not imagine reaching the power of their master.

He created four different buildings from the stone with everything prepared already the rooms, tables, and furniture inside of them and he even created the needed personnel from the metal (Robotic Creatures)

On top of that he created an arena-like place with a strong energy barrier engulfing it, this means that nobody could harm any of these buildings or outside of the "Arena"

There are roads made up from polished stone on the ground and everything was artistic and good looking, for making something like this a normal clan needed more than 1 years and that is it only if they have enough resources for it.

But for Master Brion, it is just a shake of a hand, literally.


Brion finished creating the colosseum and then looked at the Arnael and Sivilia

"I have still work to do in other places, I already set the workers and smart robots to your commands they will listen to you and tell you anything that you two have to know, I will be back in one month to two months maybe, prepare everything and after I came back I want to see winners, if you guys work well I will be giving you tow "Gifts"

as Arnael and Sivilia heard about "Gifts" they were excited, Brion noticed this and did not speak anymore as he vanished.


Brion teleported back to his "Personal Dimension Room" as he teleported he created a drink for himself and sat on the chair, as he took a sip from the blue drink he started thinking.

"Right now, I need to go to the next dimension to improve my power further, if I kept staying at the same level I could not improve myself at all"

Brion thought within his mind. After that, he checked the new mission.

For New, Mission Please go to "Dimension – AFT435TWC525-Ic-532-53326-7343-534

Brion took a deep breath and regenerated all of the wasted energy of his and then a portal manifested in front of his eyes.

The portal was blue in the color and it is size was enough for a human to enter, it kept flickering with violent energy.

As Brion looked at the portals he noticed that in the target dimension something is a little bit wrong, but he does not understand it for the time being.

After ten to fifteen seconds of inspecting Brion took a deep breath and mind power energy activated as he entered the "Portal"


Brion stepped out from the Portal and immediately noticed that he was in some kind of world with cold.

The only thing he can see right now was snow, ice and mountains made up from the ice itself.

As Brion kept looking at the landscape, the system started giving him information.

"Dimension Name – Frouzas"

"Dimension Type – Ice World – Magical World"

"Tempature - - 40 Celsius"

Mission 1 – Find Settlement

Reward – No Reward

Punishment – No Punishment


Brion already understood that the world was pretty messed up, for normal people the temperature was enough to kill most of it is people easily, there are places in the "Earth" which the temperatures reach "40 Celsius" but still, the people from earth has machines and other things to depend on.

Brion started flying as he kept looking around, the world was maybe an "Ice-Hell" but still looked pretty good, there is no plantation whatsoever and Brion still saw ice oceans, as he kept looking he finally noticed a creature.

The creature looked like a tiger, but it is fur was completely "White" and it is eyes were ice-blue in the color, the creature was pretty fitting the place he was living.

"Ice Tiger"

"Level Continent Student 2 (Order 2)"


"Ice Breath"

Brion kept looking at the "Ice Tiger" it was slowly moving towards to north-side, which is where are the mountains are,

After about one hour later, Brion smiled as he saw some kind of settlement, it made by a being with some kind of intelligence, the houses were made up from ice and snow and as he was expecting the humans only beings he noticed was human-like creatures but with white-fur all of them.

They looked completely human but from their body except their face "White Fur" was completely emerged.

Brion thought within his mind.

"These human-looking creatures evolved to this form so that they could live in this kind of "Ice World

" White-Fur Humans "

" Innate Abilities"

"Cold Resistance"

"Ice Magic Affinity"

Brion at that time heard words of the system in his head.

"Dimension Name – Frouzas"

"Dimension Type – Ice World – Magical World"

"Tempature - - 40 Celsius"

Mission 1 – Find Settlement

Reward – No Reward

Punishment – No Punishment

- Mission Completed -

After Brion got that he completed the "Mission", the system first started to give information about the "White-Fur Humans" and then it gave him it is next mission.

Brion was waiting for the system to give him information and then the next-mission he was excited if he was going to say the truth about how